Jotmans Hall Primary School
Supporting Children with Behaviour, Emotional & Social Difficulties
Approved by the Full Governing Body
Summer Term 2010
Supporting children with Behaviour, Emotional and Social Difficulties
To support those children who have BESD the school uses a variety of approached:
· Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL)
· SMART Thinking
· Promoting Positive Behaviour: The Essex Approach
· A Nurture Group
The aims of these strategies are to support the inclusion of the most vulnerable pupils in the school – those with BESD and to ensure that these pupils are given the best opportunity to be successful with and alongside their peers. In order to do this their strengths must be understood, highlighted and built upon, at all levels of support: whole school, class, groups and individual.
The Code of Practice provides a framework to support children with BESD. The stages of assessment identified in the code present a framework for schools to respond to the continuum of children’s needs. Therefore the school recognises that any child may have BESD either throughout or at any time during their school career.
The school also recognises that as well as a continuum of need there is a continuum of emotional and/or behavioural difficulties. This continuum can be summarised in the following points.
1. Minor inappropriate behaviours such as talking out of turn and testing established boundaries.
2. One-off occasional incidents.
3. Behaviour that can be easily modified within the environment in which it occurs.
4. Persistent or substantial inappropriate acting out or withdrawn behaviour.
5. Behaviour that will take considerable time to modify within the environment in which it occurs.
6. Seriously uncooperative or withdrawn behaviour which frequently impairs the normal development and quality of life for the individual, their peers and those charged with their care and control.
By following a whole school approach the school recognises that points 1 to 3 will be alleviated in the majority of cases.
As individual behaviour does not happen in a vacuum certain strategies may include changing the classroom environment for example
1. Regrouping groups.
2. Making groups smaller.
3. Changing seating arrangements.
4. Considering how instructions are given.
5. Providing a checklist of equipment the pupil may need.
6. Introducing a visual task sheet.
7. Teaching and rehearsing appropriate routines.
8. Giving early warnings about changes in routine.
9. Give me 5 procedures.
10. Hand signals.
Raising Self-esteem.
1. The boast board
2. Achievement mobiles.
3. The most important person in the world.
4. Riddles
5. Smile contest
6. Star of the week/day
7. ‘All about me’ booklet
8. The friendly box
9. Circle time / golden time
10. Parachute games
11. Gold awards
Exploring feelings and supporting conflict resolutions
1. ‘My monsters’ and ‘Clowns’
2. Travel sheets
3. Castaway
4. Animal sheets, Masks, Worrying adults
5. Duck and Seal – Thermometers and Pass cards
6. Conflict resolution – The 5W’s and The Video strip
Improving social communication skills and encouraging friendships
1. A class friendship book / discovery book
2. A friendship tree
3. Making friends activities
4. Telephone activities
5. Assertive responses to name calling activities
6. Celebrating differences activities
7. Strategies fro playing games successfully
8. Role-play
Advice on these strategies can be found in ‘Promoting Positive Behaviour: The Essex Approach’ and SMART Thinking.
By using the Essex Stages of Assessment and SMART Thinking the school aims to bring about change in points 4 to 6.
If a Teacher considers the behaviour of a child to have reached point 4, they need to request permission from the Child’s Parents or Carers (Appendix 1 – Inclusion Policy), to ask for advice and support from the Inclusion Manager. The Teacher also needs to complete Appendix 2 – Inclusion Policy)
The following information can used by the Inclusion Manager and Class Teacher to identify the support a child needs:
1. Foundation Stage Profiles.
2. Class Teachers records of learning and A4 APP grids
3. P scale Assessing Pupil progress Grids for reading, writing and mathematics (Appendix 3 – see Inclusion Policy)
4. Checklists for Speaking and Listening, Attention. Independent and Organisation Skills, Social and Emotional Development. (Appendix 4 – See Inclusion Policy)
5. Key Stage 1 SATS results
6. A3 Assessing Pupil Progress grids, termly assessment data and Target Tracker data.
7. Boxhall Profiles (Appendix 5 – see Inclusion Policy)
8. EBSD observation sheets (Appendix 6)
9. Reading and Spelling Ages
10. Speech and Language Checklists – SALF and SPALT. (Appendix 7 – see Inclusion Policy)
11. Fine and gross motor skill assessments / Handwriting assessments
12. Reports from Outside Agencies and MAAG.
13. SENCAN threshold grids for placing a child on ESA / ESA+ and SIP (Appendix 8)
Essex School Action
A Child is placed on Essex School Action if they have been receiving differentiated learning opportunities and they:
· Presents persistent emotional or behaviour difficulties that are not moderated by the behaviour management techniques usually employed in the school.
