SouthMiddle School

232 Peach Street

Braintree, MA 02184

781-380-0160 FAX 781-380-0164

ABSENCE LINE 781-356-0657


So much of what we do in education is to help students find cause for events in the world that surrounds them. We ask them to seek facts, to collect data or to find evidence so that each explanation has a practical rationale. We adults and students alike, seek answers for that which we do not understand. We teach this process and provide strategies which help arrive at explanation. And yet, not everything we experience has a reason that we can comprehend. Sadly, this lack of reason, hit us square with the passing of Nathan Buliga. He was diagnosed with cancer while he was a 6th grade student at south. He fought a grueling battle with short term victories and multiple relapses. He was exceptionally courageous and knowledgeable. Students at South found many ways to help ease his burden. Gone at 15 yrs of age with no real explanation as to why this beautiful young man was taken. Through it all Nathan remains an inspiration.

Shortly before the sad event Mr. Russ Dupris, Braintree Veteran Council came to our school with two clocks as a gift to honor our Memorial Day Observation. He was moved by the students of South and their respectful observance. These two clocks commemorate the horrific events of 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombings. So many hurt and yet each victim, each survivor, and each selfless responder found ways to inspire.

Nathan was always a creative student who saw solutions differently. One such solution is that he placed a light bulb in his locker so he could find all his possessions. His light now serves as a symbol.

We here at South hope to construct an area in the school and entitle it “Inspiration Corner.” The 9/11 clock and the “Boston Strong” clock will remind those who are having a hard time that each day brings a new morning, that problems can be overcome and one should never give up.

A light bulb with a chain to turn on will remind us that creative ideas and inspired thoughts can solve many issues. We hope to develop a corner of ideas and solutions that help each of our teachers and students remain optimistic and opportunistic and remind us all that for every problem there are many solutions. We hope, too, that thoughtful people of high energy and purpose can make each place and each person better because all of us can say I am happier because I have known you.


October 7, 20137:00 pmHighlands School

October 21, 20137:00 pmColbert School

November 4, 20137:00 pmRoss School

November 18, 20137:00 pmColbert School

December 9, 20137:00 pmMorrison School

The agenda for each meeting may be viewed two days prior to the meeting date at


CORI Forms are valid September through June. Please remember to fill out a CORI form if you are planning to volunteer in some capacity at South. CORI forms are available in the main office.


Tuesday, October 8th- 7:00 pm

Tuesday, November 12th- 7:00 pm

Tuesday, January 14th – 7:00 pm

Tuesday, February 11th – 7:00 pm


The Friends of Pond Meadow will hold a Pumpkin Fest-Family Day on Saturday, October 19th with a rain date of Sunday, October 20th, from 11:30 - 3:30 at the park. Hayrides, face-painting, games, pumpkins and decorations and food will be available.

Come, decorate your pumpkin and enjoy the beauty of Pond Meadow Park as a family.

Contact Pond Meadow Park for any further information at 781-843-7683.


October 1 -6:45 pm –Quebec Meeting

October 4-End Midterm 1

October 8 – 7:00 pm – PTO meeting

October 22- Parent/Teacher Conferences 3- 5:30 pm

October 24 – Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:30 – 8:00 pm

October 25 – October Festival of Motion

October 29 – Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:30 – 8:00 pm

Nature’s Classroom News

Attention 6th graders and Parents:

Mark Your Calendar:

Wednesday, November 6, 2013 is the parent information meeting for Nature’s Classroom. A representative from Nature’s Classroom will be here to speak to you. There will also be important health form information. You don’t want to miss it!

Meeting will be held in the Auditorium at 6:30 p.m.


