
Call to Order: 7:08 pm

-Caucus (Dan Brady)

-Public Comment (10 Minutes)

-Roll Call

-Approval of the Minutes (September 20th GA) (passed)

Executive Officer Reports

-Student Body President (B. Grzanich)

  • You’ll be fine wait to sign is 29,000 views
  • Housing has contacted to use videos and name and logo
  • Femininehygiene project has ended
  • 933 people were surveyed in 3 weeks
  • 99.4% says this should be continued
  • Ashley will meet ARH and Nicki next week
  • Log in hours
  • Ultimate fan experience was a success
  • Member of the month for September Andrew Jacobs
  • Downtown Bloomington committee will be meeting
  • Oct 25th will be lobbying for higher education
  • NPD is not responsible for crime reports
  • Talk to Woodruff to talk about sending alerts
  • October 12th is screening of trucks cost, 7-9 Capen auditorium
  • Following will be a clothing swap

Assembly Officer Reports

-President of the Assembly (B.Stripeik)

  • Everybody completed CC hours for September
  • All reports from committee chairs will be attached to minutes

Advisor Report (J. Davenport)

Senator Group Coordinator Reports

-On Campus Senators (A. Jinadu)

  • No report

-Off Campus Senators (J. Hale)

-Academic Senators (M. Baker)

  • Working on Coffee with the deans

-Student Life Senators (A. Byars)

  • Saint Jude’s up Till Dawn was RSO of the month for September
  • We have emailed all presidents about our RSO of the month program and hope to have more applicants this month
  • Senator Rubio met with LJ and President Dietz to discuss better ways to promote student life on campus

Internal Committee Chair Reports

-Membership & Outreach (A. jacobs)

  • Projects have been written on the board in the office and names of people taking care of each event is written next to the event
  • Make sure you share SGA stuff on social media
  • Any ideas from members will be accepted for club Millner
  • Homecoming Open House and Parade
  • Lauren and John will be e-mailing alum about the event

-Policies & Procedures (J. Whitsitt)

  • Reviewed and passed a new legislative by-law in Article 6 Section 2 of the Legislative By-Laws.
  • Continued the Constitutional Review of the SGA constitution.

-Finance & Allocation (L. Wolbers)

-Civic Engagement (J. Pryhuber)

Ex-Officio Reports

-ALAS (D. Diaz)

  • No report

-APAC (T. Choi)

  • Reminder that APAC cultural showcase is October 7th 6-8 pm

-ARH (C. Jesswein)

  • ARH is giving away homecoming tickets to residence hall students
  • T-shirt contest just closed and will be announcing winners soon
  • Programming chair was recently elected

-BSU (T. Tyler)

  • Recently elected public relations/media chair
  • Elected secretary chair
  • Now has full exec board

-PRIDE (C. Winters)

  • Queer-Tober is off to good start
  • Donate to clothing drive
  • 5 new board members
  • Now full board
  • Safe zone training is this Friday

-IFC (Z. Bonham)

  • Vice president LJ spoke to IFC
  • Torch week is on full effect

-Student Trustee (Z. Schaab)

  • Exec committee met this past Saturday and approved Dietz contract

Information Items

-A. Resolution [17-18].07 – It’s On Us Week

  • Senator Jacobs: sexual violence is a big issue locally and globally
  • March 5th-March8th
  • $2,000 difference from resolution and budget
  • looking for funding from ARH
  • Most costs come from promotional items
  • Another big cost is the speaker
  • Senator Munoz: Other RSO’s were upset last year that we did not do much except hand out items.
  • Senator Jacobs: work with Health and wellness to get them involved to do more
  • Hand out flier with each t-shirt

-B. Resolution [17-18].10 – Dems VS Turning Point Debate

  • Senator Pryhuber: On the 23rd of October will be the event in Old Main
  • The $152 will be light refreshments and for reserving the room
  • Vote by Acclamation: passed anonymously, moves to action item

