Ans1 (a)peacock (b) parrot (c)wood pecker (d) crow (e) pigeon (f) cuckoo (g) vulture 1*7 = 7

Ans2(a) bed sheet, wall painting, pillow, Book . Trouser, Carpet 2

b) Bucket ,Surahai , jug , Ghada , Lota 2

c) 1.Bud 2.Flower3.Snake ½*4=2

d) (i)Wood (ii)Coal (iii)Gas (iv)Electricity ½*4=2

Ans. 3 Children will do himself by her/ his own imagination 5

Ans.4 (a) donkey(b)crow(c)hen(d)pigeon(e)parrot 1*5=5

Ans .5(a)drink,bath,wash,cookfood,clean house 2

(b)our family 2

(c)when family members live together 2 (d) (i)fresh (ii)should (iii)should not(iv)regular 1/2*4=2

(e) (i) dumb (ii)deaf (iii)blind (iv)handicap 1/2*4=2

Ans .6(a)sweet potato,corn (b)potato, rice (c)poori,pakodi (d)chapatti,cake (e) idli, dhokla 1*5=5

Ans.7(a)aeroplane (b)bus (c)7 (d)grey (e)water 1*5=5

Ans.8(a)(i) grand father, dadaji (ii)grand mother,dadi 1*2=2

(b)children will draw herself/himself 2

(c) (i)for welcoming guest (ii)for sleeping and taking rest

(iii)for storing things (iv)for taking bath or washing 1/2*4=2

(d) (i)after (ii)grey 1*2=2

(e) pulao,dosa,idli,kheer 1/2*4=2

Ans.9(a)bicycle (b)bicycle (c)train or bus (d)ship (e) boat 1*5=5

कक्षा -4(हिंदी)

पठित (1*10=10)

उ.1) बैठे बतिया रहे थे ।

उ.2) अपने दोस्तो से बतिया रहे थे ।

उ.3) नसीरुद्दीन ।

उ.4) तिरंदाजी मे उनका मुकाबला कोई नही कर सकता ।

उ.5)उनके दोस्तो को विश्वास नही हुआ ।

उ.6) नसीरुद्दीन की ।

उ.7) तीर-धनुष ।

उ.8)नसीरुद्दीन को ।

उ.9) निशाना साधा ।

उ.10) गलत ।

अपठित – 1 * 10 = 10

उ.1) डामन , पिथियस ।

उ.2) अत्याचारी था ।

उ.3) डामन ।

उ.4) फांसी की सज़ा ।

उ.5) अंतिम इच्छा ।

उ.6) अपने परिवार से मिलने की ।

उ.7) डामन के बदले कोई भी दुसरा आदमी जेल मे रहेगा ।

उ.8) पिथियस ने ।

उ.9) हवा उल्टी दिशा मे चलने के कारण डामन को नाव ठीक समय पर नहीं पहुंच सकी ।

उ.10)सच्चे मित्र के लिए उसका जीवन काम आएगा ।

बोधात्मक प्रश्न (2 * 5 = 10)

उ.1) कल्पनाथ सिंह ।

उ.2) मेरा बस चलता तो मै एक अच्छी सी गाड़ी मे बैठ्कर पूरी दुनिया की सैर करता और गरिबों को प्रसन्न रखता।

उ.3) उसकी गेंद नई थी । वह चमक रही थी ,वह लाल रंग की थी,वह अपने पापा से कह्लवा सकता था ।

उ.4) हाँ,मेरे पापा डी.एम. बनने के लिए कहते है मम्मीइंजीनियर और दादा जी फौज मे जाने के लिए कह्ते है ।

उ.5) बनाओ ,नाव बनाओ ।भैया मेरे ,जल्दी आओ । देखो ,पानी आया, बादल छाया है, समुंदर भर लाया ।

व्याकरण (1 *10 = 10)