Early Dismissal Days – 11:45pm -2013-2014

Wednesday, October 2

Tuesday, November 5

Wednesday, November 27

Thursday, January 30

Wednesday, March 5

Tuesday, June 17 (if no snow days)

No School Days 2013-2014

Monday, October 14 – Columbus Day

Monday, November 11 –Veteran’s Day

November 28 & 29 –Thanksgiving

Monday, January 20 – M.L. King Jr. Day

Friday, April 18 – Good Friday

Monday, May 26 – Memorial Day

Vacation Weeks 2013 – 2014

Winter Break – December 23 thru January 1

February Break – February 17 – 21

Spring Break – April 21-25

Last Day of School – June 17 (11:45 Dismissal)

Please see School Year 2013/2014 Calendar on reverse side

ABSENCES: If your child is to be absent for any reason please call

781-356-0657 and report the absence to the school nurse


Elisabeth Evans: (English) Elisabeth attended Messiah College in Pennsylvania and graduated with a degree in English Education and Psychology. She completedmy student teaching at Carlisle High School in Carlisle, PA. After graduating, she taught 9th through 12th grade Literature at a bilingual school in the DominicanRepublic for a year. Elisabeth is excited to be a part of the team at South MiddleSchool and looks forward to an exciting school year.

Sarah Clark: (Science) Sarah graduated from Colby College and worked as a vaccinedevelopment researcher and directed a residential summer camp for the Girl Scouts. She is currently completing a MAT at Salem State University. In her spare time she enjoys hiking with her dog, open water distance swimming, and knitting.

Marina Pithis: (Art) Marina went to Assumption College where she studied Studio Art

and Education. While there she completed her student teaching at Algonquin Regional High School in Northboro, MA. This is Ms. Pithis second full year teaching, and before working in Braintree she was teaching Visual Art at Reading Memorial High School, in Reading, Massachusetts. Ms. Pithis is thrilled to be teaching at South MiddleSchool and is looking forward to a great year!”

Brittany Ross: (Science)Ms. Ross went to Sacred Heart University where she studied Biology and received my bachelor of science. After her undergraduate career, she went on to receive her masters at Sacred Heart in August 2013. Brittany is originally from upstate New York though she is a Sox/Pats/Celts/Bruins fan at heart : ) She spends a lot of time with her family, fiancé, and friends. She also loves to run and be outside!


90 / Motta / 201 / Ryan Casey
91 / Stone / 202 / Kelly Proulx
92 / Boynton/Pithis / 203 / Brittany Ross
93 / Cash / 204 / Christine Mazzei
94 / Ann Schulze / 205 / Mark Henry
95 / Dotty Burkett / 206 / Katie Norton
96 / Justin Taylor / 207 / Elizabeth Shalhoup
97 / Jen Heckman / 208 / Michael Puglisi
Boys / Matt Freeman / 209 / Kristina Macauley
Girls / Rachel Woodworth / 210 / Matt Dorn, Kathy Cotter
Jared Griffin
211 / Gerry Sullivan
FIRST FLOOR / 212 / Christine Norris
213 / Rebecca Freeman
100 / Jim Joyce / 214 / Rebecca Drayer
100A / Tony Fama
101 / Betsy Clifford / OFFICES
102 / Jennifer Kujanpaa
103 / Nicole Joyce / Under back stairs / Ed McDonough
104 / Luke DeDeus / Back / Christine Cordasco
105 / MaryKateCallahan / To / Jennifer Hurley (INSIDE)
106 / Taylor Sturtevant / Front / Laurie Melchionda
107 / Kathy Tuffy / Office / Elaine Pagliarulo
108 / Gina Achin / Laura Riordan
109 / Amy Lyons
109A / Diane Rushton / Cathy Maguire
114outside cafe / Nicole Kramer / Kathie Lydon
115 beside cafe / Cindy Keenan
116 (off DH) / Kimberly Borgida
117 (off DH) / Kwedor/Ten Eyck
118 (off DH) / Amy Francoeur
MC / Deborah Vose part-time
OutsideMC / Anastasia Zis
Off MC / ConfRoom/Marla Robinson
Off MC / Horgan/Khoury
AUD / Matt Sawtelle




Basic Rights Workshop

Presented by SEPAC

along with a Presentation on the I.E.P.

