Environmental Science2013-2014
Ms. Wallin, Room 209,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you not only tomy class, but the start of a new semester. This course is designed to provide you with a sufficientknowledge inEnvironmental Science and current real world issuesto aide you in your future endeavors. I am very excited and optimistic for the semester to begin and tostart the experiences we have with each other.
1.Mandatory Materials *preparedness is graded daily and during notebook checks
- 1-2” Binder with lined paper- worksheets will be needed to be kept with class notes
- OPTIONAL: Binder dividers- Notes & Worksheets, Labs & TISN, and Tests/Quizzes.
- 1 AdditionalFolder: You may not always have time to hole punch all papers
- THIS SYLLABUS in your binder
- Pen or Pencil everyday
- Planner or small notebook to record assignments and due dates
- 1 textbook kept at home
Major Assignments50% of Grade / Minor Assignments
35% of Grade / Homework
15% of Grade
Lab Reports
Notebook Check / Lab Sheets
Class Activities
Today, in Science News current event / General Homework
Pop Quizzes
Exit Quizzes
Group/Cooperative Work
- Students must create a Gmail account—the class will use Google Documents as an important resource
- Grades are posted on the online database frequently. It is your responsibility to check to website to monitor your grade status.
- Homework – is expected to be on time and complete to standards. Failure to comply will result in a Zero or reduction in points.
- You may not run to your locker if you forget your homework. Choose to be late or choose to take a zero—focus on being prepared for each and every class
- Not accepted late
- Labs and Projects
- LATE: If turned in at any point after the due time (5min after collected, at the end of the period, lunch, afterschool, or next day)
Penalty: Day 1 -10pts, 2 days late -20pts, 3days late -30pts (not accepted after day 3)EXTRA CREDIT: will not be offered. I would rather you spend your time and effort studying the concepts and vocabulary
*you are not entitled to “make up work” or “extra credit” if you chose to not do the assigned work*
4.Classroom Procedures
- Take a Seat Quietly (remove hats, iPods, hoods, and place backpacks underneath lab desks)
- Start the Do Now
- Late?—do not disturb class when walking in
- Excused put your pass in the Tardy Clipboard quietly
- Unexcused Sign in (3 unexcused lates = 1 class absence/late 10min or more= a cut)
- Have your Homework on the corner of your desk. If I don’t see it when I walk around, it is a zero. You may not go to your locker to get your notebook or homework (double check before entering the room).
- When you hear “Ladies and Gentlemen..”, stop what you’re doing, be quiet, and look at Me
- Need the Bathroom?– raise your hand and put up 3 fingers. Wait for me to acknowledge you, and then sign out.
- Need to throw something out?- put it aside on your desk, and wait for the end of the period
- During Labs and Dissections– Wait for and FOLLOW ALL direction, and ONLY the directions. Questions during the lab? Ask your partner, your lab table, and then me. READ THE PROCEDURE!
- No premature packing up-- Period is over when you hear “Have a Good Day”, not the bell
- These are lab stools, not chairs, if you are uncomfortable, feel free to quietly and casually readjust yourself. If you cause a disturbance you will be penalized.
- If you can’t see the board, you may move yours stool quietly and without disturbance. However, if you talk or disturb to others around you, you will return to your original seat.
- If you have free time, be prepared to work on your homework or begin reading the next chapter
5. Absence Policies -I will not find you, you must contact me BEFORE or AFTER class about your missed work
- Gather from neighbor (without making a disruption)on the day you return to school
- Homework:
- If you are absent, you have 1 day to make up the assigned homework from your missed class
- Tests/Quizzes
- If you are absent for a TEST, you have 3days to make it up. Student must contact me within those two days if he or she cannot make up the test within that 2 day span (in person or by email). If no attempt is made to make up the test within 2 days after absence, grade will result in a Zero.
- If you are absent for a QUIZ, you have 2 day to make it up. If student does not see me the following day after a missed quiz, grade will result in a Zero.
- Make up Tests or Quizzes will NOT be given during class time. They will only be offered before or after school, during lunch, or (if scheduled with me first) in the morning.
- Labs/Projects
- If a lab or project is missed due to an absence—you must see me after you return for an alternative assignment. If you do not see me the day after your absence, your project grade will result in a Zero.
**See me EARLY! I you know you’re going to be out ahead of time**
6.Discipline Steps
- Verbal Warning
- Written up in School Database- referred to Vice Principal
- 30min Teacher Detention
- 2hour Friday Central Detention
- Parent Meeting
- Suspension
- Parent-Student Meeting with Administrators
I look forward to an effective, successful, and enjoyable year together!
Ms. Wallin
Room 209A, EXT. 3209,
By signing this, I have read, acknowledge and agree to the polices listed on the syllabus.Student Signature:
Parent Signature:
Date: ______/ Contact Information Card
Student Name: / Student Email Address:
Parent Name(s):
Parent, Please circle your preferred contact information / Parent Phone Number:
Cell Phone
Home or Work Phone
Parent Email Address:
Today, in Science News… current event!
