Creative Writing - Macbeth

Script write a eulogy given after the death of Macbeth presented by a

compassionate friend who abhors Macbeth's acts yet is desperately trying

to understand the motives for what he has done.


Compose a series of news stories relating:

1. the murder of Duncan and the killing of the guards

2. the coronation of Macbeth

3. the Macduff family slaughter

4. Malcolm's return to Scotland

Be sure for this assignment that there is strict adherence to the

journalistic 5 W's (and H).

Macbeth Plot Summary


In the first act, two Scottish generals, Macbeth and Banquo, have just stopped a revolt against the King of Scotland, Duncan. The two generals are on their way back to the King´s palace in Forres. On their way, they are met by the sudden appearance of three witches.

The witches tell Macbeth that he will not only be Thane of Glamis, but he will also become Thane of Cawdor and later, King of Scotland. The witches also tell Banquo, that his sons will be kings, but that he will never rule.

Later, Macbeth finds out, that the King has commanded the death of Thane of Cawdor, because he is a traitor. Macbeth learns, that he will be given the title of Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth begins to play with the idea, that he might be able to fullfill the prophecy of the three witches by using force.

Duncan, the King of Scotland, is spending the night at Macbeth´s castle in Inverness and Lady Macbeth wishes to do away with him. Macbeth is afraid to do this, but Lady Macbeth persuades her husband to murder Duncan during the night.


Macbeth uses the dagger belong to his servants to kill Duncan. He does this to avoid suspicion. However, because he is so nervous about doing this, he forgets the dagger in the King´s bedroom and Lady Macbeth must finish the task alone.

Lady Macbeth is confident, that they have succeeded without anyone finding out, who has killed the King, but Macbeth feels that their troubles have just begun.

When the murder is discovered, the King´s son, Malcolm, is afraid for his own life and decides to leave Scotland for England. He is afraid of being murdered too, because he is the eldest son of the old King and heir to the thrown. The other son leaves for Ireland. Since they leave, it is believed that they are the ones who planned the murder of the King. Macbeth is made king instead.


Macbeth is now satisfied with his new position. However, he is now haunted by the three witches other prophecy to Banquo. He is afraid that Banquo´s son, Fleance, will one day rule as kings in Scotland.

To make sure this does not happen, Macbeth hires murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance, Banquo´s only son. Macbeth has invited the two to a banquet and the murder is to take place while they are on their way to the castle.

While the other guests are being seated at the table, one of the murderers reports to Macbeth, that Banquo has been killed, but Fleance has escaped. When Macbeth takes his own place at the table, he speaks of his regret that Banquo can not be there. When he then looks at the empty seat, where Banquo was to sit, Macbeth is terrified to see, that his chair is occupied by the bloody ghost of Banquo instead.

None of the other guests can see the ghost. Macbeth becomes hysterical and Lady Macbeth must send the guests away. Macbeth fears what the future will bring. He arranges a meeting with the witches.


Macbeth meets with the three witches. They warn him to beware of Macduff, the Thane of Fife. He is disloyal to Macbeth. The witches also assure him that he is safe until Birnam wood moves to Dunsinane and that no man born of woman will ever be able to harm him.

However, Macbeth is still haunted by a new ghostly sight. The sight of a line of eight kings followed by the ghost of Banquo. Macbeth believes that this image or sight is to tell him that Banquo´s children and family will one day rule Scotland.

Macbeth then learns that Macduff has fled Scotland and gone to England. Macbeth storms the castle of Macduff and orders the killing of Macduff´s wife and children.

Macduff has difficulties convincing Malcolm, that Malcom can trust Macduff. When they find out that Macduff´s family has been massacred, Malcolm invites Macduff to join the army he will use to invade Scotland.


Lady Macbeth has gone mad from fear and guilt. She walks in her sleep and she tires to wash away the blood, she imagines she still has on her hands. Her doctor can not help her.

Macbeth is now confused and nervous. He is waiting for the invasions at his castle, Dunsinane Castle. However, he still believes what the witches have told him. He is full of fear and horror.

When he is told that his wife has died, he does not seem to care. Life seems to signify nothing for him. Later he is told, that Macduff and Malcolm are invading Dunsinane. They are camouflaged by branches from trees from Birnam Wood. Macbeth is worried about this, because of what the witches had told him, but his worry does not last long.

When the battle begins at the castle, Macbeth comes face to face with Macduff, whose family Macbeth has killed. Macbeth tells Macduff, that he can not die, unless he is killed by one not born of woman. Unfortunatly for Macbeth, he is told by Macduff, that he was not born naturally, but cut out of his mother.

Macbeth then loses all hope and although he fights Macduff, Macduff cuts off Macbeth´s head and is proclaimed King of Scotland.