School of Education

Operational Guidelines from 1 January 2013

Research Funding

The research funding guidelines are designed to assist eligible School of Education staff members who wish to apply for research support funds from 1 January 2013. The administration of these guidelines is managed by the School Research and Higher Degrees by Research Committee (RHDRC).

1. General Information

1.0  Rationale

The ERA (Excellence in Research for Australia) 2012 report has made a significant change to the Commonwealth funding arrangements for HE institutions. It is clear that these changes will mean that the School needs to build up the number of active researchers (active researchers are defined by publications, research income and HDR completions). In order to support the development of more active researchers, the School has developed the following revised research support funding guidelines.

It is essential for the School of Education to develop a research identity and profile that is promoted to all staff and students in the School, prospective students, the University and beyond. This identity is fostered by offering support to research that best develops expertise within the School and across the university.

The overall aim of these funding guidelines is to enable School of Education research active and ECR staff to engage in research to enhance the quality of learning and teaching and research within the School and to encourage staff to take research leadership roles in their areas of expertise.

1.1  Priority areas

School Executive has identified priority areas to foster research within the School. These include:

·  Curriculum & Pedagogy

·  Early Years

·  Global Cities & Sustainability

·  Technologies of Education

·  Tertiary Design for Learning

·  Urban/Social Inclusion.

These priority areas provide opportunities for staff to further develop their areas of discipline expertise gained through research. This may include such things as research oriented partnerships with industry, writing and publishing research papers in ERA 2012 listed professional journals, HERDC recognised outputs and research grants.

Applications should be aligned to the School of Education, College of Design and Social Context and/or the University priorities for the support of learning, teaching and research.

2. Submission Dates

Accepted monthly: The last week of each month – close of business.

3. Applications

·  Academic staff (0.5 and above) within the School of Education are eligible for SoE research funds

·  Applications should be typed, avoid jargon and acronyms, and include as much detail as possible. Applications are to be submitted to the Secretary, RHDRC with supporting evidence/documentation attached.

·  Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.

·  Applicants need to provide copies of all documentation relating to their research activities before funding can be provided. E.g. A copy of the paper, proof that a paper has been submitted to professional journal, evidence that paper has been published, etc.

·  Funds need to be spent within a year after the application has been approved by the School RHDRC. Please refer to Number 5 for approved expenditure.

4. Application Criteria - Effective 1 January 2013

School RHDRC will use the following criteria in approving applications:

i) Submission of an ARC Grant (Discovery or Linkage or equivalent) where the SoE staff member is the lead C1 and the application is in the name of the SoE - $500

(Pro-rata for multiple authors)

ii)  Evidence from the editor that an article to an ERA 2012 listed journal or a HERDC recognised output has been sent out for peer review - $100

iii)  Evidence from the editor of the publication of an article in an ERA 2012 listed journal or a HERDC recognised output has been published - $100

iv)  Publication of a research book chapter (sole author) recognised for HERDC reporting - $200

v)  Publication of a sole author book recognised for HERDC reporting - $500 (Pro-rata for multiple authors)

Research funds are distributed to School staff on a pro-rata basis depending on the number of authors on any publication. External authors are not funded under these guidelines.

The maximum annual allocation for an individual staff member will be $2,000. The research support budget is finite and may be exhausted before the end of a financial year. If this is the case, applications will be held over to the following year.

In approving applications, School RHDRC will endeavour to ensure that funding is widely spread between all priority areas and across the School.

5. Research Funding Expenditure Suggestions

School Executive and RHDRC has approved the spending of research funds on the following:

·  Computer/laptop/iPad (purchase through the University procedure. Please remember the asset remains the property of the School of Education).

·  Conference attendance (the applicant has discussed and negotiated the activity in consultation with his/her work team and manager/coordinator. Satisfactory arrangements have been made to cover teaching, research and administrative work during the absence of staff engaged in the activity. Relevant leave through ESS has been applied for).

·  Casual Research Assistance to facilitate preparation of ARC grants, small research grants and professional publications.

·  The purchase of educational research publications.

·  Professional Association membership (e.g. AARE, AERA, ALEA, MAV).

6. Reporting of School RHDRC Recommendations

The Secretary shall inform the applicant as soon as possible after the relevant School RHDRC meeting. Successful decisions will also be reported in the School Newsletter.

7. Fractional Time, Contract, Casual Academic Staff

·  Applications from fractional time (0.5 and above only), ongoing and contract staff will be considered.

·  All fractional staff 0.5 and above (ongoing and contract) are entitled to pro-rata funding only.

·  Contract staff shall have the same entitlements as ongoing staff after 6 months of employment.

·  Casual and sessional staff do not have any entitlements under these guidelines.

8. Global Funding Limits

Staff may apply for up to a maximum of $2000 per academic year. This is subject to the budget process of the School as a whole.

Financial support is available for both Professional Learning and Research Funding (but with different guidelines). Therefore, the maximum funding per staff member per academic year from both fund sources is a combined total of $2750.

9. Appeals Process

If the applicant is not satisfied with the outcome, s/he may appeal in writing (via email) to the Secretary, School Executive for School Executive’s consideration. The appeal should be received within one month of notification of RHDRC’s decision to the applicant.

School of Education

Application Form

Research Fund 1 January 2013

Refer to Research Fund Operational Guidelines as of 1 January 2013

Applications are to be submitted to the Secretary, RHDRC by the last week of the month. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. Late applications will be held over until the next School RHDRC meeting.

Please refer to the following web sites to check if your submission a recognised HERDC or ERA 2012 publication, and thus eligible for funding:

a.  Higher Education Research Data Collection - HERDC

b.  ERA 2012 journal listing

1. Applicant Details:

First Name: Surname:

Program: Staff Number:

Ongoing Contract Time Fraction

2. Activity for which research funding is requested:

(tick box) / Submission of an ARC Grant (Discovery or Linkage or equivalent) where the SoE staff member is the lead C1 and the application is in the name of the SoE - $500 (Pro-rate for multiple authors)
Evidence from the editor that an article to an ERA 2012 listed journal or a HERDC recognised output has been sent out for peer review - $100
Evidence from the editor of the publication of an article in an ERA 2012 listed journal or a HERDC recognised output has been published - $100
Publication of a research book chapter (sole author) recognised for HERDC reporting - $200
Publication of a sole author book recognised for HERDC reporting - $500 (Pro-rate for multiple authors)

3. Checklist:

Have you included the following relevant documents to support the application?

Verification that the journal is recognised on the ERA 2012 journal listing or as a HERDC ouput.
Copy of your article, book chapter or book table of contents.
Copy of the email/letter from journal editor/publisher acknowledging that the article has been sent out for peer review.
Copy of the email/letter from journal editor/publisher acknowledging publication. (E.g. journal, volume, issue, pages).

Applicant Signature: ______Date: ______

Research Funds 2013

Revised at School Executive 2 November 2012