Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society
Unit F-2: Labour market statistics /

Doc. Eurostat/F2/EMPL/09/07

Task force Meeting

“European Socio-economic Classification”

Purpose of this item (from the draft agenda):

Follow-up of the project (consultation outside European Statistical System?), Helpdesk First draft of the guidelines (outline) which will serve as annex to the call for proposal for grants (summary of points 1 to 4,)..

EU wide pilot testing (LFS ad-hoc modules or other).

Practical aspects (derivation matrix in standard programs, SAS etc.)

6.Conclusions of the meeting: guidelines for the tests

6.1 – Follow-up of the project (consultation outside European Statistical System?), Helpdesk, EU wide pilot testing (LFS ad-hoc modules or other) Practical aspects (derivation matrix in standard programs, SAS etc.)

6.2 – First draft of the guidelines (outline) which will serve as annex to the call for proposal for grants (summary of points 2 to 5)

6.1 – Follow-up of the project

The following aspects have to be considered to ensure successful tests for a validation of the current prototype or an improved version:

-Description of the call for proposal for grants:

  • 4 packages: the call will be divided in 4 packages of items, each of them containing a standard list of questions to be studied. This should make easier the follow-up and analysis of comments from all participants. Tests on ISCO will be emphasised: the occupation classification and its comparability across the EU is indeed a key element for the ESeC.
  • Applicants: The budget for the grants is delivered by the Directorate-General Employment and social affairs. Eurostat is checking the conditions in which researchers could be included (by mandate or sub-contracting). A priori only National Statistical Offices will receive the call ("restricted call").
  • Timetable: in order to allow National Statistical Offices (and researchers, see previous paragraph), the call should be ideally launched beginning of June, before the summer break.
  • Bilateral work between National Statistical Institutes replying to similar projects will be encouraged by Eurostat (no specific budget foreseen for this work).
  • Interim/final reports: the timeframe for the test will need to be set (even if broad enough). See item 'helpdesk' below for the follow-up of the work during the contract (including interim reports).

-Helpdesk and task force for the follow-up of tests, practical aspects (derivation matrix in standard programs, SAS etc.)

  • Helpdesk: it is proposed to organise the follow-up of the tests by a "virtual" task force (by email and/or on Circa). A compilation of questions received by Eurostat would be circulated among the task force members by email, including Eurostat's proposed answers. This will be done on a regular basis only to avoid email burden (no circulation by single question).

Questions for the meeting:

Would all members would a priori be available for such a follow-up?

If so, a formal request would be sent via the usual procedure.

  • Frequently asked question: it is proposed to create a 'FAQ' webpage on Circa to group all main questions received and answers given.
  • XLS and SPSS programs are already available to derive the prototype. SAS programs can be made available by the French National Statistical Institute.

-Consultation outside European Statistical System:

  • Directorate-General Employment and social affairs is represented in the task force. A consultation of other Directorates-General and EU agencies (mainly the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions in Dublin) would be needed at the same time as the tests are launched in National Statistical Institutes.
  • National Statistical Institutes will be responsible for the consultation with national partners where necessary, including administrations, trade unions, employer's federations, and other potential users.
  • Researchers can bring a significant added value to the project. Their involvement is only possible at national level, by National Statistical Institutes.
  • The Consortium responsible for the ESeC prototype can not directly be involved in the tests for budgetary reasons. Information is provided to the Consortium through the dedicated ESeC Circa webpage (of public access).

-What's next?

  • Post tests task force: one or several meetings will need to take place after the tests to evaluate the validation and improvements proposed.
  • EU wide pilot testing: the possibility for a LFS ad-hoc module (even on a gentleman agreement basis) will need to be studied. Alternatives for other surveys (including the working condition survey although not in the European Statistical System) will also need to be addressed.

6.2 – Outline of the annex to the call for proposal for grants (summary of points 2 to 5)

a) –Introduction

–Objectives of the classificationas in item 2 'objectives'

–User guide (current prototype)as in item 3 'information available'

–Current classification and main issues as in item 2 'objectives'

b) –Tests

The following tables present the dimensions and types of tests to be included or excluded by National Statistical Institutes during the tests. At least one main topic should be selected (A, B1, B2 or B3). All questions would need to be covered under each topic.

ATheoretical backgrounds and general aspectsfromitem 2 'objectives'

A – General aspects / IN/OUT
for the tests / ACTIONS:
improve or test / ITEM COVERED IN
1. Theoretical background (employment relationships)
2. National background versus employment relationships / From / ITEM 2 'OBJECTIVES'
3. National classification versus ESeC (Field, dimensions: up-date of B. Grais report)

BValidation and improvementsfrom item 2 'objectives'

The comparability of the ESeC at EU level will be ensured through the comparability of its current dimensions (item 4.1), additional dimensions (item 4.2) and common solutions for the issues raised in item 5 on quality.

The comparability of ISCO data is the most important issue. The transition to ISCO 2008 (in point 4.1 and 5.4) needs to be studied at the same time although there should be a clear division between the impact on the occupation classification and on the ESeC prototype (or improved version).

B1 - Current Dimensions / IN/OUT
for the tests / ACTIONS:
improve or test / ITEM COVERED IN
1. Occupation / As in / ITEM 2 'objectives' &
…in / ITEM 4.1 'current
…out / dimensions'
B2 - Additional dimensions / IN/OUT
for the tests / ACTIONS:
improve or test / ITEM COVERED IN
1. Public/private / As in / ITEM 2 'objectives' &
…in / ITEM 4.2 'additional
…out / dimensions'
B3 Quality issues / IN/OUT
for the tests / ACTIONS:
improve or test / ITEM COVERED IN
1. Statistical sources / As in / ITEM 2 'objectives' &
… / ITEM 5 'quality issues'

An overview of the validation procedures proposed is described in item 4.3.