· Is frequently (daily) moderately disruptive within the classroom.
· Has difficulties with concentration, organisation, and task-focused behaviour.
· Whose own learning and that of others is affected by the child’s behaviour.
· Who has low self-esteem – difficulty in offering praise or encouragement to peers, placing little value on own work or that of others.
· Whose behaviour is significantly withdrawn – refusing to take part in group activities, frequent solitary play, occasionally (less than weekly) appearing upset.
· Who has difficulty with the language of feeling.
· Who has difficulty managing behaviour in emotional situations.
· Who experiences difficulty in their relationships – frequent (daily) challenging of adults and children, difficulties with social communication skills, including forming and maintaining friendships, difficulties with social skills, with adults and/or
· peers
Placing a child on Essex School Action Plus
Where a child has a Behaviour, Social and Emotional Difficulties and:
· Their behaviour takes considerable time to modify within the environment in which it occurs;
· Within the classroom they have difficulties with concentration, organisation, and task-focused behaviour. If they need adult support to organise tasks and equipment and usually sustains work for less than ten minutes (or less for younger children);
· There are significant discrepancies in academic performance – their verbal contribution is at a higher National Curriculum Level than written work, their performance is better in practical than literacy-based activities, their reading age is below the expectation for their age;
· There is continual (more than twice per day), moderately disruptive behaviour in large or small groups.
· They have low self-esteem – difficulty in accepting praise or finding good things to say about themselves, placing little value on their own work or that of others, reluctance to recognise difficulties, difficulty offering praise or encouragement to peers;
· They have weekly non verbal expressions of emotions – refusing to speak to others for long periods of time, running away from or to certain places when upset and or minor self-harm, irrational fears, significantly with drawn behaviour;
· They have difficulty with relationships – seriously uncooperative or withdrawn behaviour, very frequent inappropriate challenging of adults and children, behaviour which frequently puts the safety of self and others at risk, difficulty in making and maintaining relationships, a victim or perpetrator of bullying, difficulties with peers, difficulties in applying rules and turn taking, difficulties with conventions of politeness, too much or too little eye contact, invading others body space, inappropriate or unsuccessful social interaction, isolation from peers, sometimes needing adult support with group activities, daily solitary play, frequently seeking social and / or emotional support from adults.
· Where a child has a disability and the support needed is of a greater level than the support provided at Essex School Action.
If a child is to be supported through the Essex Stages of Assessment, the Class Teacher, Inclusion Manager and Parent/Guardian will meet to discuss:
· The child’s placement on ESA or ESA+
· The support to be provided through Provision Mapping, an Individual Education Plan, Healthcare Plan or Nurture Group Plan. If a child has a physical disability, their needs will be met through a Healthcare Plan.
· The objectives and strategies to be used to support the child.
· Support from Outside Agencies
A child’s Individual Education Plan or Health Care Plan only records that which is additional to or different from the differentiated curriculum plan, which is in place as part of provision for all children.
Specified Staff will discuss the pupil’s assessment results with the pupil plus the targets and strategies.
Depending on the evolving maturity of the pupil, they will be invited to the planning and review meetings with their Parents/Guardian and encouraged to voice their opinion.
Where a child with identified SEN/LDD is at serious risk of disaffection or exclusion a Pastoral Support Plan will be instigated. The Pastoral Support Plan is not used to replace the graduated response to special educational needs.
Looked After Children will have their own Personal Education Plan.
Reasonable steps are taken to identify children with BESD as soon as possible and to provide appropriate learning support.
The following pages contain the following information.
· Individual Education Plans
· Nurture Group Plans
· Pastoral Support Plan
Procedures for supporting pupils with BESD
Individual Education Plan are displayed on the next 3 pages.
Jotmans Hall Primary School – DCSF 5211
/ Name: / ESA / ESA+ / SIPYear: / D.O.B: / Teacher:
Date placed on SEN Register and Stage:
IEP started: / Review:
NC levels see attached sheet.
