Cycle Time Reduction Planning Form

Cycle Time Reduction Planning Form

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Cycle Time Reduction Planning Form

Instructions: Use this form to help you document current methods, brainstorm for improvements, assign and implement changes, and gauge the impact of a change (the four steps to cycle time reduction).

My intention is that you use your word processor to fill in this form – as opposed to printing and writing on it. This provides the best potential entering information and making changes. If you are working with a group, it would be helpful to use a multimedia projector to display this form for everyone to see.

This is a template file that provides the general tasks required to complete a production run including tasks that occur in every cycle and tasks that only occasionally occur. You should start by re-saving this file under a different name to keep from destroying the template file.

Assuming you are targeting entire production run for improvement, we recommend that you begin by documenting every detail each step along the way. While you may be able to remember suggestions from memory – or with the help of all of your setup people, it may be wiser to record a video of a production run or two being made first to avoid missing something. While watching the video, you can easily fill in fill in this form.

We have provided some sample answers in a special font to help you recognize information you are supposed to supply. You will overwrite our sample answers. Once you get started, it should be pretty easy to follow and fill in.

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Cycle Time Reduction Planning Form

Machine/department/job name targeted for cycle time reduction:(Specify the machine, department, or job you are targeting for improvement)

Step one: Evaluate current methods

In this section, document the tasks that are performedduring a production run.

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Cycle Time Reduction Planning Form

Bottlenecks and obstacles:

When I’ve led meetings on setup and cycle time reduction myself, I have found that setup people and operators are eager to relate the problems they have. Indeed, the initial meeting can turn into a bit of a gripe session. People will be quick to list things that keep them from being able to do a good (and timely) job. And of course, many of these things are obstacles that must be addressed by your cycle time reduction program. I provide this space to document obstacles first so you can quickly find it as you go through the tasks in your cycle time reduction program. I have included some examples of what I’ve heard in past sessions, but of course, you can delete any that don’t apply – and add more of your own.

Issue one: Not enough inserts and other perishables are supplied with the job. I have to go get more during the production run.

Issue two: Operators on other shifts don’t relate the current state of the machine (insert condition, problems, etc.).

Issue three: The guys on first shift set the job up and told the first shift operator what to do. But I don’t get the same information.

Issue four: Nobody tells me which offset is related to a given workpiece surface.

Issue five: We’re not told when dull tools should be replaced.

Issue six:Operators are hoarding inserts – there aren’t any in the tool crib.

Issue seven:

Issue eight:

Organizational issues:

The level of organization in just about every area of a company can usually be improved. List any issues that may cause duplicated effort, wasted time, or anything else that lengthens the time it takes to make complete a production run. We list a few common ones. Delete them if they don’t apply and continue with your own list.

Issue one: Hand tools are all thrown in a drawer. Operators must dig around to find every needed tool.

Issue two: Work benches are cluttered, being used more as storage shelves than work areas.

Issue three: People are not putting things back where they belong. Operators must search the shop for needed items.

Issue four: Operators are sharing needed items, like certain wrenches and measuring tools.

Issue five:

Issue six:

Immediate suggestions for improvement: Frankly speaking, if this is your company’s first attempt at an improvement program, it is likely that you will find that organizational issues must be dealt with before any thing of value can be done to reduce cycle time. Indeed, many companies are so disorganized that the single-largest improvement will come from improving their organizational pit-falls. Before continuing with your cycle time reduction program, consider first solving problems with organization.

Solution one:

Solution two:

Solution three:

Other comments: Document any thoughts or comments that relate to organizational issues:

Comment one: We never want anyone having to search the shop in order to find something they need.

Comment two: We don’t want a machine sitting idle because operators share needed tools (like vise handles).

Comment three:

Gathering that is done prior to a production run:

List the items and components(if any) that are gathered and available to the operator as soon as they begin aproduction run. We list some items that are commonly gathered prior to running a job. Delete them if they don’t apply and continue listing items that are currently gathered.

Item one: Enough inserts and other perishables to get through the production run

Item two: All of the raw material to complete the job

Item three: Finished workpiece storage container

Item four: Statistical process control (SPC) reporting items

Item five:

Immediate suggestions for improvement: List components that could be gathered. Think about times when the operator must leave the machine to go get something – especially when the machine must sit idle while they do. What would have to be gathered in order for the operator to complete the production run without ever having to leave the machine?

