Victorian Racing

Industry Fund

Program Guidelines

August 2015

Office of Racing


Victorian Racing Industry Fund

Program Guidelines

Section 1 - About the Victorian Racing Industry Fund (VRIF)

1.1 What is the Victorian Racing Industry Fund (VRIF)? 2

1.2 Where does the funding for the VRIF come from? 2

1.3 What is the objective of the VRIF? 2

1.4 Who is eligible to apply for a VRIF Grant? 3

1.5 Where can I find the application forms? 3

Section 2 - Applying for funding through the VRIF

2.1 Which stream of the VRIF should I apply through? 3

2.2 When can I apply for funding? 5

2.3 What will not be funded through VRIF? 6

2.4 Can I apply for funding for more than one project? 6

2.5 Can I claim GST as part of the funding? 6

Section 3 - Conditions that apply to applications

3.1 What procurement guidelines do I need to follow? 7

3.2 How many quotes should I include with my application? 8

3.3 Do I need to disclose potential conflicts of interest? 9

3.4 Do I need to submit a business case to support my application 9

3.5 How should the Government’s contribution to the project be recognised? 10

Section 4 - Supporting documents required as part of the application

4.1 What supporting documents should I attach to the application? 10

Section 5 - Application submission and assessment process

5.1 Where do I submit my completed application? 12

5.2 What happens to my submission once it is submitted? 12

5.3 How will my application be assessed? 12

5.4 How long will it take to find out if my application has been successful? 13

5.5 What happens if my application is successful? 14

5.6 Can I request a review if my application is not successful? 14

Section 6 - Claiming the grant funding and reporting requirements

6.1 How and when will grant money be paid? 14

Section 7 - Contact Information 15


VRIF Program Guidelines______

Section 1 - About the Victorian Racing Industry Fund

1.1 What is the Victorian Racing Industry Fund?

The renewed Victorian Racing Industry Fund (VRIF) will provide funding support to the Victorian racing industry to strengthen the sustainability and growth of thoroughbred, harness and greyhound racing.

Racing is a major economic driver for Victoria, generating more than $2.8 billion annually. More than 114,000 Victorians are directly involved in the racing industry with nearly two-thirds of all racing participants residing in regional Victoria.

VRIF funding will be provided over four years, commencing on 1 July 2015. The fund is administered by the Minister for Racing and managed through the Office of Racing, Department of Justice and Regulation.

1.2 Where does the funding for the VRIF come from?

Funding for the VRIF accrues from two sources:

-  unclaimed wagering (totalisator) dividends

-  on-course wagering (totalisator) taxes

1.3 What is the objective of the VRIF?

The objective of the VRIF is to support the long-term growth of the Victorian racing industry, thereby fostering stronger economic benefits and jobs across the state arising from racing and its associated industries.

Unclaimed Wagering Dividends

Unclaimed wagering dividends will be returned to the racing industry over four years with the following objectives:

-  continue to improve the quality and safety of racing and training infrastructure, particularly in country Victoria

-  continue to improve the standard of public facilities at Victorian racing venues

-  provide ongoing support for the breeding industries across the three racing codes

-  increased focus on the welfare of racing animals

-  support the wellbeing of jockeys and trainers and other industry participants

On-course Wagering Taxes

On-course wagering taxes will be returned to the racing industry over four years with the objective of attracting patrons to race meetings and developing sustainable growth opportunities to support the viability of the racing industry.

The Raceday Attraction Program will support projects and initiatives aimed at increasing on-course attendance at Victorian thoroughbred, harness and greyhound race meetings.

