National Championship Race

RGO – Submission Form


Race Giving Organisations

Submission Form

1.0 Introduction

The following form is to assist RGOs with their application to host the National championship race as part of the Australian Sled-Dog Sporting Association’s (ASSA) competition calendar.

The form will outline the minimum criteria for holding the event as well as allow RGOs to express why they would like to be considered for hosting the event.

2.0 Purpose

This form will be used by:

  1. ASSA as an objective process to determine which RGO will be invited to host this event in a calendar year based upon the submission.
  2. Where there is more than one RGO applying to host this event, the RGO with the strongest submission will be awarded the event subject to Committee’s selection criteria.
  3. RGOs to plan for this race so that they run a successful event.
  4. ASSA to ensure the race is hosted in a way in which will promote Sled Dog Racing in Australia in a professional manner.

3.0 Instructions

RGO must be affiliated with ASSA to host the National race.

Form is to be completed by Race Giving Organisation (RGO) and returned to ASSA Secretary before closing date for submissions in order to be considered for hosting the following year’s event.

ASSA will advise all RGO’s that have nominated to host the National Championship Race the outcome of their decision at the completion of the decision process. ASSA aims to make their decision approximately 12 months in advance of the event. This is to allow RGO maximum time to plan and organise a successful event.

4.0 Race Giving Organisation Details

Name of RGO:

RGO in state.

Year nominating to host ASSA National Championship Race:

Address of RGO:

Please provide names and contact information of following RGO committee:

RGO President:

RGO Secretary:

RGO to nominate suitable contact person, should National Committee have any questions or if further information is required.

5.0 Event Information

5.1 Event Name:

5.2 Event Date:

5.3 Event Location:

5.4 Race Classes and Distances

The following classes are required to be hosted. Please indicate which classes RGO intend to run.

Class Please tick Approx Distances

6 Dog Open 

4 Dog Open 

3 Dog Open 

2 Dog Open 

1 Dog Open 

Novice 

The following classes are Optional. Please indicate if RGO intend to run these classes.

Class Please tick Approx Distances

2 Dog Touring 

2 Dog Veteran 

1 Dog Touring 

1 Dog Veteran 

Junior 

Distance/Mid-Distance 

5.5 Race Format

Please describe how the heats for the race will be held. I.e. how many heats and what time of the day each heat will be run, time interval between heats, etc.

5.6 Race Location


Please provide details on the following in relation to the race site location.

a. Location – what major town is the race site closest to?

b. Camping – please describe the camping facilities that are available on site.

c. Accommodation - please outline the accommodation options for competitors who may not wish to camp. I.e. options that may be available in nearby towns, such as caravan parks, hotels etc and approximate distances.

d. Track Condition – please outline the typical track conditions, i.e. track surface, topography, etc

e. General Weather Conditions – please outline the typical weather conditions (i.e. temperature, humidity) experienced at past several races year and average monthly temperature at this location for the time of the event. This is not about rain or dry, but about temperature & humidity.

6.0 Other Criteria

If any of the following points are known at this time, please include details.

6.1 Animal Care

Please indicate what animal care RGO intend to provide for the event, should it be required in case of sick or injured competitor animals. I.e. veterinarian or vet nurse.

6.2 Competitor First Aid

Please provide details on First Aid facilities that will be available for competitors, in case these maybe required.

6.3 Race Marshall

If known please describe who RGO propose to be Race Marshall

6.4 Catering

Please provide details on how you will cater for the event if intended.

6.5 Prizes

Please provide details on likely prizes to be awarded.

7.0 Provide any other details which may assist your RGO in securing the ASSA National Championship Race.

This may include how RGO intend to promote the event and the Sport, potential sponsorship, other activities held during the event (such as information session / overseas race marshal), anniversary for the club/race, testimonials from competitors of previous events etc, support from the local community, media and press exposure etc.

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