Provision Map attached. / Main areas of concern: Cognition and Learning / SLD / MLD / PNI / Sensory and or Physical / SEBD / C&I / Fine & Gross Motor Skills / Memory & Processing Skills / Literacy / Numeracy / Other :
SMART Target / Criteria / Interventions / Support
(Small, measurable, achievable, realistic timed) / Based on Provision Map Intervention List.
Specific resources
See Appendix 13 and 14 for interventions and resources / Frequency and staff who are to provide support
Child’s view:
Parent/Carer’s view:
Staff Present
Outside Agencies:
Jotmans Hall Primary School – DCSF 5211
Nurture group
/ Name: / ESA / ESA+ / SIPYear: / D.O.B: / Teacher:
Date placed on SEN Register and Stage:
IEP started: / Review:
NC levels see attached sheet.
Provision Map attached. / Main areas of concern: Cognition and Learning / SLD / MLD / PNI / Sensory and or Physical / SEBD / C&I / Fine & Gross Motor Skills / Memory & Processing Skills / Literacy / Numeracy / Other :
SMART Target / Nurture group. / Criteria / Interventions / Support
Targets to be taken from Boxhall Profile / Nurture Group Strategies
Child’s view:..
Parent/Carer’s view:
Staff Present:
Outside Agencies:
Pastoral Support Plan
Jotmans Hall Primary School – DCSF 5211
/ Name: / ESA / ESA+ / SIPYear: / D.O.B: / Teacher:
Date placed on SEN Register and Stage:
PSP started: / Review:
NC levels see attached sheet.
Provision Map attached. / Main areas of concern: Cognition and Learning / SLD / MLD / PNI / Sensory and or Physical / SEBD / C&I / Fine & Gross Motor Skills / Memory & Processing Skills / Literacy / Numeracy / Other :
SMART Target / Criteria / Interventions / Support
(Small, measurable, achievable, realistic timed) / Based on Provision Map Intervention List.
See Appendix 13 and 14 for interventions and resources / Frequency and staff who are to provide support
Child’s view:
Parent/Carer’s view:
Staff Present
Outside Agencies:
BSED Procedures.
SEN Procedures - Stage 1 – Social, Emotional and Behaviour Difficulties - Stage 2 – ESA / PSP - Tier 1
SEN Procedures - Stage 1 - Social, Emotional and Behaviour Difficulties - Stage 3 – ESA+ / PSP – Tier 2
SEN Procedures - Social, Emotional and Behaviour Difficulties - Stage 4 – ESA+/SIP/PSP – Tier 2 & 3
Outside Agencies
Jotmans Hall Primary School works closely with a range of outside agencies.
The Canvey Community Centre Anti-bullying support groups come in once a year to work with specific years. We can call on support from this organisation is we need support with anti bullying.
We have signed up to the Essex Approach for anti-bullying. See anti-bullying file for more detail.
When necessary the school will put parents in touch with other agencies, who have specialist knowledge, e.g. Child and Family Consultation Service, Local Parent Support Groups, Health and Social Services, Education Welfare, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, The Trouble Tree, School Counsellors, Behaviour Support,. When necessary the school will seek advice from specialist outside agencies about individual pupils, with the parent’s permission.
· Tier 1 Services e.g. – School Nurse, GP, Education and Welfare, Speech and Language Therapy, Hearing Impaired, Visually Impaired, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Services, Health Services, Listening Partner, School Counselling Service, Local Parent Support Groups, Specialist Teacher Services.
· Tier 2 Services for example – The Trouble Tree, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, Behaviour Support
· Tier 3 Services – Child and Family Consultation Services, Social Care
If a Parent/Carer and Child needs to be referred to one Tier 2 and 3 agency a Common Assessment Form is completed with a Parent/Carer.
When a CAF is completed the school nominates a person as the Lead Professional until otherwise decided by the MAAG.
If a Parent/Carer and Child needs to be referred to more than one Tier 2 and 3 agency a CAF is completed with a Parent/Carer and sent to the MAAG.
The Educational Psychology Service operates a drop in meeting once a month for schools to attend. At these meetings advice and guidance is given to the School concerning support that can be given to a child. Visits by the Educational Psychologist to assess a child are arranged.
Support can also be obtained by the following websites:\antibullying
Safe Guarding
The Behaviour Policy follows the procedures and guidelines set out in the School Safe Guarding Policy.