Council 21 October 2013

MONDAY 21 October, 2013

PRESENT: Chair: The Mayor – Councillor C Reid

Councillors:J Batt, A Gallico, M Gallico, A Handley, I Avery, P McNamara, K Sewell, A Willoughby, and

C Willoughby

Staff Present:The Clerk and the Deputy Clerk

Also Present:District Cllr A Jonesand severalmembers of the public

Late Arrivals:None

Early Departures:K Sewell

C13/177 ITEM 1 – To receive Apologies for Inability to attend the Meeting

Apologies were received from Councillors:P Beardsell, P Ireland, Nathan Smith, H McNamara, and A Wright

The Mayor welcomed all visitors to the Chamber who represented the Bowls Club, Mens’ Forum and Knaresborough Community Centre. She then referred to the events in Knaresboroughduring the previous week and asked that the Clerk writes on behalf of the Council to register its support to the police, the employees of Dil Raj takeaway and the Paragon takeaway who had all been victims of a malicious hoax.Councillor Batt informed members that the Emergency Committee procedures had been activated successfully on the evening in question and the Mayor gave thanks to all concerned.

C13/178 ITEM 2 – Councillors’ Declarations of Interest

All declarations are personal unless otherwise stated.

Councillor I Avery / Item 7.1.3 – Prejudicial interest – back garden faces on to the York Place Car Park
Councillor J Batt / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of new information.
Item 7.1.3 – has been in contact with the person leading the request for a change to the barrier height.
Item 7.1.6 - knows the Vice Chair
Item 7.1.7 - knows the Treasurer
Item 7.1.9 – has been instrumental in facilitating this
Councillor A Gallico / Item 7.1.7 – Knows David Tankard
Councillor A Handley / Item 7.1.3 – Member of Chamber of Trade where this item has also been discussed.
Items 7.1.6 and 7 – knows several members of the Mens’ Forum and Silver Band.
Councillor C Reid / Item 7.1.2 – prejudicial interest as a member of the management committee of Knaresborough Community Centre.
Items 7.1.6 and 7 – knows various members from the Mens’ Forum and Silver Band.
Councillor A Willoughby / Item 5 – 6.100.1264.C.FUL – knows Mr Welch
Items 7.1.6 and 7 – knows various members from the Mens’ Forum and Silver Band.
Councillor C Willoughby / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of new information.
Item 6.2 – Is employed by NYCC and will leave the Chamber when this item is discussed.
Items 71.6 and 7 – is acquainted with numerous members of the Mens’ Forum and Silver Band.

C13/179 ITEM 3 – To consider and if thought fit approve as a correctrecord the Minutes of Council meeting (planning matters) held on Monday 7th October 2013

RESOLVED:The minutes of the Councilmeeting held on Monday 07 October 2013 be approved as a correct record, and signed by the Chair. Nemcon

C13/180ITEM 4 – KTC Public Speaking Session

A member of the Knaresborough Silver Band spoke in support of their application for funding from the Town Council. They require funding for a new instrument, six new jackets for the band’s visit to Bebra, and financial support for young players to visit Bebra in 2014.

a) The Mayor moved to Item 7.1.7

Application for funding from Knaresborough Silver Band

Members discussed purchasing the instrument so that the Council can claim back the VAT. They also felt the need to purchase from a reputable company rather than somewhere like eBay. The Clerk made members aware of the strict rules regarding VAT andshe will check this with HMRC before any further action is taken.

RESOLVED:That KTCpurchases a refurbished‘E Flat Bass’,at a total cost to the Council of £2500, claim back VAT, and then donate the instrument to the Silver Band.

The Chair stated that the Band had yet to come back to KTC with dates when they are to play for KTC.

The Chair made the representative aware that there is another local charity who she believed would offer support for the younger members of the band.

She also pointed out that they can revert back to Council in the new financial year if they are still having difficulties in funding the remainder of their requirements.


Two representatives from Knaresborough and District Mens’ Forum spoke in support of their application for funding for a projector screen and table.

b) The Mayor moved to item 7.1.6

Application for funding from Knaresborough and District Mens’Forum

Clerk had obtained a quote for the purchase of a screen for

around £400 that may even include the fitting.

RESOLVED: That KTC is prepared to spend up to £400 net towards the cost of an electric screen, having obtained any appropriate permissions from Harrogate Borough Council to affix such a screen to the fabric of the Assembly Hall. Unanimous


Two members of the Bowling Club spoke in support of their request to use the bowling green at the castle grounds during the winter months when weather permits.

c) The Mayor moved to item 7.1.9

Email from Head of Parks and Open Spaces regarding KnaresboroughBowls Club using the green at Knaresborough Castle

RESOLVED:i)That a member of KTC speaks with the Head of Parks and Open Spaces at HBC in an attempt to de-legalise this situation

ii)That KTC enter into a ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ with the bowling club to use the bowling green in the castle grounds during the winter months. Unanimous

Councillor Batt offered to continue to deal with this matter on behalf of the Council.


A representative from Knaresborough Community Centre spoke in support of a request for a contribution from KTC towards the cost of provision at the Community Centre, giving a brief background surrounding ownership of the Centre.

