Submission via

Submissions welcome by 5 May 2017

Energy Savings Scheme

Rule change idea invitationtemplate

Please complete the following form to provide us with the information we need us to assess and progress your new idea or proposed amendment during the ESS Rule change process.

  • You must complete Section 1 and Section 2, section 3 must be completed if your amendment relates to a new energy savings measure.
  • Please read all of the text provided carefullyto guide you through the document.Also keep your applications brief and concise.
  • This document should be used for description purposes only. Please also include all supporting evidence as an attachment to this document (Submissions with supporting evidence will be weighted higher than submissions without).Evidence could consist of spreadsheets with background calculations, product specification sheets or any other relevant documentation.


Date of submission
Company name (if applicable)
(if applicable)
Contact Number
Email address
Preferred method of contact
Confidentiality statement / The NSW Government will list on its website (at minimum) the ‘name’ or ‘company name’ and the relevantinformation provided in the ‘proposal section’ of the form.
In lodging a submission, parties acknowledge the NSW Government’s right to engage consultants and contractors to assist in the assessment of an application or development of a submission for inclusion in the Rule, and to disclose information (this information may have been identified as being confidential by a party) to such persons for those purposes.
If any part of this submission should be treated as confidential then please highlight the parts of the submission that you wish to remain confidential. Please also select ‘yes’ in the ‘Confidential Submission’ section below. If you do not select ‘yes’ we will assume you have selected ‘no’.
Confidential Submission / Choose an item.


New idea category
New energy savings measure not currently included in the ESS / Please define your suggested idea clearly by technology type orcategory. For example: ‘Thermally efficient windows’ or ‘Eligibility of Accredited Certificate Providers’. Please do not provide the name of a particular product only.
ESS Method
Applicable if change relates to a particular method in the ESS. / Choose an item.
ESS Sub-method
Applicable if change relates to a particular sub-method under the ESS. / Choose an item.
Sector / Choose an item
Rule Reference
Please specify what part of the Rule your submission refers to, or what part you propose your change to be included in. / For example: Clause 9.4.1(c) or Activity Definition F2…
Briefly describe your idea/ amendment
Brief description of proposed amendment/ idea. / For example: Explain what the technology doesor explain your idea.
Please justify youridea/ amendment
How will your amendment/idea benefit the ESS. / For example: explain why the installation requirements are unrepresentative of what happens in reality or how much an average home could save if the energy savings measure was implemented.


Proposed method for energy savings
Describe a typical installation and propose a methodology to calculate energy savings. / Explain how the energy savings should be calculated for a typical installation and provide any relevant equations used. Demonstrate why you think the new energy savings measure should be calculated under a project based or deemed approach. Explainwhy the methodology is appropriate for the residential and/or business sector.
Please also provide supporting evidence.
List the key variables to be considered in the method / List the key variables that should be considered to ensure the proposed method best represents the delivered energy savings.Variables may include equipment size, fuel type, relative product efficiency against similar products, product life,climate zone, type of business activity, usage of products, or human behaviour.
Estimate the average annual energy savings
Estimate the average energy savings that can be achieved for a typical installation of the proposed technology/ energy savings measure. / Please also provide supporting evidence.
Demonstrate how the energy saving measure is additional to business as usual (BAU) / Please consider the BAUuptake of the energy savings measure and demonstrate why the savings are additional to the BAU uptake. Also consider whether the energy savings proposed are likely to be affected by behavioural factors such as, manual changes in operation/ potential for easy removal of the product/ or increased energy usage of other installed devices.
Please also provide supporting evidence.
Market Potential
If possible, accurately forecast the potential energy savings for widespread adoption of the energy savings measure in NSW. If necessary separate metro and regional penetration. / Please also provide supporting evidence.
List all existing product standards which support the claims for energy savings, if applicable
Describe existing standards that underpin quality assurance and/or performance of a specific technology or upgrade measure. / These could be Australian Standards, recognised or widely used international standards, or standards and tests used as the basis of certification schemes in Australia or other countries.For example: the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS).
Where defined standards do not exist, discuss how quality/performance expectations can be validated. For example: provide a proposed outline of a standard approach for assessing the energy performance of the activity.
Please also provide supporting evidence.
Health and safety
Identify any safety or occupational health and safety risks/ issues generated by the energy savings measure. Please list any options to address these issues. / Please list any options to address these issues, e.g. consider relevant training, qualifications, licensing or certification relevant to the proposed activity including any (proposed or existing) mandatory requirements.
Please also provide supporting evidence.
Ensuring savings are valid
Please explainhow energy savings can be easily verified on-site, how to ensure the delivery of high-quality upgrades, andhow to protect the integrity of the Scheme. / Please consider how a robust compliance regime can be assured, whilst minimising red tape and administrative burden. Take into consideration the following: the eligibility of a technology or upgrade measure (must be a gas boiler), the requirements for the original or new End-User equipment (new equipment must have the same capacity or larger as removed equipment) and the requirements of the installation (must be installed by a licenced gas installer).
Please also provide supporting evidence.
The estimated cost of implementing the energy saving measure (capital and installation costs). / Please also provide supporting evidence.
List all the benefits for including the idea/ amendment in the Scheme. / For example: The estimated energy savings and total number of installations possible in NSW annually. The Potential for product or service innovation, or industry development, including likely investment or employment creation. Or Consistency with similar schemes in other jurisdiction.
Please also provide supporting evidence.
List all of the challenges with including the idea/ amendment in the Scheme. / Please identify the issues the change may make and propose reasonable mitigation strategies, if possible.
Please also provide supporting evidence.
Other comments
Please list anything else not covered by the above fields.