Item one: Create better production run documentation – including information about which offset controls each machined surface.

Item two:

Item three:

Item four:

Item five:

Other comments: Document any thoughts or comments that come up that relate to gathering:

Comment one: We must get to the point that the operator can complete every production run without having to leave the machine in order to get a needed component.

Comment two:

Comment three:

Workpiece loading

This is a task that is done in every cycle. For most CNC machines workpiece loading is done manually. An operator loads one or more workpieces into the workholding device – and the machine must be idle when this task is done (so this is an on-line task). The related tasks can vary among jobs since certain jobs require more or fewer tasks to be done. Since you are trying to improve the overall task of workpiece loading, be sure to list all tasks, even though some may not be necessary in some cases. Again, we list a few common tasks to get you started. Delete them if they don’t apply and continue with your own list.

Task one: Unclamp workholding device.

Task two: Clean and debur the raw material.

Task three: Locate raw material in workholding device.

Task four: Clamp workholding device.

Task five: Tap raw material with a lead hammer to secure it.

Task six:

Immediate suggestions for improvement: While you shouldn’t dwell too long on improvements (yet), some ideas for improvement may come up as you develop this list of tasks. By all means, document them so they cannot be forgotten.

Improvement one:

Improvement two:

Improvement three:

Other comments: Document any thoughts or comments that come up that relate to loading workpieces:

Comment one: We must make sure the operator has the machine in cycle while they do certain tasks (like clean and debur raw material).

Comment two: Can we move workpiece loading off line by using a pallet changer?

Comment three:

Program execution

This is a task that is done in every cycle and is an on-line task. Everything from the time the cycle is executed (usually by the operator pressing the cycle start button) until the machine stops (and possibly a cycle completion light comes on) is included in program execution. Note that it is the machine that is performing this task, meaning that unless there is some manual intervention during the cycle, program execution time should be very consistent from one cycle to the next. We list a few common tasks to get you started. Delete them if they don’t apply and continue with your own list.

Task one: Cycle is activated.

Task two: Machining process is followed.

Task three: Tool changing – chip-to-chip time includes rapid to tool change position, spindle orient, tool change, possibly select new spindle range, start spindle, rapid to approach position.

Task four: Rapid and cutting moves for each tool.

Task five: Activation of accessory devices (M codes)

Task six: Activation of automatic doors and/or pallet changer.

Task seven: Manual intervention.

Task eight: Cycle completion light comes on.

Immediate suggestions for improvement: While you shouldn’t dwell too long on improvements (yet), some ideas for improvement may come up as you develop this list of tasks. By all means, document them so they cannot be forgotten.

Improvement one:

Improvement two:

Improvement three:

Other comments: Document any thoughts or comments that relate to making the workholding setup:

Comment one: Can we safely reduce rapid approach distance for qualified surfaces?

Comment two: Are all M codes properly interfaced?

Comment three:

Workpiece unloading

This is a task that is done in every cycle. For most CNC machines workpiece unloading is done manually and in the reverse order of workpiece loading. An operator removes one or more workpieces from the workholding device – and the machine must be idle when this task is done (so this is an on-line task). Again, we list a few common tasks to get you started. Delete them if they don’t apply and continue with your own list.

Task one: Open machine door.

Task two: Unclamp workholding device.

Task three: Remove completed workpiece.

Task four: Clean and debur completed workpiece.

Task five:

Task six:

Immediate suggestions for improvement: While you shouldn’t dwell too long on improvements (yet), some ideas for improvement may come up as you develop this list of tasks. By all means, document them so they cannot be forgotten.

Improvement one: We must ensure that the operator has the machine in cycle when certain tasks are done (like cleaning and de-burring the finished workpiece.

Improvement two:

Improvement three:

Other comments: Document any thoughts or comments that relate to unloading workpieces:

Comment one:

Comment two:

Comment three:

Other tasks that occur in every cycle

In this section, document any other tasks that are done in every cycle. Make sure you include everything you expect your CNC operators to do. Keep in mind that if you expect too much, they will become the constraint. That is, they will take longer to do the tasks you assign than the machine takes to complete its cycle. While this may be acceptable, be sure you know to what extent your machines are being held up. We list a few common tasks to get you started. Delete them if they don’t apply and continue with your own list.