The Clerk made members aware of a previous resolution from KTC to support the funding of a Youth Worker for £5000 for 3 years (2003 – 6)

d) The Mayor moved to item 7.1.2

Request for a contribution towards the cost of provision at Knaresborough Community Centre

Councillor Reid, having declared a prejudicial interest in this item, left the Chamber at this point and took no further part in the discussion or

voting thereon.

Councillor Handley took the chair for this item.

Councillor A Willoughby declared a personal interest as a member of the Community Centre’s committee.

RESOLVED: i)That this item should be deferred to a future meeting as there was deemed to be insufficient background information available to


ii) All members to put forward any questions they have concerning this matter.

Councillor Reid returned to the Chamber

C13/181ITEM 5 – To consider the following Planning Applications relating to Knaresborough and make such observations as may be appropriate:

Ref: / Applicant: / Details of Application / KTC Comments
13/03819/FUL* / Mr and Mrs S Johnson / Conversion of double garage and annexe to detached dwelling with two storey and first floor extensions. Abbey Cottage, 49 Abbey Road, Knaresborough HG5 8HX E435365 N456025 / KTC objects to this application due to loss of public amenity as a result of the increased residential use in an amenity and conservation area which is known to flood.
13/03794/COU* / Xeon Smiles (UK) Ltd / Conversion of retail (use class A1) to dentist (use class D1), Knaresborough Post Office, 69 High Street, Knaresborough HG 0HB / KTC supports this application
13/03795/ADV* / Xeon Smiles Ltd / Display of two externally illuminated fascia signs and a single internally illuminated projecting sign, Knaresborough Post Office, 69 High Street, Knaresborough HG5 0HB / KTC supports this application Unanimous
13/03370/FUL / Mr A Welch / Installation of replacement windows – Flat 3, Church Mews, Church Lane / KTC supports this application. Unanimous
13/03906/TPO* / Scotton Tree Care / Crown lifting (5m) of one Ash tree and selective pruning of one ash tree of Tree Preservation Order 05/2008 (G27 2 Ash), 11 Appleby Court, Knaresborough HG5 9LU / KTC supports this recommendation on the condition that every effort is made to prevent any spread of disease. Unanimous
6.100.2464.B.T Councillor Handley declared a personal interest at this point as the tree adjoins his property
1/04021/TPO* / Mr R Robinson / Crown cleaning, dead wooding, crown reducing and lateral pruning of one beech tree, tree T1 cbeech of Tree Preservation Order 53/2005. Woodside House, 1 Boroughbridge Road, Knaresborough HG5 0LT E434789 N457426 / KTC is prepared to support the report from the arboriculturist when it is available. Unanimous
13/03914/FUL* / Mr A Lee / Conversion of garage to provide additional living space and installation of two windows and three roof lights.
1 Norwood Court, HG5 0PR E435151 N458001 / KTC strongly objects due to a new residence being created without its own access from the road. Motion failed.
KTC neither objects nor supports this application but requests that if HBC deems fit to grant approval that all permitted development rights for that site are removed. Unanimous

C13/182 ITEM 6 – Planning Correspondence

6.1)Planning Enforcements:-

Confidential Papers – ongoing investigations 3

RESOLVED: To receive and note Unanimous

6.2) Letter from NYCC Business and Environmental Services re consultation on planning application for the purposes of the retrospective planning application (erection of netting) – King James School

Councillor C Willoughby left the Chamber at this point and took no further part in discussion or voting thereon.

RESOLVED: i)That KTC request an extension to this consultation together with a copy of the plans as the electronic link to them had not been working.

6.3 – To note date of the HBC Planning Committee – Tuesday 22October, 2013, 2pm at Crescent Gardens, Harrogate at which the following applications for Knaresborough are to be discussed:

6.100.786F.FUL – Mrs P Hewitson, 7 Church Lane, Knaresborough

(Erection of one dwelling) E434729 N457341

6.100.786.G.LB – Mrs P Hewitson, 7 Church Lane, Knaresborough

(Listed building consent for the demolition of detached garage)

RESOLVED: To receive and noteUnanimous

C13/183 ITEM 7–Correspondence

7.1 Items to be noted and discussed:

7.1.1 Knaresborough Castle Trees – Letter dated 1 October 2013 from Headof Parks and Open Spaces, HBC.

RESOLVED: That KTC writes to Head of Parks and Open Spaces at HBC indicating

that thisCouncil is strongly in favour of opening up the views by the removal of up to 7 trees and additionally consider the recommendation of the Castle Conservation Plan that the remaining trees be crown managed. Unanimous

Councillor A Willoughby volunteered to be liaison contact.

7.1.2 Request for a Contribution towards the cost of provision at

Knaresborough Community Centre – Letter dated

24 September 2013from Director of Development Services

RESOLVED: See 13/180 d) above

7.1.3 Height Barrier at York Place Car Park – Letter dated

10 September2013 from Head of Parking Services, HBC.

Councillor I Avery, having declared a prejudicial interest in the item above, left the chamber at this point and took no further part in discussion or voting thereon.