GOAL: Consider yourself a research reporter analyzing and presenting a scientific finding
DUE every 1stFriday of the month, first thing when you walk into class or in my email by 8:00am. You may even take some time in the beginning of the week and complete all of the marking periods TISN assignments.You can turn in one or many articles in EARLY!
Internet / Print or Media*You may only choose an article written within the last 3 months, if you find one outside of that timeframe, contact me for permission* /
- National Geographic or other Science magazines
- Newspaper
- TV Show- ask me BEFORE Thursday night about a show you
- saw and if you can use it for your article, I will respond as
- soon as possible to give you permission or not. (Start watching
- NatGeo, NatGeo wild, Discovery, Discovery Sci)
**If you have trouble accessing internet, feel free to ask me for an article. I will gladly copy you some of the interesting articles I have come across.
- 3 Paragraphs (4-6 sentences each)- see requirements above
- 1 Quote- Must include at least 1 quotation (a statistic or well written statement from the author).
- Sources:-Quotation and the Article must be cited in MLA style. GO TO: click MLA 7th, Online Journal Article,and plug in your sources’ information.
- I prefer typed work, but it must be printed OR emailed by 8am Friday Morning. You may also NEATLY hand write your work.
*There will be about 10Today, in Science News—these alone are roughly 25-30% of your grade*
Lab Report Format
Partner’s Names
Date Lab was Done
Title of the Lab in the Center of the Page (5 Points)
Title must be specific, not “Plant Lab”
Introduction (25 Points)paragraph form
-Purpose of the lab
-3+ sentences of background information about the topic-- define important terms and relate the terms to the lab’s purpose
-State Hypothesis (“My hypothesis is that if.., then…, because” Format)
Procedure (10 Points)numbered
-Explain how to complete the lab from start to finish
-Write it so that someone who is not familiar with science can copy the experiment
-Write as directions (not, “I did this, then we did this”)
Data (20 Points)
-Create a computer madeData Table & Graph of your recorded data (must be well labeled)
-Graph can be made in Excel or Google Drive “Spreadsheet”
-Title and label all parts of both the charts and graphs (label all units!)
Analysis Questions (15 Points)numbered
- Write Lab Questions and Answer questions in full sentences
- Ex: 1. What plant grew the least after the 10 days?
The plant that grew the least in the 10 days was Plant B and it grew to 10cm.
Conclusion (25 Points) paragraph form
-State the final conclusion of your lab
-In detail and using exact numbers from your data, explain your the results of your lab’s data (noting significant numbers and trends)
- Refer to the titles of your data charts/graphs when stating the numbers and trends
- Ex. “The plant that had the maximum growth was Plant A with a height of 30cm, followed by Plant C with a height of 20cm, and lastly, Plant B grew the least with a height of 10cm. The average height of the 3 plants was 20cm.
-Was your hypothesis correct? Explain.
-State and explain any lab errors that could have interfered with the results of the lab
-Is there anything that you would do differently if you could repeat this lab?
Formatting: typed, 1inch margins, 12pt font, no crazy fonts
*Due 1 WEEK after lab was completed in class, Printed or in my email by 8am on due date*
Lab Reports are MAJOR Assignments- Be as Thorough and Scientific as possible (50% of your grade)
How your Lab Reports are Graded
Lab Report RubricMax Points / Requirements / Comments / Your Score
5 / HEADER / Title should be more specific, ex. “The Effect of Nitrogen on Plant Growth”, not “Nitrogen and Plants” / 4
X / Header on Right Side
X / Name
X / Partner Names
X / Block
X / Date Due
Title is accurate
X / Title Centered
x / Title Bold
25 / INTRODUCTION / Term definitions weren’t accurate or enough detail / 20
X / Purpose of the lab stated
X / Background information about lab (3+ sentences)
x / Terms that relate to the lab are defined
x / Hypothesis (If, then, because)
10 / PROCEDURE / 10
X / Numbered
X / Explain how to complete the lab from start to finish
x / Written as directions
20 / DATA / X and Y Axis are not labeled, no units listed / 16
X / Computer made Chart
X / Titled
X / All Borders
X / Bold Headers
X / Centered
X / Units Listed
X / Computer made Graph
X / Required Type (bar, line, scatter, pie)
x / Title
Y axis labeled
X Axis Labeled
Units listed
15 / ANALYSIS QUESTIONS / Question #3 is wrong / 13
X / Post Lab questions refer to question, or questions are listed
X / Answers are written in full sentences
Answers are accurate and relate to data
25 / CONCLUSION / 20
X / Give the results and explain what they mean
X / State significant data results and explain why it's significant
Referred to graph titles
x / Hypothesis assessed
Lab errors listed