Name ______English 1A

All Quiet on the Western Front

Chapter 1 Group Work

Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper working in groups of TWO only. Each partner will be responsible for handing in all questions for this assignment. POINT VALUE: QUIZ GRADE

Section 1: Pages 1-7

a. What is the narrator's attitude toward the events that occurred the night before the Second Company left the front? How did the men feel about going to war? Use a quote to demonstrate this and cite it properly.

b. On a separate sheet of paper, characterize (both direct and indirect) the following characters. You may use quotes or paraphrases.

Stanislaus Katczinsky


Albert Kropp



Paul Baumer

Haie Westhus


Joseph Behm

Section 2: Pages 7-10

1. Summarize the "latrine" discussion. What were the men so embarrassed about? How would you feel in this situation?

2. Paul juxtaposes (places side by side to show a contrast) the natural world with the world created by man. Find a quote that demonstrates this concept and explain it. Cite your quote.

3. What are the simple pleasures in life that become so vital to the soldiers in this section?

4. What is the verbal irony of Muller’s comment on p. 10, “I wish he was here”?

Section 3: Pages 10-13

a. On a separate sheet of paper, characterize (both direct and indirect) the following characters. Include page numbers if you use direct quotes.


Corporal Himmelstoss

Joseph Behm

b. What happened to Joseph Behm? Why is that an example of situational irony?

c. What is the author's attitude toward authority and adults? What is the tone of this passage? Find and copy 2 sentences that use parallel structure to develop the tone and overall theme of this novel.

Section 4: Pages 13-18

a. Both Paul and Kropp "saw red" (18). What does this mean? Summarize both events. Explain why Paul and the others usually hold back such feelings.

b. What is Paul's attitude toward the adults and authority and their effect on Kemmerich and the youth? Quote a line that reveals this belief and cite it properly.

c. Why does Paul say he and his friends are "old folk" (18)? In what way have the boys lost their innocence already?