Twinned with Penwortham S.A.
I. Cemetery update
II. Community Centre update
III. Lengthsman update
IV. Police and “In The Know” updates
V. Further updates
VI. Upcoming Events
The Friends of Penwortham War Memorial have recently power-washed the paving at the memorial in preparation for the Remembrance Day Parade and service on Sunday 13th November 2016. The War Memorial is now ready for this years service.
The current lawnmower used at Hill Road Cemetery has reached the end of it’s viable lifetime. As agreed at the November 2015, Strategy and Finance committee and included in the 2016-2017 budget the lawnmower will now be replaced as soon as possible.
Elsewhere at the cemetery the annual maintenance programme will continue.
The new baby sensory class has now started and is proving to be a popular attraction to the venue.
After the summer break the Job Club, Homestart, Dog Training Classes are now back to their weekly opening at the centre and the Art Club on Wednesdays and the Time4craft group on Fridays are proving very popular indeed.
The regular lunch clubs, Alzheimer’s groups, keep fit classes and slimming groups are still attracting good numbers to their events.
A number of police training days have taken place around the Kingsfold area within the last month, with new recruits being put through their paces in life like situations in and around Kingsfold and the community centre. The centre is used as a base for these training days.
Penwortham Town Council employs a Town Lengthsman whose role it is to improve the visual impact of the town. This may be simply by litter picking an area or helping an established group within the town to complete an environmental project.
The Town Lengthsman also carries out works on Public Rights of Way, usually as work ordered through Lancashire County Council but this has now changed slightly as LCC will soon not have a countryside services.
At this moment LCC have paid the initial service grant to Penwortham Town Council for low level maintenance of the footpaths throughout the town.
Any elected members or members of the public should contact Penwortham Town Council officers in the first instance should they feel works needed could be carried out by the town’s Lengthsman.
The role of the Lengthsman is to carry out works over and above the statutory obligations of the borough and county councils.
iv. POLICE “In the Know” updates
To register for “in the know” updates to receive regular information via email please go to the address below and complete the on line form.
Latest info from “in the know” updates;
There is a phishing email currently in circulation that claims to be from the City of London Police. The departments that it claims to represent include the ‘Fraud Intelligence Unit’ and the ‘National Fraud Intelligence Bureau’. The email is titled ‘compensation fund’ and has a letter attachment that claims to be offering financial compensation to victims of fraud. The letter uses the City of London Police logo.
The letter states that in order for compensation to be arranged, the receiver of the email should reply disclosing personal information. It states that HSBC and the South African Reserve Bank have been chosen to handle the compensation claims. All of these claims are false.
The email and letter are fraudulent and should not be replied to.
Do you own a bicycle? You might be concerned to know that over £1.8m worth of bicycles were stolen across the county last year.
But we want to reassure you that we've launched a campaign in response to this, which will see officers carrying out bike coding and handing out postcards with advice on how to prevent bicycles being stolen.
You can help to keep your bike safe. Make sure you:
· Never leave your bike unlocked.
· Lock your bike through the frame and the wheels.
· Use a good quality lock, such as a solid steel D-shaped shackle lock.
· When out, lock your bike to something solid like a lamppost or railings.
· If they have quick release wheels, take off the front wheel and lock it to the frame and back wheel.
· Consider getting your bike security marked. This allows the police to check who it belongs to and return it to them if it has been stolen.
· Think about taking out insurance cover for your bike.
· Register your bike for free at – the only police approved cycle database.
You might also want to watch our video with tips for keeping your bike safe. Visit
To help the prevention of bike theft, your local neighbourhood policing team are holding a bike coding event on Wednesday 2nd November at Kingsfold Community Center. We will be proving a bike coding service which will assist us in locating your bike if it is ever lost or stolen. We will also be providing crime prevention advice and property marking kits. The event is free and open to anyone who wishes to come along.
v. Further Updates;
Penwortham Neighbourhood Development Plan
Mr Nigel McGurk, the Penwortham NDP examiner has now finished his examination. The examiners report suggests a couple of minor changes to the NDP, which have now been made. The Penwortham NDP is now part of the planning documentation at SRBC. The final version of the Penwortham Neighbourhood Development Plan is available on the Town Council’s website.
The next stage of the Penwortham NDP will be a public referendum. Should over 50% of the people that turn out to vote, vote in favour of the plan then plan will then be submit to SRBC for adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document.
Tesco – Government Buildings Cop Lane
The latest information from Tesco is that they have been making amendments to their initial proposal following the consultation event and have been in touch with neighbours and the Penwortham Girls High School to discuss these amendments.
Once these plans have been finalised Tesco will submit a planning application.
Lancashire County Council Property Strategy
Lancashire County Council have now consulted on their proposal to close Liverpool Road Library, Penwortham Youth & Community Centre on Priory Lane and the Children’s centre on Martinfield Road. The proposals also include keeping open the Kingsfold Library. Following the consultation LCC have continued with the proposal to close the aforementioned properties. The reports for the closures have been considered by LCC.
LCC will now have to consider the next stage of the property strategy which is the disposal of the unwanted properties. As Penwortham Town Council have expressed an interest in the Liverpool Road Library and the Priory Lane Community Centre, LCC have asked that they be allowed to use parts of the Town Council’s business proposals in future reports to LCC members.
The Town Council are currently awaiting further news regarding these properties.
LALC AGM – Saturday 19th November.
At the Town Council meeting on Tuesday 6th September 2016 the Town Council appointed councillors Martin, Bennett, Shaw, Crewe and Prynn to attend the AGM and vote on behalf of the Town Council.
The LALC AGM is most likely going to be held at Penwortham Community Centre.
vi. Upcoming Events;
Regular Penwortham Events for 2016;
· Paint Penwortham Pink – October 2016
· Penwortham Firework Display – Saturday 5th November 2016
· Penwortham Remembrance Day Parade – Sunday 13th November 2016
· Kingsfold Christmas Market – Monday 4th December 2016
· Liverpool Road Christmas Market – Wednesday 14th December 2016
Penwortham Town Council
The Caring Council – Putting People First