Task one: Clean and debur finished workpieces.

Task two: Perform secondary operations on completed workpieces.

Task three: Perform tasks that are unrelated to the CNC cycle (like assembly work).

Task four: Run two or more machines.

Task five: Inspect finished workpieces.

Task six: Report measured dimensions to an SPC system.

Task seven:

Task eight:

Task nine:

Immediate suggestions for improvement: While you shouldn’t dwell too long on improvements (yet), some ideas for improvement may come up as you develop this list of tasks. By all means, document them so they cannot be forgotten.

Improvement one:

Improvement two:

Improvement three:

Other comments: Document any thoughts or comments that relate to other tasks done in every cycle:

Comment one: We’ve got to find ways to facilitate all of these tasks so our operators can keep up with our machines.

Comment two:

Comment three:

Sizing adjustments

This is a task that is not done in every cycle. While the operator may be measuring important workpiece attributes during every cycle, they will not be making a sizing adjustment unless a workpiece surface is trending close to a tolerance limit. Document the related tasks. We list a few common tasks related to sizing adjustments to get you started. Delete them if they don’t apply and continue with your own list.

Task one: Measure workpiece attribute.

Task two: Compare measured value to tolerance band.

Task three: If measure value is coming close to a tolerance limit, make adjustment (determine target dimension, calculate deviation from target, determine polarity, make adjustment – usually in an offset).

Task four:

Task five:

Task six:

Immediate suggestions for improvement: While you shouldn’t dwell too long on improvements (yet), some ideas for improvement may come up as you develop this list of tasks. By all means, document them so they cannot be forgotten.

Improvement one:

Improvement two:

Improvement three:

Other comments: Document any thoughts or comments that relate to program transfer:

Comment one: How do operators determine the target dimension?

Comment two: Is there anything we can do to simplify this task?

Comment three:

Dull tool replacement

This is a task that is not done in every cycle. Document what an operator must do in order to replace worn tools.

We list a few common tasks to get you started. Delete them if they don’t apply and continue with your own list.

Task one: Determine that a cutting tool is dull.

Task two: Stop the cycle.

Task three: Remove the cutting portion of the dull tool (often an insert).

Task four: Index or replace the insert.

Task five:

Task six:

Immediate suggestions for improvement: While you shouldn’t dwell too long on improvements (yet), some ideas for improvement may come up as you develop this list of tasks. By all means, document them so they cannot be forgotten.

Improvement one:

Improvement two:

Improvement three:

Other comments: Document any thoughts or comments that relate to replacing dull cutting tools:

Comment one: Are our operators replacing all inserts at the beginning of each shift regardless of whether they are dull or not?

Comment two:

Comment three:

Preventive maintenance

Many companies expect their CNC operators to perform certain preventive maintenance tasks on the machines they run. If your company does, document them here.

We list a few common tasks to get you started. Delete them if they don’t apply and continue with your own list.

Task one: Clean the machine at the beginning of every shift.

Task two: Monitor coolant level and replenish when necessary.

Task three: Monitor way lube level and replenish when necessary.

Task four: Clean or replace air/oil filters.

Task five: Inspect certain machine components (like ways).

Task six:

Immediate suggestions for improvement: While you shouldn’t dwell too long on improvements (yet), some ideas for improvement may come up as you develop this list of tasks. By all means, document them so they cannot be forgotten.

Improvement one:

Improvement two:

Improvement three:

Other comments: Document any thoughts or comments that relate to preventive maintenance:

Comment one: Do all operators know and understand what they are supposed to do?

Comment two:

Comment three:


Most companies expect their CNC operators to document certain things about what they do. We list a few common tasks to get you started. Delete them if they don’t apply and continue with your own list.

Task one: SPC reporting.

Task two: Fill in time card (documenting activities during the day).

Task three:

Task four:

Task five:

Task six:

Immediate suggestions for improvement: While you shouldn’t dwell too long on improvements (yet), some ideas for improvement may come up as you develop this list of tasks. By all means, document them so they cannot be forgotten.