1.4 Who is eligible to apply for a VRIF Grant?

The following organisations are eligible to apply for a VRIF Grant:

-  Racing Victoria Limited

-  Country Racing Victoria

-  Harness Racing Victoria

-  Greyhound Racing Victoria

-  Association of Victorian Country Harness Racing Clubs

-  Racing clubs licensed under section 24A of the Racing Act 1958 (including HRV Management Limited (trading as Tabcorp Park) and racing clubs registered as part of the Wimmera Racing Club)

-  Racing clubs licensed by Racing Victoria Limited as a picnic racing club

-  Racing clubs licensed by Harness Racing Victoria as a graduation club

Associated racing industry bodies and stakeholders (e.g. Victorian Jockeys’ Association, Australian Trainers’ Association (Victorian Branch), Racing Analytical Services Limited) may also apply for VRIF funding, subject to written evidence of consultation and support from the relevant controlling body.

1.5 Where can I find the application forms?

VRIF Grant application forms can be found on the Department of Justice and Regulation website at:

Section 2 - Applying for funding through the VRIF

2.1 Which stream of the VRIF should I apply through?

There are four VRIF funding streams:

-  Racing Infrastructure (via application form)

-  Raceday Attraction Program (via application form)

-  Breeding and Sales (written submission with supporting documentation)

-  General VRIF Fund (written submission with supporting documentation)

Racing Infrastructure

Support for racing infrastructure is essential for the ongoing operation and growth of the racing industry and its substantial economic benefits to Victoria.

The Racing Infrastructure stream assists all three Victorian racing codes and their race clubs to improve racing and training infrastructure as well as upgrading patron facilities. At least $30 million will be provided over four years for these purposes.

Eligible projects include works that are strongly aligned with industry strategic plans and support long-term industry objectives.

Priority will be given to projects that have a matching financial contribution (50/50 split) from the applicant, which can include in-kind works from the club and volunteers and/or from other funding sources (e.g. local council, other venue users, club sponsors etc.).

Applicants seeking a Racing Infrastructure grant of $1 million or more are required to submit a detailed business case to support their application (refer to section 3.4 for details regarding business case requirements).

Raceday Attraction Program

The Raceday Attraction Program (RAP) supports initiatives aimed at increasing on-course attendance and promotion of the three racing codes. By increasing attendance and interest in racing, the industry will be better placed to continue growing into the future.

Applicants will be required to outline the expected customer experience, how the proposal is aligned with industry strategic plans and how it supports the long-term objectives of the racing club and industry to promote return attendance to race meetings.

Proposals that engage with local community organisations and sporting groups, creates links with the region and develops tourism opportunities are strongly encouraged.

Priority will be given to projects that have a matching financial contribution (50/50 split) from the applicant, which can include in-kind works from the club and volunteers and/or from other funding sources (e.g. local council, other venue users, club sponsors etc.).

Consideration may also be given to projects that develop strategic marketing plans and undertake research to improve raceday attendances and to support any projects or initiatives that grow and develop Victoria’s racing industry.

Applicants seeking a RAP grant of $1 million or more are required to submit a detailed business case to support their application (refer to section 3.4 for details regarding business case requirements).

Breeding and Sales

Victoria is a great state in which to breed, own or race a horse or greyhound. The breeding industries of all three codes provide significant economic and employment benefits to the State, particularly in rural and regional areas.

The VRIF will provide $10 million over four years for projects and initiatives that improves animal welfare and supports responsible breeding and sales practices.

As a result of Greyhound Racing Victoria’s (GRV) decision to end the current Greyhound Owners and Breeders Incentive Scheme (GOBIS), GRV will be required to work with the Government to ensure that the GOBIS funds are redistributed to initiatives to improve animal welfare programs, encourage sustainable breeding and improve the retirement and re-homing of greyhounds after racing.

Racing Victoria Limited and Harness Racing Victoria must also submit a written proposal to the Office of Racing outlining the expected benefits and outcomes of their existing owners and breeders schemes and how the proposal is aligned with industry strategic plans.

All submissions must provide evidence of consultation with the relevant owners and breeders associations.

General VRIF Fund

Projects and initiatives that support the long-term growth of the Victorian racing industry may be considered for funding from the General VRIF Fund.

