Elkton Alliance, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Present: Marjorie Blystone Donna A. Kitts

Linda Burris Kathleen Kunda.

Larry W. Crouse Jr Dr. Kenneth L. Lewis

Candy Davis Rob Massimiano

Cindy E. Fetterolf Sharon Pelham

Donald S. Hicks Chris Ann Szep

Excused: Chairman, Roger L. Owens

Mayor Robert J. Alt Marybeth Sniadowski-Cole

Also: Mary Jo Jablonski, Executive Director, Autumn Marquess, new member from ACM Insurance & Crouse Auto Body, also Jeanne Minner, Town of Elkton Planner.

The monthly meeting of the Elkton Alliance, Inc. Board of Directors was held Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at the Elkton Alliance/Chamber Office, 101 East Main Street, Elkton, Maryland. Vice-Chairman Crouse called the meeting to order at 8:00 AM. The minutes from the previous meetings were approved as presented.
Vice-Chairman Crouse introduced Ms. Autumn Marquess, a new member of the Alliance. Ms. Marquess is interested in more information on the Alliance and what they do.

Treasurer’s Report & Minutes: Mr. Crouse reviewed the Treasurer’s Report for the previous meetings. Dr. Lewis made a motion to approve the report, Ms. Kunda seconded.


Membership: Mr. Crouse stated $4,350 in dues has been collected and 27 members have joined.

Volunteer Hours: Mr. Crouse stated over 40 volunteer hours have been logged in so far this year.

Economic Restructuring:

No Report

Design/Arts & Entertainment:

DEFA: Ms. Blystone stated the Downtown Elkton Festival of the Arts has been postponed until next year. The Committee is going to use their time to attend different festivals and invite artists to the event.

Conference: Ms. Blystone stated she will be attending the Annual Arts & Entertainment District in April with her daughter, who has been helping her on the Design Committee.

Banners: Ms. Blystone stated the grant money for the banners has not been received yet but she is scheduling a meeting with the Art Loopers to go over the final details.

Operation Lucky Charm: Discussion was held on the best day to start the project. It was agreed that Friday morning at 3 AM would be best. A sign-up sheet was passed around for those wishing to participate. Dr. Lewis stated he would see if the hospital could participate with lighting. Ms. Szep stated Cecil College might be able to help with the lighting aspect. Mr. Massimiano stated he would help create a special display. Ms. Burris stated Delmarva Power can help with printing.

Office Report:

Music on Main: Ms. Jablonski stated the event last year has lost money, sponsorship did not cover the cost since First Friday was added. Ms. Blystone stated she would like to see music every First Friday other than Thursdays in the summer. Discussion was held on what days to hold music. Vice Chairman Crouse asked if a schedule can be made up of proposed dates along with a budget to see the difference.

Façade Committee: Ms. Jablonski stated the Committee met with Mr. Crouse, Ms. Kunda, Ms. Blystone, Ms. Minner, and Ms. Whitaker. Guidelines will be emailed today and they will go over next meeting. Vice Chairman Crouse asked if a map of the area could also be sent. Ms. Jablonski stated a press release can be sent out when official word from the state is sent.

Committees: Ms. Jablonski stated she wants to start up the 5 Committees that run under the Main Street Program: Design, Economic Restructuring, Promotion, Organization, and Clean, Safe, and Green. She asked if the board was interested to fill out the corresponding sheet. The Arts & Entertainment District designation was started by the Economic Restructuring Committee. Ms. Blystone stated the designation will need to be reapplied for next year. She stated the goal of the Alliance is to focus on the revitalization in Downtown Elkton but if the Mayor would like for the organization to expand to the outlying areas then the Alliance would.
Building: Ms. Jablonski stated another downtown building sold, one of Tony Sniadowski’s buildings on East Main Street.


Citizen of the Year: Mr. Hicks stated the Citizen of the Year Committee met and chose Chairman Owens as this year’s recipient for all of his work with the Kids for Coats Campaign and Halloween Parade, The committee was looking to stay local for food so recommended that Minihane’s be contacted about catering. Ms. Jablonski stated she met with them but they are concerned they don’t have the staffing this year to do it. Mr. Hicks stated the committee questioned if Open Bar was a good idea. Discussion was held among the board on whether to keep open bar. Ms. Szep stated usually open bar is determined by the budget so if there are sponsors, she doesn’t see a problem with it.


New Business: Ms. Minner stated there is a new business locating to Downtown, Edward Jones. She stated Wawa is about a month behind, they are wrapping up plans and will be moving forward.

Membership Campaign: Ms. Blystone stated there has been discussion on whether to offer new businesses membership without fees and maybe a welcome basket to new members with contact information. Ms. Davis inquired if it was for every new business including chains? Discussion was held on the subject. Ms. Jablonski stated we should offer them the $25 family membership. Ms. Kunda stated she can call it introductory membership.

Chairman’s Report:

No Report

The meeting was adjourned at 9:08 a.m.

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 3, 2015.


Candy Davis, Recorded by Jessica Price,
Secretary Administrative Assistant