-C. Resolution [17-18].11 – Pack the Stadium

  • Senator Whiters: SGA tries to bridge the gap between students and athletes
  • Vote by acclamation: moves to action item by unanimous vote

-D.Resolution [17-18].12 – Half Cap Graduation

  • Senator Whiters: Half cap grad is graduation for sophomore students to motivate them to continue college
  • Not a new idea, athletics department has race of champions which is sophomore year, they get half a medallion
  • SGA’s way of helping retain students and getting their degree
  • Senator Smith: What will the funds go to?
  • Senator Whiters: funds will go towards the ceremony, information packets.
  • Senator Rafalavitz: is there a date and ideal number of students you’d like to have
  • Senator Whiters: third week of April, the ideal number would be to have 100 people.
  • Vote by acclamation: Senator Pryhuber seconded by Senator Whiters, moves to action item by unanimous vote

-E. Resolution [17-18].13 – Cookout with the Cops

  • Put this event on last year and had great turnout
  • Many police stations have confirmed they will be coming, great event to mingle
  • SenatorWhiters: Earlier, you were asked what you were going to do to include minority students

Secretary Kinross: No one reached out to me except senator Baker

Senator Smith: How many police officers attended?

Secretary Kinross: roughly 20 officers

Senator Hale: What is the goal of cook out with the cops?

Secretary Kinross: if any student has issues with police, vice versa is an event to break bread with the police. Give ability police to listen to issue of the students.

Ex-Officio Diaz: last time you brought this up, you stated the event’s purpose was not to heal or amend between DAO’s and cops, with this event being put up by SGA, how do you let others know you’re not targeting the same people from last year?

Secretary Kinross: Not targeted towards Dao’sthis year, nor anyone specific. Tailored to all ISU students

Secretary Broderick: Are you willing to receive feedback?

Senator Lewis: You talked about this being for students what did you do to make sure this event is inclusive?

Secretary Kinross: Because its open to anyone, not targeting anyone specific, anyone is welcome to come.

Senator Pryhuber: Throwing an event with a lot of police officers with students who have issues with law, how do you make it so that the students don’t feel targeted? How would you make it more inviting?

Secretary Kinross:The incentive is free food, not going to beg students to come.

Senator Smith: Who was involved in planning this event except u and Baker?

Secretary Kinross: Criminal justice department

Senator Smith: How is the criminal justice system made up?

Secretary Kinross: with students from all sections of criminal justice department

Senator Jacobs: how many students attended last year

Secretary Kinross: roughly 100

Secretary Greenfield: are you willing to have this event next semester to talk about police brutality?

Secretary Kinross: More than willing to, I even put an event on last year to teach students to not talk to cops so that shows I see both sides of the problem.

Senator Lewis: because were called student government, we shouldn’t use the name of SGA to vocalize something not every student is okay with. How would you make sure students come?

Secretary Kinross: Criminal justice has been marketing it and will ask Secretary Geary to market it.

Senator Lewis: how do you expect students to come to something without them having planned it

Secretary Kinross: Anyone had the opportunity to reach out but only baker did

Ex-Officio Diaz: Many people came to speak to you about what was wrong with last year’s event.

Secretary Kinross: last year I tailored it for Dao’s and this year I am not

  • Passes to become action item with roll call vote of 11 yay’s and 8 nays’

-F. Resolution [17-18].14 – Administrative Technology External Committee

  • President Grzanich: This council is a liaison for portion of university in charge of technology like Reggie net, and they requested we give student feedback.
  • Gives students the voice in an area of the university that did not have voiced.
  • Would be a pseudo think tank for initiatives from students
  • Vote by acclamation, moved to action item unanimously

-G. Resolution [17-18].15 – Black & Latino Male Movement Ex-Officio Status

Senator Hale: This administration needs black and Latino movement because they are least likely to get into college and once they’re in, they’re the highest to drop out.Most likely to not succeed in classes due to barriers. They deserve a voice in this administration

