Community Veterinary Clinic and Adoption Centre

302 Canterbury Road

Bayswater Vic 3153

Vision Statement

Pets Haven Foundation's vision is to be recognised as a committed foundation for the welfare of both companion pets and human beings.
We strive to operate a modern facility that enables us to expand services such as our rescue, adoption, community outreach, veterinary and education. We want Pets Haven to be seen and known as a trusted and respected resource for the community.

We tirelessly strive for and envision the day where every adoptable companion animal has a loving, responsible home. Where no animal will suffer from abuse, neglect or ignorance.

We look forward to a society that no longer views adoptable companion animals as a disposable commodity and people responsibly desex their animals, to put an end to the overpopulation that exists today.
We work effortlessly to provide a protected, joyful and caring environment for animals in our care and for members of the community. A place where all different types of individuals are more than welcome, a Haven for people and pets.

We want nothing more than for Pets Haven Foundation to be a community resource for those in need.
Being able to bring humans and companion pets together; reaching out, providing comfort and reassurance is a vision worth striving for.

Mission Statement

Pets Haven is a registered not for profit, humane animal charity.
Pets Haven exists to serve as a humane adoption centre and to provide affordable veterinary services.
We are a prolife animal shelter; we are dedicated to finding responsible committed homes for our companion pets.
We wish to provide further awareness, and to educate the community and the greater public, about responsible pet ownership, the benefits of adopting and the plight of our companion pets.
To accomplish our goals, we rely on the generosity of the public, who help by contributing to our not for profit foundation by adoptions, donations, memberships, pledges, sponsorships, corporate packages and bequests. All funds received contribute to the care of animals, the operational cost of our shelter and to programs we offer the community.
Pets Haven is very community minded, not only is our mission to be a Haven for companion pets; we also wish to be that ‘special safe place’ for members of the community.
Pets Haven promotes kindness, trust, elimination of cruelty and neglect and a life time commitment to people and pets.
Pets Haven can only be successful in all that we do with dedicated staff, volunteers and support from the community. Without such support, Pets Haven would not be able to function.
Pets Haven Foundation is very proud to bring both humans and companion animals together.
We strive to make a heartfelt difference to both, our belief is to respect both ‘human and fur’.

About Pets Haven

The premise upon which the Foundation was born was based on the exorbitant amount of animals being euthanised in pounds and shelters. This is a prevalent issue that has a potential resolution and thus our goal is to educate the community about responsible pet ownership. As well as to provide rehabilitation for abused or neglected animals in order to responsibly rehouse them back into the community.

In Pets Havens initial years, we were completely focused on animal welfare only, the human component was not something we really focused on, it was all about the animals. Over the years, we have gained experience and knowledge, and the direction of our shelter is now jointly focused on both animals and people.

We have worked extremely hard to really find out who we are and what we wanted to achieve. We must be doing something right as we now have the largest companion animal welfare FaceBook following in our state, 575K, we reach 3M to 4M per week, our adoptions are steady and councils are contacting our shelter, wanting to utilise our services.

Pets Haven will always responsibly save and rehouse animals, after all this is the primary role of our shelter. Though seeing the impact that animals have upon people, gave us an additional goal. We want to help both animals and people. Watching volunteers form friendships at our shelter who would otherwise not know one another and seeing people suffering with depression connecting to our animals in our shelter’ these people stories are just as important as the animals lives we save.

From wanting to save the world, making a few mistakes along the way, to realising that slowing down, learning, listening, gaining knowledge and experience was needed, if we really wanted to succeed. To this end, we now have the resources required and want to share our experience and knowledge with other rescue groups. We want to help the community by providing affordable veterinary fees, so they can keep their animals and give them the medical care they require. Providing a facility where students can fulfil their work placements requirements and implementing our veterinary nursing program, is something that all of us at Pets Haven are looking forward too.

I was going to write about all the animals we save, the cruelty cases, starved, neglected, pregnant animals. These animals are important and they are our main focus, but we cannot make a lasting impact if we do not educate and help people.

Our doors are always open to members of the community and we are focused on providing a safe haven, for people and for orphaned animals.

Community Project

The management of abandoned and surrendered animals and their welfare is a major challenge for local government, pounds, shelters, rescue groups and our communities. Pets Haven feels there is a need for quality, affordable veterinary services, which canbe delivered sustainably into the future and for further adoption centres across the state.

The costof supporting unclaimed and surrendered animals places a strain on council resources and other entities involved in Animal welfare rescuing/rehoming.

In this context, intervention programs are particularly important. We want our clinic and adoption centre to be involved in having a positive impact, with the experience we have gained, we know our proposed clinic and adoption centre will be successful.

Pets Haven Foundation has operated a pro-life shelter for 12 years and offers a community service which provides a smooth link to animal education andanimal welfare. The shelter is currently funded by donations and re-homing costs, some sponsor support and various fundraising events. Pets Haven operatesa successful adoption service which has enabled us to rehouse over 12,000 animals.

Being in operation for many years, this has given us the experience and knowledge which we need to carry forward and make the desired changes we feel are needed. By introducing desexing programs and affordable veterinary costs; members of the community, local government and rescue groups will benefit.

Pets Haven contends that with affordable and accessible veterinary services, a reduction in unwanted litters will be achievable. Our operation will also have an impact on the amount of healthy animals which are euthanised, particularly kittens and cats, there are simply not enough homes available.

Pets Haven will seekto partner with local government to help provide these services efficiently and effectively. We offer a service staffed by skilled personnel and stakeholders who are able to manage demand and to meet the community’s expectations of quality and continual improvement.