उ.1)- संसार ,दुनिया,गर्व ,घमंड

उ.2)- दंड ,मित्र

उ.3)-जल,नीर ,तोय

नयन,लोचन ,चक्षु



उ.5) दवाइयां


उ.6) खाना ,पढ़ना

उ.7) काला ,नीला

उ.8) अमर


उ.9) बहुत प्रिय,

हार मानना

उ.10) यह,वह ,इसका ,उसका ,तुम्हारा

रचनात्मक लेखन 10

उ.1) विद्यालय के बारे में निबंध :- नाम ,कक्षाएं ,स्थान ,प्राचार्य का नाम ,कक्षाध्यपक का नाम आदि ।

उ.2) पंद्रह अगस्त पर निबंध – क्यों ,कब,कहां-कहां मनाते है

वर्तनी 5

शुद्धध:-मिठाइयां ,दवाइयां ,सामाजिक ,विद्यालय ,स्वास्थ्य ,कवयित्री ,परीक्षा ,त्योहर ,बहन ,दीवार

सुलेख – 5

शुद्धध–शुद्धध, साफ –साफ लिखना।

Marking Scheme

Class V(Sub:- EVS)

Observation and Reporting 1*7=7

Q.1) a)Yes,I have seen snake charmers playing a been in a mark.

b)Ronald Ross c)Pitcher Plant d)Houses,Elephant

e)River,Pond f)1902 g)Orissa

Q.2) a)cinchona tree 2*4=8

b)Adequate and nutritious food according to one’s body need make the proper food.

c)Kanha National Park, Kaziranga National Park

d)Fish eat larvae of fish

Q.3) Iron nail sank in water but katori flood.I think this happened because iron nail could displace less amount of water than water uses displaced by the katiri.

Identification and classification 1*5=5

Q.4a)During rainy season July,August.

b)a-Dengue b-Chikungunya

c)Holi and chhath

d)Air,Water ,Animal

e)Musturd cumin

Q.5)a –In dead sea 500 grams of salt is present in one litre of water .Even a person does not know have to swim.He would not drown in this sea.

b-Pickles and chutneys on made from unripe mango aam papari ,mango shake made from ripe mango.

c-i)Manitaining discipline in the class in the obsene of teach.

ii)Conveying the problem of students to the teacher.

d)We need a thick rope,sling,stick,axe etc.

e)Dysentery ,cholera,typhoid,anthrax etc.

Q.6)Rashm is not getting adequate amount of food on the other hand Kailash is taking too much food than what his body need.

Discovery of Fact 1*5=5

Q.7) a)true b)true c)false d)true e)true f)true

Q.8) a)no,because it dissolved in water.

b)I think that the oil did not dissolve in water.Oil floating on water surface made me to think so.

c)I will feel very happy for getting such responsibility.

d)Patients suffered from high fever.The fever came with bouts of shivering and he become very weak.

e)While climbing the mountains we ned to rise against gravitational force.we also need to work on a rough surface.That is why we need extra energy on the mountains.

