Health Systems Strengthening Regional Forum

Social Protection in Health

for Women, Newborn, and Child Populations in LAC

Lessons Learned to Prompt the Way Forward


Tegucigalpa, Honduras

8-10November 2006

First Day, Wednesday, 08November 2006

08:30 – 09:00 AMRegistration

09:00 – 10:00 AMOpening Session

Jenny Meza,Minister of Health, Honduras

Kelly Saldaña, Senior Public Health Advisor, USAID, Washington, D.C.

Agustín Núñez Martinez,Ambassador, Embassy of Spain in Honduras

Ann Stödberg,Counselor, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Honduras

José Fiusa Lima, Representative, PAHO/WHO, Honduras

10:00 – 10:45 AMKeynote Address

Social Protection in Health for Women, Newborn, and Child Populations in LAC

Eduardo Levcovitz,Unit Chief, Health Policies and Systems, PAHO/WHO, Washington, D.C.

10:45 – 11:00 AM Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:10 AMOverview of the Structure and Goals of the Regional Forum

Priscilla Rivas-Loría,Advisor in Health Sector Reform, PAHO/WHO, Washington, D.C.



Women, Newborn and Child Health:

Social Protection in Health and the Goals of the Millennium Declaration

11:10 – 11:45PMWomen, Newborn and Child Health: Achievements and Challenges to Attaining the Goals of the Millennium Declaration


Horacio Toro, PAHO/WHO Representative, Brazil

Elsa Gómez, Regional Advisor, Gender, Ethnicity and Health Unit, Washington, D.C.

Oscar Viscarra, National Programme Officer, UNFPA, Bolivia

Moderator: Mia Rimby, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Honduras

11:45 - 12:30PM Plenary Discussion

12:30 – 2:00 PM Lunch

Panel 2:

Health Systems Strengthening Challengesto Expand Social Protection in Health

2:00 - 2:45PMSocial Protection in Health Framework

Maria Cecilia Acuña, Program Manager, Health Policies & Systems Unit, PAHO/WHO, Washington, D.C.

Health Systems Functions

Steering Role

Priscilla Rivas-Loría,Advisor in Health Sector Reform, PAHO/WHO, Washington, D.C.

Health Services Provision

José Ruales-Estupiñán, Regional Advisor in Health Systems, PAHO/WHO, Washington, D.C.

Moderator: Leon de Mezerville, Technical Adviser for Central American and the Spanish-Speaking Caribbean, International Social Security Association (ISSA)

2:45 – 3:15PMPlenary Discussion

3:15 - 3:30 PM Coffee Break


Working Group 1

Health Strengthening Challenges to Expand Social Protection in Health

and to Achieve the Health Related MDGs

A discussion guide will be provided. Participants will be assigned to one of 9working groups.

3:30 - 4:30 PM

Working Group Facilitators

•Armando Güemes, Health Systems and Services Advisor, PAHO/WHO, Honduras

•Maria Angélica Gomes, Health Systems and Services Advisor, PAHO/WHO,Nicaragua

•Christian Morales, Health Systems and Services Advisor, PAHO/WHO,Haiti

•Javier Uribe, Health Systems and Services Advisor, PAHO/WHO, Paraguay

•Carlos Gril,Advisor on Family and Community Health,PAHO/WHO, Haiti

•Fernando Amado,Advisor on Family and Community Health,PAHO/WHO, Guatemala

•Ivelise Segovia,Advisor on Family and Community Health, PAHO/WHO, Bolivia

•Luis Seoane,Advisor on Family and Community Health, PAHO/WHO, Guyana

•Elly van Kanten,Technical Officer, PAHO/WHO, Suriname

4:30 – 5:30PMPlenary Discussion

{Five-minute presentations by each Working Group and twenty minutes of questions & answers}

Moderator: Armando Güemes, Health Systems and Services Advisor, PAHO/WHO, Honduras


Second Day, Thursday, 09November 2006

Objective: To review country experiences on theexpansion of social protection in health for women, newborn and child populations in Latin America and the Caribbean.