  • Senator Pryhuber: will u be working in BSU and ALAS for events?
  • Senator Hale: Considering the fact they’re DAO’s, yes.
  • Trustee Schaab: When will be cap it at Ex-Officios?
  • Senator Stripiek: It wouldn’t hurt our efficiency, because they’re here to help.
  • Vice-president Shannon: Talk about in constitutional review
  • Senator Hale: when do we say enough is enough for marginalization of the student body
  • Moves to action item with roll call: 19 yay, 0 nay

-H. Resolution [17-18].16 – NAACP & Diversity Week Jane Eliot Funding

  • Senator Hale: was originally going to ask for $5,000 but could find other funding. Still needs $3,000 but provost office will offer money. Gives opportunity to throw a great event with a great speaker
  • Secretary Geary: Who is Jane Elliot
  • Senator Hale: Anti-racism vocalist
  • Moves to Action item with vote by acclamation; passed unanimously

Action Items

-A. Resolution [17-18].09 – MGC Ex-Officio Status

  • Secretary Greenfield: Association lastyear let IFC to sit on as ex-officio and should let MGC sit on as well.
  • Affirmation
  • Senator Munoz: I think this would be fantastic idea to bridge the gap between SGA and MGC. MGC puts on a lot of events and being able to bring that to SGA gives opportunity for their voice to be heard.
  • Vote by acclamation: Senator Baker and seconded by Senator Rubio, passes unanimously

-A. Resolution [17-18].07 – It’s on Us Week

  • Senator Jacobs: I hope you vote this up
  • Affirmation
  • Chief of Staff Rafalavitz: 4 weeks ago, when this was brought to the floor, it was not good but now, it’s a lot better and happy to cosponsor this event with ARH. Was planned very thoroughly.
  • Munoz: It’s a great week to let people aware of sexual assault on campus
  • Motion to vote by acclamation: Senator Pryhuber and seconded by Senator Whitsitt. Passed unanimously.

-B. Resolution [17-18].10 – Dems VS Turning Point Debate

  • Senator Pryhuber: Looking for $152 to reserve the room and refreshments.
  • Affirmation
  • Secretary Greenfield: Been trying to do this for years and think this would be a great event
  • Motion to vote by acclamation Senator Byars and seconded by senator Rubio. Passed unanimously.

-C. Resolution [17-18].11 – Pack the Stadium

  • Senator Whiters: Something that SGA has done for a while and nothing new, I hope you pass this so students can go to the games for homecoming.
  • Vote by acclamation: Senator Jacobs and seconded by senator Baker. Passed unanimously.

-D. Resolution [17-18].12 – Half Cap Graduation

  • Senator Whiters: Great opportunity to improve retention, have other groups outside SGA to help make this event successful.
  • Affirmation
  • President Grzanich: As Student Government Association, we should be promoting retention, doing half cap graduation, we can participate in keeping that retention rate high.
  • Senator Rubio: Getting half way through college is a bigger deal than people think
  • Motion to vote by acclamation: Senator Rubio and seconded by Senator Byars. Passed unanimously.

-E. Resolution [17-18].14 – Administrative Technology External Committee

-F.Resolution [17-18].15 – Black & Latino Male Movement Ex-Officio Status

  • Newest Ex-Officio on SGA

-G.Resolution [17-18].16 – NAACP & Diversity Week Jane Eliot Funding

  • Vote by acclamation: Senator Pryhuber and seconded by Senator Hale. Passed unanimously.