VARANASI REGION Summative Assessment I, 2016-17
MARKING SCHEME SET-1 Total Pages : 02
Class VI Set - 1 Subject: Mathematics
Ans.1 / A / 1
Ans.2 / B / 1
Ans.3 / B / 1
Ans.4 / C / 1
Ans.5 / B / 1
Ans.6 / B / 1
Ans.7 / A / 1
Ans.8 / A / 1
Ans.9 / Right Angle=900
Straight Angle= 1800 / 1
Ans.10 / 1,2,3,
4,6,12 / 1
Ans.11 / Uncountable
Correct Diagram / 1
Ans.12 / 90000-1
=89999 / 1
Ans.13 / -17+13
=-4 / 1
Ans.14 / N=27/3
n=9 / 1
Ans.15 / 10001-1=10000
9999-1=9998 / 1
Ans.16 / One marks for each correct number name / 11+1+1
Ans.17 / LCM of 6, 15& 18 =90
Required No.=90+5=95 / 2
Ans.18 / -13+32-8-1
Correct Number Line
Correct Arrow
Correct Answer=-6 / 1
Ans.19 / 81265(169-69)
8126500 / 1
Ans.20 / Correct diagram of a Triangle ABC
Correct Interior Point
Correct Exterior Point
Correct Answer for the point A / 1
Ans.21 / a)  3 /4
b)  3/4
c)  1/2 / 1
Ans.22 / i.  y+5
ii.  y-3
iii.  6y / 1
Ans.23 / 1 km 875 m= 1875 m
Distance Covered in 1 day= 1875 x 2=3750
Distance Covered in 6 days= 3750 x 6 = 22500 m = 22 km 500 m / 1
Ans.24 / LCM of 6, 8 & 12 = 24
Smallest 3 digits number=100
Required number = 24 x 5 = 120 / 2
Ans.25 / Drawing a circle
Correct location from a to h / 1
Ans.26 / a)  Isosceles Triangle
b)  Isosceles Triangle
c)  Equilateral Triangle
d)  Right Angled Triangle
e)  Right Angled Isosceles Triangle
f)  Acute Angled Triangle / ½


Marking Scheme S. A.-1 (2016-2017)

Class: VII

Sub: English

Section: A (Reading) 15 Marks

Q.1 1.1 Answers: 6 Marks (2 marks for each correct answer)

a)  Ostilio Ricci was a friend of Galileo who changed the course of his life by introducing him to mathematics.

b)  Galileo discovered something that no one else had ever realized. Whether long or short, each swing took exactly the same time.

c)  Galileo’s telescope showed the things twenty times bigger than they actually were.

1.2 The most appropriate answer: 2 Marks

(1 mark for each correct answer )

a)  ii- Doctor

b)  iii- 1581

1.3 Synonyms Answers: 2 Marks (1 mark for each correct answer)

a) ancestors

b) curious

Q.2 2.1 The most appropriate answer: 3 Marks

(1 mark for each correct answer )

a)  iii- angle-worm

b)  iv- angle worm

c)  i- crumb

2.2 Synonyms Answers: 2 Marks (1 mark for each correct answer)

a) glanced

b) frightened

Section: B (Writing) 15 Marks

Q.3 Letter/Application- Writing: 5 Marks

Format – 1 Mark

Accuracy – 1 Marks

Content - 3 Marks

Q.4 Paragraph Writing: 5 Marks

Fluency – 1 Mark, Accuracy – 1 Mark, Content- 3 Marks

Q.5 Story Completion: 5 Marks

Title- 1 Mark

Accuracy – 1 marks

Content- 3 Marks

Section: C (Grammar) 15 Marks

Q.6 Appropriate Gap filling: 1x6= 6 Marks

a) when b) what c) how

d) why e) which d) who

Q.7 Proper use of a/an/the: 1x5= 5 Marks

a) a b) A c) the d) an e) a

Q.8 Rearrangements: 1x4=4 Marks

(a) I was pleased with her behavior.

(b) Rohini was knitting a sweater.

(c) Holi is the festival of colours.

(d) My Hindi is much better than my English.

Section: D (Literature) 15Marks

Q.9 Answers: 1x3= 3 Marks

(a) Poem- The Shed Poet- Frank Flynn

(b) A Ghost

(c) The Ghost

Q.10 Answer any four of the following questions: 2x4=8 Marks

(a) Gopal half shaved his face, smeared ash and wore rags before he went to buy

hilsa-fish .

(b) The dog kept on whining and running to and fro to lead the farmer to the hidden


(c) Kari pushed his friend into the stream to save the life of a boy.

(d) The smaller desert animals fulfil their need for water from their food whatever

animals are plants they eat.

(e) The crocodile shed crocodile tears to show that it was a real crocodile.

(f) The author had a very high opinion about Mr. Gessler as a boot maker. His boots

were mysterious and wonderful.

Q.11 Answer- As per context : 4 Marks

Note: Examiner can better assess the student’s response in case of literary variation in expression.


