Eligibility to study Agricultural Consulting Units
(CSLT 401/501 and CSLT 402/502) at UNE.
The CSLT units (subjects) can be studied as part of a number of courses at UNE.
Graduate level courses
- Master of Agriculture
- Master of Science in Agriculture
- Graduate Certificate in Agriculture
- Graduate Certificate in Precision Agriculture
- Graduate Diploma in Rural Science
Undergraduate courses
- Diploma in Agriculture
- Bachelor of Rural Science
- Bachelor of Agriculture
Graduate and undergraduate courses in agriculture at other universities may also allow one or both of the CSLT subjects to be included. It is up to you to seek that information.
Admission to a Bachelor degree will require completion of a high school certificate with grades at some minimum level. Students studying a Bachelor degree course can undertake CSLT401 and CSLT402. For eligibility details contact UNE student centre.
Admission to the Diploma in Agriculture generally has no restrictions. Students studying a Diploma in Agriculture can undertake CSLT401 and CSLT402.
Generally, an undergraduate degree is required for admission to a graduate level course. However, a combination of lower qualifications and substantial experience may also be suitable. Each application is judged on it’s merit.
The following information concerns ONLY eligibility for the Graduate Certificate in Agriculture (Agricultural Consulting) and the Diploma in Agriculture. For other courses, consult the UNE student centre or the course coordinator.
- If you have an agricultural, rural or veterinary degree you are automatically eligible to study the Graduate Certificate in Agriculture (Agricultural Consulting).
- If you do not have an agricultural, rural or veterinary degree, but you have some other degree plus agricultural experience you will be eligible to study the Graduate Certificate in Agriculture (Agricultural Consulting).
- If you do not have an agricultural, rural or veterinary degree, but you have some other degree, but no agricultural experience your eligibility to study the Graduate Certificate in Agriculture (Agricultural Consulting) will need to be reviewed.
- If you do not have any degree, you may be eligible to study the Graduate Certificate in Agriculture (Agricultural Consulting) if you have a lower agricultural qualification such as a Diploma in Agriculture PLUS substantial agricultural experience. Your eligibility will need to be reviewed. There are 3 possible outcomes:
a)You are considered eligible and would be offered admission to the Graduate Certificate in Agriculture (Agricultural Consulting).
b)You are considered ineligible (the combination of lower qualification and experience was just not quite enough), however, you would be offered a place in a Diploma in Agriculture AND you maybe upgraded to the Graduate Certificate in Agriculture (Agricultural Consulting) after successfully completing your first undergraduate unit at a Distinction or High Distinction level.
c)You are considered ineligible (the combination of lower qualification and experience was not enough), however, you would be offered a place ina Diploma in Agriculture.
Eligibility via 4a above generally requires your experience to be at least 10 years at manager level (or equivalent in some other agricultural role/occupation). So, for example, 10 years experience as a stationhand or working for other people on farms will not be sufficient. Other experience is also considered on its merit, for example you may have worked as a stock and station agent, or as an ag research technician.
The person who ultimately reviews your eligibility is the Course Coordinator. They will NOT review eligibility in advance of an application. Instead, you would have to apply for the course and submit supporting documentation with it.If you would like a review of your likely eligibility, complete the information on the next pages and email to the CSLT unit coordinator at least 2 weeks in advance of the course closing date.
Details to support application for the Graduate Certificate in Agriculture (Agricultural Consulting)
Note – complete the headings provided. Do not just send a CV you’ve used for some other purpose.
Also, when finished delete all the blue ‘help’ notes.
Personal details
Date of Birth
Reason for wanting to study the ag consulting units:
As a result of studying these subjects I hope to…(what do you hope to improve, do differently, new services, different job, new business etc)
(a few lines maximum)
Relevant qualifications
List the qualifications and the year completed.
Please also put those that were not completed that you have an academic record for – e.g. you may have studied part of a course.
Other qualifications
List these if they are non-agricultural but to demonstrate that you have successfully done tertiary education (include year completed and the time to complete such a course if it was studied full time)
Relevant short courses
e.g. Prograze course (pasture management) run by NSW Agriculture, 6 days over 1 year (include how many full days they were)
Relevant employment history
Date range / month, year to month, yearFull/part time
Job title
A very short description of your role (few lines max) / Key things to include would be your level in the decision making hierarchy of the business and if and how many other staff you supervised
Date range / month, year to month, year
Full/part time
Job title
A very short description of your role (few lines max) / Key things to include would be your level in the decision making hierarchy of the business and if and how many other staff you supervised
- Add more as required
- Only include those related to ag
- These same above can include any self employed time and also any voluntary training time.
- If same employer but different roles, note these as separate entries. For example, this includes those who have worked on the family farm for some years (mostly as a “stationhand” type level) while their father was manager, and then later when they themselves were manager – please make the distinction.
Other roles that demonstrate your ability to handle an academic load and your ag knowledge
board member XYZ breeders association 1999-2003,
Nuffield scholarship recipient 2005,
Secretary abc Landcare group 1995-1998.
Agricultural knowledge and skills
Keep these to a series of dot points rather than paragraphs of writing, as your writing skills are not being assessed, I just want to be able to rapidly see what you know and can do.
Don’t just write “Managed beef production system”, as what’s involved varies considerably across different farms
I have managed a beef production system and have knowledge and skills in:
- Conducting the natural mating program
- Supplementary feeding
- Vaccinations and parasite control
- Castrating of calves
- Weighing cattle
- Transporting cattle
- More points
I have assisted in oat production and have knowledge and skills in:
- Soil testing
- Planting
- Preparing seedbed
- Using a boomsprayer
- Using a planter
- Using a harvester
- More points