Pets Haven currently operates an animal rescue, re-homing and shelter facility which is open 7 days a week. The expansion of the Pets Haven Veterinary and adoption centre service is a value add proposition to local government and one which offers experienced facility management, Veterinary Care, Public Education/Promotion/Awareness and Training, Stakeholder management, customer service and compliance services.

Community veterinary clinic and adoption centre

Pets Haven Foundationwill open an additional adoption centre and community Veterinary clinic.

The aim is to provide a cost effective, and humane, means of veterinary treatment for Pets Haven shelter animals, members of the community and rescue groups.

The clinic strives to be different; it is hoped that we will become a leader within Animal Welfare. Our focus, apart from affordable veterinary services, will be on animal welfare, education, training and rehoming.

To provide veterinary services and maintain optimum functionality in terms of customer service, facility maintenance, emergency call outs, care for injured animals, and best practice of animal management and veterinary services.

To provide a broader range of quality services for animal owners and specialist support services tomaximise animal outcomes, through Veterinary care, re-homing, re-training and desexing programs

To build on Pets Havens model which has re-homed 12,000 animals and offer an expanded animal rehoming service with the proposed veterinary clinic, which will operate as an Emergency 24/7 service.

To establish a partnership with local Government which will provide a platform for developing a comprehensive animal management process aimed at reducing the rates of euthanasia, promoting partnerships with animal welfare agencies, rescue groups and to increase public awareness of responsible pet ownership through community engagement and desexing programs.

To support rescue groups with reduced veterinary fees and support for their foster carers.

To provide a facility, where students can complete their work placements.

Implementation of our Veterinary nursing program, which includes previously, disadvantaged mature aged nursing applicants.

To responsibly rehouse stray and abandoned animals.

To effectively reduce the current euthanasia rate and provide educational tools in regards to over population.


The implementation of the proposed Veterinary clinic and adoption centre would be monitored to ensure asmooth transition and compliance with all relevant legislation and codes or practice.

The activities and process of implementation are multi-faceted and will befacilitated by our Project Teamtofacilitate this project.

Productivity& Efficiency


& Reporting

Capital & Equipment


Building on experience and knowledge

Maintaining service delivery

Competent staff and management processes

Proposed 24/7 emergency service

Governance structure

Quality Assurance

Staff performance indicators

Compliance /Risk management

Statistical Analysis



Clinical services

Well definedpolicy and procedures

Complaints process

Premises` 302 Canterbury Rd, Bayswater

Increased technological requirements

Operational logistics

Up to date software, hardware and capabilities

Vehicles for collection of sick animals and home visits

Environmentally friendly fit out

Based on a working model

Public Awareness


Staff Training and recruitment

Specialist services


Updated data system

Sustainable budgets



Quality assurance processes


Work experience students

Education Publications

School partnerships


Business awarenessvisits

Efficient policy and procedures

ClinicalVeterinary support

Desexing programs

24/7 day to day management

Team support

Ongoing collaboration



Provide veterinary support to other

Rescue organisations

Proposed Features

Car park - Public and staff 23 car parks are available

Reception / waiting areas.

Office x 6

Consult areas x 6

Surgery rooms x4

Pharmacy room – security coded Laboratory x1

 X-ray room x1 Ultra sound room x1

Surgery recovery rooms [x2] for cats [x2] for dogs. We will have separate recovery rooms for cats and dogs.

Quarantine for treatment of contagious diseases such as parvovirus [x2]

Isolation room for cats x1 Isolation room for dogs x1

Comfort room for the euthanasia of pets, separate exit area

Toiletsx 4/Kitchen break area for staff

Adoption area for 20 dogs / Puppy room

Adoption area for 50 cats / Kitten room


Training room

Out -door fenced exercise run, which will be monitored by experienced animal attendants.

Food preparation area / Laundry

Waste control facility / Room for refrigerator for deceased animals (deceased animals will be collected by an authorised company).

Waste Management

Medical Waste > a person licensed by the EPA for the collection and transport of medical waste. Medical waste will be stored in a store room.

Animal Waste > a person licensed for collection and transportation of deceased animals. Deceased animals will be stored in a refrigerator/freezer.

Faeces Waste > Animal faeces will be collected numerous times daily, placed in a tied garbage bag and dispose of in a Cleanaway bin. Drainage will be connected to the municipal sewage system and/or a collection drain may be provided and fitted with fine mesh wire baskets to trap any waste. The baskets would be cleaned daily.

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday 9.00am until 8.00pm

Saturday 9.00am until 5.00pm

Sunday 9.00am until 5.00pm

The clinic can be used as an emergency clinic, a nurse will always be on site, having immediate access to our on-call Veterinarian.

Number of employees

Working varied shifts to accommodate the business demands and the animals we have at our clinic. Our Veterinary staff will be working rotational shifts.A caretaker will not be required on site. A veterinary night nurse will be on site.

Vets [4]Practice Manager [1]Nurses [4]Animal Attendants [8]


The establishment of Pets Haven Foundation ‘Community Veterinary clinic and adoption centre’ will be affordable and will promote access to a user friendly veterinary clinic and re-homing service.

Pets Haven Foundations shelter already operates a proven, cost effective service delivery model that caters for stray, injured, surrendered, rescue and abandoned animals. The obvious next step for Pets Haven is our community veterinary clinic and additional adoption centre.

In line with the development of our Pro-life ethics, the extension of Pets Haven services will provide a strong partner for local government, rescue groups, community members and will present as a platform for animal welfare issues.

An investment in this projectis an investment in the future for animal management, a strong move towards the reduction in the rates of euthanasia and public awareness.

Pets Haven Foundation has a proven capability based on a model which already has provided a centre for excellence in animal welfare.

Central to this, is collaboration with local government and the ongoing support of community partnership.

The ability in being able to provide services for homeless animals, rescue groups, our volunteers and members of the community is what we strive to achieve.