______“Measuring Dynamics” ______

What is it?

·  Integrated management web system

·  Statistically-based, predictable and reliable assessment instruments

·  Practical, fast, business-driven, measurable results

·  Designed for:

o  Hiring/promoting/career pathing accurately and quickly

o  Mentoring/retention of high performing people

o  Improving communication/understanding among team members

How does it operate?

·  5 minute assessment instruments – ProScan, JobScan, Mentoring, TeamScan

·  Results

* ProScan: Identifies strengths, energy level, energy drain, motivators, stress, satisfaction,

communication/management styles, logic, needs, back-up styles, etc.

* JobScan: Creates a job model by identifying behaviors needed for success in a position

Matches applicants to job model

Provides behavioral interview guide based on match of applicant to model

* Mentoring: Mentoring process develops effective communication between manager and employee;

resulting in a more motivated, satisfied and results oriented employee and skilled manager

* TeamScan + Power App Sessions: Provide data and opportunities for team members to explore their

perceptions, interactions, ideal communication and decision making styles among team members

so results are achieved quickly

What is the data that demonstrates validity?

Due to Professional DynaMetrics Programs' early research methodologies and sound research practices, the test/retest reliability has shown to be in the 90% range. For you as a user, the real proof is that in field testing, 96% of the over three million people surveyed since 1977 agree that their profiles are accurate.

PDP research strictly follows guidelines, standards and principles of the American Psychological Association as well as the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology for validating personnel selection procedures.

PDP complies with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

·  University of Colorado/Denver – Independent Validation and Disparate Impact Studies prove compliance with EEO and ADA

·  ProScan and JobScan meet all legal requirements (R. Craig Scott & Associates, Labor & Employment Law)

·  Meets all EEO and ADA requirements for fairness and non-discrimination

·  Independent Validation Study of Predictive Validity for job success. A job-related process

·  Original research population of working adults. N=1024

·  Coefficients of reliability above .94 for all factors

·  Administration of non-intrusive 60 word stimuli of self-descriptive adjectives – 5-10 minutes

·  Corporate Website for more detailed PDP information:

·  Additional Information: Your PDP Representative: Nancy Kelly(719) 599-9272

·  Email: Websites: or

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