Proposals that could be considered may include, but are not limited to:

-  animal welfare programs

-  participant welfare programs (e.g. jockeys and trainers)

-  integrity support

-  research programs

-  digital strategies

Proposals may be submitted by any eligible applicant, associated racing industry body or key stakeholder.

Applicants must provide a written submission that clearly outlines the expected benefits and outcomes and how the proposal is aligned with industry strategic plans. Evidence of consultation with the relevant controlling body must be provided as part of any proposal.

2.2 When can I apply for funding?

Applications can be made at any time for the following programs:

-  Racing Infrastructure

-  Breeding and Sales

-  General VRIF Fund

Raceday Attraction Program

Up to 31 December 2015, applications for the Raceday Attraction Program can be made at any time, provided the application is submitted at least 16 weeks prior to the event date.

Commencing from 1 January 2016, RAP applications must be submitted at least 6 months before the scheduled event date.

The change has been prompted from feedback provided by applicants that they need sufficient time to promote their event to a wider audience.

The RAP Advisory Committee will meet on the first Thursday of every month to review applications. Therefore applications must be submitted in accordance with the following timetable. Failure to do so may result in the application being returned.

Monthly Meeting / RAP Event Month
January / July
February / August
March / September
April / October
May / November
June / December
July / January
August / February
September / March
October / April
November / May
December / June

2.3 What will not be funded through the VRIF?

VRIF funding will not be considered for recurrent expenditure, such as day-to-day operational costs, or expenses that are considered part of an organisation’s regular and ongoing budgetary expenses (e.g. routine building or track maintenance, standard office equipment, standard raceday costs and expenses).

2.4 Can I apply for funding for more than one project?

There is no limit on the number of VRIF applications that can be made. However, a separate application must be submitted for each funding proposal.

2.5 Can I claim GST as part of the funding?

All VRIF grants are approved exclusive of GST.

GST Registered Organisations

It is important that project costs outlined in the application do not include GST.

However, applicants that are GST registered are entitled to claim the GST in addition to the approved grant amount.

If a VRIF application is approved, grant payments made to GST registered organisations will have GST added to the grant amount - provided the supplier is also GST registered.

For example, if the VRIF Grant is $10,000, the total payment will be $11,000.

(VRIF Grant of $10,000, plus GST of $1,000).

Organisations not registered for GST

Organisations that are not registered for GST are still eligible to receive VRIF funding.

It is important that project costs outlined in the application include GST.

If a VRIF application is approved, grant payments that are made to non-GST registered organisations will not have GST added to the grant amount.

For example, if the VRIF Grant is $10,000, the total payment will be $10,000.

(VRIF Grant of $10,000 with no GST).

Section 3 - Conditions that apply to all applications

3.1 What procurement guidelines do I need to follow?

All applicants that have a project or initiative funded through the VRIF must adhere to Victorian Government procurement policies and guidelines.

The ‘Public Sector Procurement: Turnings Principles into Practice’ guide was developed to assist Victorian public sector agencies with their procurement activities.

It is recommended that applicants refer to the information in this document prior to any application. The public sector procurement guide can be obtained from the following website:

Goods and Services

When purchasing goods and services, the implementation of funded projects should be guided by the Victorian Government Purchasing Board policies and processes that are available at

Building and Construction

Victorian Government Purchasing Board policy does not apply to construction and related matters, which are governed by a Ministerial direction.

Further information about procurement for construction projects is available at

Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP)

In circumstances where funding from the Victorian Government exceeds specified amounts, the Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP) will also apply to VRIF projects and initiatives.

The VIPP aims to boost employment and business growth in Victoria by encouraging companies to consider engaging local sub-contractors as part of the tender process for major projects. VIPP requirements will apply where VRIF grants are:

-  $3 million or more in metropolitan Melbourne

-  $1 million or more in regional Victoria

Where VIPP applies, successful tenders must follow the procedures as required by the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR).

Further information on the VIPP can be obtained via the following website: