A legacy of regional cooperation, a commitment to a vibrant future


District of ColumbiaBladensburg*
College Park
Frederick County
Montgomery County

Prince George’s County

Takoma Park
Arlington County
Fairfax County
Falls Church
Loudoun County
Manassas Park
Prince William County
*Adjunct member


DATE: Friday, March 16, 2007

TIME: 12:00 to 2:00pm

LOCATION: COG Board Room 3rd Floor

777 North Capitol Street, NE

Washington, DC 20002

Lunch will be available at 11:30am. The meeting will begin promptly at noon.

Call Renee Farrish at (202) 962-3343 to confirm your attendance.



(January 19, 2007)

(12:00 – 12:15pm) Terry Seamens, Chair


City of Takoma Park

2. Participation Appreciation Col. Rodney Taylor

in the Animal Services Award Director, Prince George’s

Program. Animal Management Division

(12:15 – 12:20pm)

3. Legislative Discussion and 2007 Work Plan

(12:20 – 12:40)

The committee will discuss their work plan for 2007, legislative priorities for calendar 2007 and potential legislation considered in the DC Council and Virginia/Maryland Assemblies. Some topics for discussion are:

·  Some way to support or highlight the need for economic opportunities for undereducated community members, many of whom turn to drug sales or use as a result of their inability to find a job; and

·  Sponsoring a roundtable for regional law enforcement officers to discuss ways for beat and patrol officers to improve cross-jurisdictional communications between officers on patrol.

·  Regional Gang Task force

Recommended Action: Receive Briefing and discuss next steps

4. PSPC Briefing on Community Policing Chief Tom Manger, Chair

(12:40 – 1:00pm) Oriented Policing Services (COPS)

COG Police Chiefs Committee

777 North Capitol Street, N.E. Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20002-4239

Telephone (202) 962-3200 Fax (202) 962-3201 TDD (202) 962-3213 Website: www.mwcog.org

The COPS Office was created as a result of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. As a component of the Justice Department, the mission of the COPS Office is to advance community policing in jurisdictions of all sizes across the country. Congress passed legislation authorizing COPS funding at $1.04 billion. However, congressional appropriations have been substantially less. Currently the funds at COPS are dedicated to a list of specific earmarked projects. With adequate funding, these programs may continue and original COPS programs may also be restored. Congress should fund COPS at its authorized level of $1.04 billion.

Recommended Action: Receive Briefing Approve Draft Resolution sendingto the COG Boardrequesting their support and action fromCOG's Congressional Delegation

5. Corrections Chiefs Briefing Captain Charles Wyant

(1pm-1:30pm) Loudoun County Sheriff’s


Chair of the COG Corrections

Chief’s Committee

The NCR is currently involved in the development of a NCR Evacuation and Sheltering plan.

An issue of ignificant concern that has come to the surface, is it fact that non sentenced and sentenced inmates can not be transported across state lines in the event of a local or regional emergency without the approval of the governor. In times of emergency, time is of the essence and this could be a cumbersome procedure. The committee will be briefed on the need for possible legislation to help remedy this problem and in an effort to save lives, bring the decision making to a local level.

Recommended Action: Receive Briefing and discuss next steps

6. Bureau of Prisons Briefing Andrea King-Wessels

(1:30 – 2pm) Administrator, Community

Corrections Branch

Mid-Atlantic Region

Federal Bureau of Prisons

Ron Hayes, Assistant

Administrator, Community

Corrections Branch

The committee will receive a briefing from the Federal Bureau of Prisons on the need for Community Confinement Centers in the NCR. Federal RRC or Community Confinement Centers also known as halfway houses, provide housing and a structured community-based readjustment program for criminal offenders nearing release from incarceration or serving a sentence that includes community confinement. RRCs serve two important functions: providing inmates the opportunity to use the tools they have developed in prison to rebuild their ties to the community and facilitating the supervision of inmates during their reintegration into the community and providing tools for inmates to rebuild their ties to the community. RRCs furnish several services to include employment counseling, job placement, and financial management assistance, and drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs.

Recommended Action: Receive Briefing and discuss next steps

7. Adjourn

****NEXT MEETING DATE May 18, 2007 ****

COG Board Room

Reasonable accommodations are provided for persons with disabilities. Please allow 7 business days to process requests. Phone: 202.962.3300 or 202-962.3213 (TDD). email:. For details: www.mwcog.org.

777 North Capitol Street, N.E. Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20002-4239

Telephone (202) 962-3200 Fax (202) 962-3201 TDD (202) 962-3213 Website: www.mwcog.org