Stockade Association General Membership Meeting
January 21, 2016
First Reformed Church
Members Present: List on file
Guests: Eric Shilling, Chief Building Inspector, code enforcement official; Assistant Chief of Police Jack Falvo, Jr., Lt. Brian Bienduga, Sgt. Dean DeMatino, and Joe Gatta, Community Police Officer
Eric Shilling discussed the casino and Mohawk Harbor. The casino will be running by February 2017. He said the city has one thousand vacant houses on inventory and they now have a program to manage these by tearing them down to reduce the inventory. Gloria Kishton asked about demolition by neglect and how we can develop a process to protect houses in foreclosure. He said the city has little ability to make the owner maintain a property where the owner has walked away. He suggested that we bring these cases their attention, noting he only has nine inspectors. He said he would look into this issue.
Richard Unger pointed out the need for a plan to deal with vacant lots. He asked if there was a way to work with the city to set up a code enforcement program and if the Stockade Association can work with the code enforcement department. Mr. Schilling said: “I am open to working with you.” He asked residents to call with safety issues.
Mr. Schilling encouraged everyone to get in touch with his office anytime. He said his “door is open.” Residents noted the need for a better connection between zoning and code enforcement. Mr. Schilling said inspectors have to personally serve citations and that is a problem with absentee property owners.
Assistant Chief Jack Falvo said there are now 148 officers on the force with five more positions approved. He said the department accepts anonymous complaints. Often information is confidential while the crime is being investigated, and rarely are records sealed at trial.
Chief Falvo reviewed crime statistics for the past three years. He noted that the Stockade is one of the safest neighborhoods in the city. Five additional officers will be added when the casino opens and every neighborhood will benefit. The police use statistics to identify “hot spots.” This is where resources are concentrated. He does not anticipate a large change with the casino, perhaps a small increase in theft and traffic issuees. The casino will have its own security force on site.
Bob Stern suggested giving community policing Officer Joe Gatta a list of traffic problems. The bike patrol will continue next summer. The police will attend association meetings but they will need to speak right away so they can get back to work. Residents are encouraged to call the assistant chief and Lt. Duga anytime.
Sue DuFour reported on Celebrate the Snowman, the February 6 event where neighbors are encouraged to create a winter snowman with or without snow. Activites will take place in the park from 4 to 6 p.m. People are encouraged to meet at 4 pm at Lawrence and walk together to the park.
Concerns: Gloria Kishton noted that many trees are being cut down, most recently behind Burger King, and not replaced.
The meeting was called to order at 8:47 pm.
Minutes: Bob Lemmerman moved for approval. The motion passed by acclamation.
Treasurer’s Report: Bob Lemmerman presented the Treasurer’s report.
President’s Report: Jacquelin Mancini, director of the City Department of Development, had also planned to attend, but had an emergency. The Federal Consolidated Plan public hearing on housing and community development needs will be on February 2. Ms. DeLaMarter suggested that it would be a good idea to attend that hearing and work with Ms. Mancini before then.
Board Elections: Keith St. John passed out ballots for electing directors and a ballot for electing a new nominating committee. There were no nominations from the floor.
Richard Unger moved to close nominations and accept the nominations as presented. Nominated candidates were elected by acclamation.
Keith asked for nominations for the Nominating Committee: Ms. Kishton nominated Colleen Macaulay and Kim Mastriani. Lily Alverez nominated herself. All three nominees were elected by acclamation.
Ms. DeLaMarter asked association members to please let the committee know if they are interested in serving on the board.
Membership: Bob Lemmerman gave the membership report for January. There are 124 members. 111 of these are residents. There will be a membership meeting in February.
Finance: The Finance Committee is meeting in February. It will be redrafting the sidewalk and painting incentive program.
Beautification: The Garden Tour Committee is meeting at the end of the month. The tour will be on July 15 and 16.
Infrastructure: The workshop produced great comments and traffic and pedestrian safety suggestions, which will be be incorporated into the plan wherever possible.
Preservation Committee: There is no news on the flood study grant application to FEMA. Another application for a grant from the Department of Environmental Conservation has also been made.
Committee of Safety: Sean Phillpot-Jones and Colleen Macaulay are working on reviving this committee. It will be called the committee of safety although the neighborhood watch program is still in effect city wide. One member will receive training so they can bring back information to the community. The committee plans to meet in February. Ms. Macaulay has talked to Fred Lee of the neighborhood watch program. Ms. Kishton noted that there are still former members in the neighborhood who may be intersted in rejoining.
Keith St. John moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed by acclamation at 9:18 pm.
Suzanne Unger, Recording Secretary