09:00- 9:40 AM Country Presentations

Family Allowance Program - PRAF, HONDURAS

Franklin Hernández(PRAF), Honduras

Health, Nutrition and Education Program - PROGRESA, MÉXICO

José EdmundoUrquieta, National Institute of Public Health, México

09:40 - 10:00 AMQuestion and Answer Session

Moderator: Virginia Camacho, Advisor, Women and Reproductive Health Unit, LatinAmericanCenter for Perinatology and Human Development (CLAP), Uruguay

10:00 – 10:15AM Coffee Break

10:15- 11:15 AM Country Presentations

Universal Mother & Child Health nsurance – SUMI, BOLIVIA

Margarita Flores, Chief, Public Insurance Unit, Ministry of Health and Sports,Bolivia

Free Maternity Law, ECUADOR

Ninfa León, Director, Free Maternity Services Program,Ecuador

IntegralHealth Insurance, PERU

Johnny Morzán Delgado, Manager, IntegralHealth Insurance,Peru

11:15 - 11:35 AMQuestion and Answer Session

Moderator: Joaquín Molina,PAHO/WHO Representative, Guatemala

11:35- 12:15 PM Country Presentations

Mother & Child Health Protection Policy, CHILE

René Castro, Program Coordinator for Maternal Health, Ministry of Health Chile

The Family Health Program, BRAZIL

Luis Fernando Rolim Sampaio, Director, Basic Health Care Dept, Ministry of Health, Brazil

12:15 - 12:35 PMQuestion and Answer Session

Moderator: José Ruales-Estupiñan, Regional Advisor in Health Systems, PAHO/WHO, Washington, D.C.

12:35 – 2:00 PM Lunch

2:00 – 3:30PMPlenary Discussion

Moderator: Kelly Saldaña, Senior Public Health Advisor, Population Health and Nutrition, LAC, USAID/Washington DC

3:30 – 3:45PMCoffee Break

Working Group 2

Lessons Learned in Social Protection in Health

A discussion guide will be provided. Participants will be assigned to one of 8working groups.

3:45 - 5:00 PM

Working Group Facilitators:

•Armando Güemes, Health Systems and Services Advisor, PAHO/WHO, Honduras

•Maria Angélica Gomes, Health Systems and Services Advisor, PAHO/WHO,Nicaragua

•Christian Morales, Health Systems and Services Advisor, PAHO/WHO,Haiti

•Javier Uribe, Health Systems and Services Advisor, PAHO/WHO, Paraguay

•Carlos Gril,Advisor on Family and Community Health,PAHO/WHO, Haiti

•Fernando Amado,Advisor on Family and Community Health,PAHO/WHO, Guatemala

•Ivelise Segovia,Advisor on Family and Community Health, PAHO/WHO, Bolivia

•Luis Seoane,Advisor on Family and Community Health, PAHO/WHO, Guyana

•Elly van Kanten,Technical Officer, PAHO/WHO, Suriname



Third Day, Friday, 10November 2006

Objective: To generate policy options and specific strategies for countries and technical/financial cooperation agencies to implement/expand strategies for Social Protection in Health.

9:00 - 09:45 AMMoving Towards Universal Social Protection in Health

Daniel Titelman, Chief, Development Studies Unit, Economic Commissionfor Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

09:45 - 11:15 AM Lessons Learned to Prompt the Way Forward – Recommendationsfrom Working Groups

Presentations by Working Groups – 10 Minutes Each

Coffee will be available starting at 10:30am; but no specific time will be allotted.

Participants will help themselves throughout morning session.

11:15 - 12:15PMDiscussionBased on Working Groups Recommendations

Eduardo Levcovitz, Chief, Health Policies & Systems Development, PAHO/WHO, Washington, D.C.

Horacio Toro, PAHO/WHO Representative, Brazil

12:15 – 1:00PMClosing Ceremony

José Fiusa Lima, PWR/Honduras, PAHO/WHO

Kelly Saldaña, Senior Public Health Advisor, USAID, Washington, D.C.

Mia Rimby, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Honduras

Aníbal Funes,Vice Minister, Ministry of Health, Honduras

1:00 PM Lunch