Name: ______

Badminton Unit Test


A. BackhandB. BirdC. Carry

D. ClearE. CourtF. Center or Base Position

G. DoublesH. DriveI. Drop

J. FaultK. ForehandL. Match

M. RacquetN. RallyO. Serve

P. Service CourtQ. ShuttlecockR. Short Service Line

S. Smash

1. ______A series of games to determine a winner.

2. ______A shot hit deep to the opponent’s court.

3. ______A shot hit softly to fall rapidly and close to the net on the opponent’s side.

4. ______Stroke used to put the shuttlecock into play at the start of a rally.

5. ______Hard-hit overhead shot that forces the shuttle sharply downward.

6. ______Location in the center of the court to which a singles player tires to return after each shot.

7. ______another term for shuttle.

8. ______The stroke used to return a ball hit to the right of a right-handed player and to the left of a left-handed player.

9. ______Instrument used by the player to hit the shuttlecock.

10. ______The line 6 ½ feet from the net which a serve must reach to be legal.

11. ______The stroke used to return balls hit to the left of a right-handed player and to the right of a left-handed player.

12. ______An illegal stroke in which the shuttle is not hit, but caught and held on the racket before being released.

13. ______Area of play, as defined by the outer boundary lines.

14. ______A game where a team of two players play against another team of two.

15. ______A fast and low shot that makes a horizontal flight over the net.

16. ______A violation of the playing rules, either in serving, receiving, or during play.

17. ______Exchange of shots while the shuttle is in play.

18. ______Area into which the serve must be delivered.

19. ______Official name for the object that the players must hit.

Multiple Choice:

20. ______Matches comprise the best of how many games?

  1. one
  2. three
  3. five
  4. seven

21. ______15 points wins a game in?

  1. women’s singles
  2. men’s singles
  3. double events
  4. both b & c

22. ______The most common type of fault is what?

  1. shuttle is struck higher than the waist on the serve
  2. server attempts to serve and misses the bird completely
  3. a player fails to hit the shuttlecock over the net
  4. a player reaches over the net to play the bird

23. ______Singles serving court is?

  1. long and narrow
  2. short and narrow
  3. long and wide
  4. short and wide

24. ______Doubles serving court is?

  1. long and narrow
  2. short and narrow
  3. long and wide
  4. short and wide

Fill in the Blank:

25. In men’s singles or doubles events if the score reaches 14-14, the side that first

reached 14 can choose either to play to ______, or to set the game to


26. In singles play serve from the right side when the server’s score

______and from the left side when their score is ______.

27. When serving to the other team you must serve the birdie ______

across the court.

True to False:

28. ______In the classic scoring format only the serving side can score.

29. ______In women’s singles the winning team needs 11 points to win.

30. ______In the Rally Point scoring format only the serving side can score.

31. ______The Rally Point scoring format was adopted in 2010.

32. ______In Rally Point scoring teams play to 15 points.

33.______In Rally scoring at 20 all the side that gains a 1 point lead first wins.

34. ______During game play you can hit the net with your racket as long as you are making a play on the birdie.

35. ______Each person on a side can strike the shuttle once (total of two hits) before it crosses over the net.

36. ______The shuttlecock hitting the ceiling is counted as a fault.

37. ______The shuttle landing on the line is out.

38. ______When serving the shuttle must be struck below your waist.

39. ______In doubles each time the serving team scores a point, the same server serves the next serve from the other side of their court.

40. ______The serving team changes service courts only after scoring a point.

41. ______The receiving team always changes courts after a serve.

42. ______Only the player served to may receive the serve.

43. ______A shuttle hitting the net is good and play continues if all other aspects of the play is legal.

Label the Badminton Court:

A. E.

B. F.

C. G.
