Minutes of Wokingham East Bursar Cluster Meetingheld at Keep Hatch Primary School on Tuesday 23rd January 2018

PRESENT: Sian Pamely, Margaret Lucey, Donna Munday, Vandana Bloomfield and

Lynn Jones

Item / Action
1 / Apologies
Jane Bunting and Zoe Green from Evendons Primary
2 / Proposal
In light of the fact that Evendons Primary had been invited to join our Cluster, ML proposed that Montague Floreatalso be included in future meetings.
It was suggested that current Cluster members meet at 1.15 for input from VB and Evendons Primary and Montague be invited to attend from 2pm. All present agreed. / ML to approach Montague Floreat
3 / Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated and approved
4 / Dates of Future Meetings
15th May at 1.15
16th October at 1.15
Both meetings to be at Keep Hatch Primary if possible
5 / WBC Finance Update
5.6 / VBthanked those present for sending in Budget Monitoring and reminded those who have not yet sent in their reports that the deadline is 26th January 2018.
Register of Certifying Officers for All Saints is outstanding
SFVS is due by the end of March
Bursar Briefing on Thursday 8th February: Please send property issues to Education Finance. Depending on the queries, Rodney Hing will be invited to attend. Two issues raised by those present were Contract Management Charges – whether they were giving value for money and whether Property would feed back to Bursars how they feel this first year of charging had gone and whether they feel they could improve anywhere.
Traded Services details are available but not Select Services at the moment.
LJ asked when the date for Closedown will be published.
6 / Benchmarking
Prior to the meeting SP circulated a spreadsheet to compare services purchased. This had been covered earlier in the meeting
ML raised a concern about the amount of time admin staff spend doing work for Caterlink. This was discussed and all agreed this was an added burden on already overstretched staff.
7 / Castle Water
There is still an issue with Castle Water charges for some schools
8 / GDPR
8.2 / There is an issue with payroll in that Supply Teachers may not be aware that their data can be seen by anyone using Selima Payroll on the Amendment Screen. ML showed those present a draft Privacy Statement which could be given to Supply staff. ML will circulate this to those present.
There is a recommendation that Governor emails should go to a Governor email address and not a personal one. This was covered in a letter to Headteachers from David Congdon. / ML to circulate draft Privacy Statement

Prepared by LJ 23rd January 2018