-H. Resolution [17-18].09 – MGC Ex-Officio Status

  • Secretary Greenfield: Association last year let IFC to sit on as ex-officio and should let MGC sit on as well.
  • Affirmation
  • Senator Munoz: I think this would be fantastic idea to bridge the gap between SGA and MGC. MGC puts on a lot of events and being able to bring that to SGA gives opportunity for their voice to be heard.
  • Vote by acclamation: Senator Baker and seconded by Senator Rubio, passes unanimously

-I. Resolution [17-18].13 – Cookout with the Cops

  • Secretary Kinross: its $1,050 because of the cost of food from the University, can feed up to 200 people. I would be willing to amend the price. It would be a shame to tell the police departments that SGA did not fund this. To make a change, you need to take the steps to meet these officers and talk about the differences.
  • Affirmation
  • Senator Baker: Criminal justice is part of college I represent and I know my constituents would like this event. I understand there is not great relations between the police and the students. I think it’s a great event for police and students to talk about their differences.
  • Negation
  • Senator Whiters: I appreciate your effort in planning this event, I do think a conversation is important but I don’t think having a conversation with the police over a burger is not to talk about these topics.
  • Affirmation:
  • Senator Byars: One of the important things that we need to understand is that this event lets people talk about non-controversial items to the police as well. This event can start up the dialogue to next semester and hold a more professional event to talk about the serious matters.
  • Negation:
  • Senator Breland: When people asked, what are you willing to do to make Dao’s feel acceptable, you said this was a social event. I think you told the police this is just a social gathering and there will be nothing controversial. Are the police going to be blindsided when people ask the police controversial topics?
  • Kinross: police understand what the event could be and they are still coming because it is their job to engage with the public.
  • Rubio: Students can go to this event angry but can a student talk about anything they want?
  • Kinross: yes
  • Affirmation:
  • Senator Rafalvitz: criminal justice department has students that would like to network with police officers to have jobs in the future. There were students last year who could network with cops and land interview.
  • Negation:
  • Senator Lewis: there are things that was not presented to SGA at first when this resolution was brought up. If SGA supports this, it’s showing that sga is not supportive of diversity Advacies. By approving this event, its showing Dao voices don’t matter last year or this year.
  • Affirmation:
  • Senator Porter: Different groups of people can learn many different things from this event.
  • Negation:
  • Senator Pryhuber: Even if we voice our concerns, what will the result be of it? I don’t think we will get anything out of it.
  • Affirmation:
  • Secretary Kinross: if you want change, you need to let them know what they want.
  • Negation:
  • Senator Smith: Coming from a fee board point of view, I don’t think this is for the students because I don’t think it’s for all the students. Students walk away from police when they see them so they won’t want to go talk to them on the quad. If they want a job interview, do it on your own time
  • Affirmation:
  • Senator Munoz: last year people talked about not having the opportunity to talk to cops. So,Senator Munoz got to talk to the cops and get his questions answered. It gives the opportunity for students to talk to cops.
  • Negation
  • Ex-Officio Diaz: If there are a lot of people saying the event is bad, why would you continue with it?
  • Affirmation
  • Secretary Kinross: if we put on an event, we don’t expect every person to attend, it’s not a legitimate question to ask why It’s okay to hold an event where not everyone will show.
  • Negation
  • Senator Whiters: Last year people expressed their concerns and it was ignored and SGA told these people to run. We ran and got elected and our voices are still not being heard. Do you really want angry people to be around the police officer’s kids? Secretary Kinross is still not listening to the problems. I reached out to Kinross multiple times and he never responded.
  • Affirmation:
  • Trustee Schaab: I understand people will be uncomfortable but if 200 people go, its considered a success. People had fun last year, they’ll have fun this year.
  • Negation:
  • Senator Whiters: You reading those statistics makes it look like you are disconnected from the problems. Why are you bringing the police on campus when people are uncomfortable with it when not all students are for it?
  • Senator Jacobs: You said it was all students but then you said if not all students come, it’s okay. The intention is to make this an inclusive space but how are you making it an exclusive space? You need to take professional steps to make a difference and I don’t’ think a cookout is a professional step.
  • Bill fails with 10 Nays and 9 yays

Passing of the Gavel

Adjournment of the Meeting: 8:30