Councillor K Sewell left the chamber because she felt she could not make an unbiased vote due to the anti social aspect with this item.

RESOLVED:That KTC objects to the erection of a barrier as it would have many disadvantages

to coaches, vans and dormobiles, and it would have a resultant affect

on the BondEnd air qualityandwould lead to a loss of some visitors to

the town.

Councillors Avery and Sewell returned to the Chamber

7.1.4 Email re Notice boards on Bike/Pedestrian Route – Email from

R Black

RESOLVED:That KTC reply to Mr Black and ascertain where exactly does he

mean, and stress that landowners permission would always be

required in any case.

7.1.5 Feva Postcode Survey – Email dated 25 September 2013 from Secretary, FEVA

RESOLVED:To receive and note and thank FEVA for providing KTC with the

information. Unanimous

7.1.6 Application for funding from Knaresborough and District Mens’ Forum

See 13/180 b) above

7.1.7Application for funding from Knaresborough Silver Band

See 13/180 a) above

7.1.8 HBC Budget 2014/2015 and Corporate Priorities Consultation –

September2013 – (letter from Corporate Improvement Officer)

RESOLVED:That Councillors send their individual responses to the Clerk by

Monday 28th October and the Clerk collates a majority response.

7.1.9 Email from Head of Parks and Open Spaces regarding Knaresborough Bowls Club use of the green at Knaresborough Castle.

See 13/180 c) above

7.2 Items tabled at the meeting:

7.2.1 Vehicle Activated Sign, Ripley Road – Letter dated 25 September

fromMr P Allott

7.2.2 Openness and Transparency on Personal Interests– A Guide for

Councillors, Department for Communities and Local Government

September 2013

7.2.3Newsletter Henshaws Vision

7.2.4YLCA – Training Programme for Councillors and Clerks

November 2013– January 2014

7.2.5Minutes of Knaresborough Town Twinning Committee Meeting

heldon Thursday 12th September

RESOLVED:To receive and note Unanimous

C13/184ITEM 8 – Reports of Committees/Working Groups:

8.1 Minutes of Events Committee Meeting held on

Friday 20th September 2013.

RESOLVED: To receive and note Unanimous

8.2 Minutes of Neighbourhood Development Meeting held on

Monday 9th September 2013

RESOLVED: To receive and note Unanimous

8.3 Minutes of Community Services Meeting held on

Monday7th October 2013 and suggested changes to Terms of Reference

RESOLVED: i)To receive and note and

ii) KTC approve the changes to the Terms of Reference asattached Unanimous


8.4 Minutes of Office Services Committee Meeting held on

13 August 2013, with suggested amendment to standing orders.

RESOLVED: To defer this item until the next meeting in order that Councillors can

see the actual and amendments to the standing orders, and the Urgent Decisions Procedure.

C13/185 ITEM 9– Reports from the Clerk:

a) Schedule of payments for September 13/05 (ca)

RESOLVED: To receive and note Unanimous

b) To receive and note Finance Documents Cost Centre Report spreadsheet

RESOLVED: To receive and note Unanimous

c) To consider outcome of Office Services Committee meeting prior to

Council meeting re: Office Assistant’s contract.

The Chair moved this item to the end of the agenda when the meeting would vote to go into confidential session.

d) To consider furniture request

RESOLVED: That KTC accept the proposal to purchase new furniture for the office and that the Clerk be given delegated authority to purchase furniture up to the value of £1200. Unanimous

e) To consider possible rent increase re Farmers Market.

RESOLVED: That the rent for the Farmers Market remains unchanged for the year 2014/2015.

C13/186Item 10 - Information Exchange

a) Councillor Reid informed members that there would be a Fashion Show on the 20th November, with proceeds going towards her chosen charities.

b) Councillor Reid reminded members about the invitation for Councillors and staff to attend a tour round Menwith Hill on Thursday 7th November.

c) The Clerk informed members that the Office Assistant has now returned from maternity leave.

d) The Clerk further informed members that there would only be one gardener for Knaresborough with immediate effect Councillors asked for this to be an agenda item for a future meeting.

e) The Clerk also mentioned that Commercial Estate Group would like to come and speak to the Council and she was asked to invite their representative to a future Council meeting.

f) Members were informed that an exercise to clear out historic Planning Applications in the office had been undertaken and that in future Applications for the previous two years would be kept on file.

Councillor K Sewell left the Chamber

13/185ITEM 9C To consider outcome of Office Services Meeting prior to

Council Meeting re Office Assistant’s contract

That in view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted re ITEM 9c pertaining to a staff contract the item be dealt with in private session and, subject to the provisions of Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (as amended), the meeting be not open to members of the public.


RESOLVED: i) That a permanent contract to be issued from 1 October 2013 for the Office Assistant’s return to work.

ii) The Office Assistant will be awarded asalary increase.

iii) The Office Assistant’s hours to be reduced to 18 hours per week for a trial period of six months.


(Return to Open Session) Unanimous

Meeting Closed at 10.20pm

Signed by the Mayor:

Councillor C Reid