Summative Assessment - 1st

Session – 2016-17

Class –VIII

Time: 2.30 Hr Subject –Social Science MM: 60

Answer Key (1+1+1+1+1+1+1=7)

1)  Warren Hesting

2)  1761

3)  1765

4)  Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru

5)  Amritsar

6)  24

7)  Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

8- (1+1+1=3)

ii  Cheap Land, (Ii) Cheap And Skilled Labour, (Iii) Cheap And Fine Quality Raw Material Like Silk And Cotton, (Iv) For Spic Us Like Peeper, Cloves, Cardamom. (Any Three )

9- (1+1+1=3)

I) Any Information Or Proff Of Any Decision Can Be Read / Used From The Preserved Documents.

Ii) Its Preserved Document Reveals The Progress Made By Country In The Past.

Iii) One Can Study The Notes And Reports Which Were Prepared In The Past.

Iv) Their Copies May Be Made And Used In Modern Time (ANY THREE)

10- (1+1+1=3)

i)  To Accept Her Adopted Son To Succeed The Throne Of The King

ii)  After The Death Of Her Husband,

iii)  Nana Sahib

11- (1+1+1=3)

1.  Savage

2.  Scattering

3.  Tea Plantation , Coal Mines

12- (1+1+1=3)

1.  Cartridges Were Greased With The Fat Of Cows And Pigs.

2.  The Sepoys Had To Use Moth To Remove The Covering Of The Cartridges.

3.  The Hindus And Muslims Called Cows And Pigs Sacred And Their Meat Fat Etc. None Eatable.

4.  They Term The Cartridges To Be Violation Religions Sentiments.

(Any Three)

13- (1+1=2)

I.  Using Recourses Carefully Giving Them Time To Get.

II. Renewed Is Recourses Conservation.

14- (1+1+1=3)

I.  Recourses Are Distributed Unequally Over The Earth Because Of The Different Natural Condition,

II. Level Of Development And Technological Levels.

15- (1+1+1=3)

i)  Iron

ii) Aluminum

iii)  Salt

16- (1+1+1=3)

i)  Forest And Other Vegetation Cover

ii) Water Harvesting

iii)  Canals To Be Properly Lined

iv)  Use Of Sprinkles In Irrigation

v)  Prip Or Trickles Method Of Irrigation In Dry Areas

(Any Three)

17- (1+1+1=3)

i)  In A Democratic Country General Public Choose Their Leaders To Exercise Their Power Responsibly On Their Behalf.

ii) But It Is Always Possible That These Leaders Might Misuse Their Authority

iii)  Hence The Constitution Provides Save Guard Against This

18- Map Work Of India (Student Will Show Given On The Map) (1+1+1=3)

Satluj, Kosi, Ganga

19- (1+1+1+1+1=5)

1)  Switching Off Lights When Not In Use

2)  Keeping Gas Cylinder Off When Not In Use

3)  Repair Of Equipments Regularly

4)  Not Switching Light During Day Time

5)  Always Replacing The Wire Fitting When They Are Aged

20- (1+1+1+1+1=5)

1)  The National Movement Supported The Idia That All Adults Have Right To Vote

2)  Every Responsible Citizen Should Participate In The Government

3)  Law Making Decision Making Should Also Be Shared By The Adult Of The4 Country.

21- (1+1+1+1+1=5)

1)  Road

2)  House

3)  Railways

4)  Technology And

5)  Engineering (They Can Write Any Five Things )

22- (1+1+1+1+1=5)

1)  Rule Of Law , Rule Of Law Means That All Laws Apply Equally To All Citizen

2)  No One Is Above Law On The Basis Of Creed , Religion Language Region And Colour Of Skin Under The Condition Of India

Exp:- DCP Got The Media Woman Shivani Bhatnagar Murdered Due To The Reason That She Was To Open Secret About The Personal Life Of Shri R. K. Sharma,The DCP In This Way ,The Dcp Violated The Rule Of Law .