Presented by the Federation for Children with Special Needs

This workshop will be co-hosted with the Holbrook PAC

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

6:00 - 8:30 PM

Thayer Public Library, 798 Washington Street, Braintree

The Basic Rights workshop - 6:00 - 6:45pm

This workshop will provide families with an introduction to their rights and responsibilities under the Individuals withDisabilities Education Act (IDEA), Massachusetts Special Education LawandNo Child Left Behind (NCLB)

I.E.P. - Individualized Education Program -6:45 - 8:30pm

Every child with a disability who receives special education services must have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). This workshop takes parents step-by-step through the IEP development, including how to articulate a vision; using evaluations to write measurable goals, and measuring their child’s progress.



Presented by the Federation for Children with Special Needs

This workshop will be co-hosted with the WeymouthPAC

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

6:30 – 8:30PM

Thayer Public Library, 798 Washington Street, Braintree

Transition 101 – High School to Adulthood: This workshop addresses effective use of the IEP and the Massachusetts Transition Planning Form (TPF) for students who are ages 14 – 22. Individualized, person centered planning of curriculum and supports throughout high school leads to better post high school outcomes and opportunities in education, training, and/or employment for students with disabilities. Discussion includes age of majority, self determination and self advocacy, life skill development and preparing students to pursue as independent an adult life as possible.




News from the South School Media Center . . . .

A warm welcome to the library/media center just across South’s front lobby . . . I hope returning students and all new students have been able to visit and borrow books. Among the new books added to the collection this summer are:

Prodigy by Marie Lu Game Changers Underdogs by Lupica

U.S Presidents by Basher Cleopatra: Queen of Egypt by Twist

Almost Home by Bauer Cinder by Meyer

Lincoln’s Grave Robbers by Sheinikin Day of Doom, by Baldacci (#6 Cahills v. Vespers)

Since I’m Braintree’s only middle school librarian, I split each 6-day cycle between South and East. Please encourage your student to take advantage of the media center on Days 4, 5 and 6 when I’m there. My expectation is that students will treat the books and with respect, and return them when they’re due. They can also use the library netbooks for research, word processing and other projects. Thank you for your support!

Our paraprofessionals have begun supervising an afterschool ‘Homework Club’ in the library every Monday through Thursday. All students who want a quiet place to do homework from 2:25 to 3:10 (late bus bell) are welcome.

Information about South’s 3rd annual Battle of the Books will be printed in the November newsletter, and also on the library website. Teams from South and East read books (provided by the library), and compete against each other in a trivia-like contest that requiresthem to recall details about characters, plots and settings.

Let’s make the 2013-14 school year one to remember! ----submitted by Ms. Vose, East & South Library/Media Specialist

South Middle School Nurse’s Notes:


1. Choose Right - choosing the right size backpack is the most important step to safe backpack use.

2. Pack Right - the maximum weight of the loaded backpack should not exceed 15% of your body weight, so pack only what is needed. Tip: if the backpack forces the wearer to move forward to carry, it’s overloaded.

3. Lift Right - Face the pack, bend at the knees, use both hands and check the weight of the pack. Lift with the legs; apply one shoulder strap, and then the other. Tip: Don’t sling the backpack onto one shoulder.

4. Wear Right - Use both shoulder straps, snug but not too tight. Tip: When the backpack has a waist strap use it.


Mrs. Wright and I will begin to start vision and hearing screening for all 7th grade students. Parents whose children do not pass the hearing and/or vision screening will receive written notification and asked to have their child checked by their physician or specialist.


  • If your child has a fever of 100ºF or above.
  • If your child has a contagious illness such as chicken pox, strep throat, or flu.
  • If your child has a skin rash or condition not yet diagnosed by a physician.
  • If your child is vomiting or has diarrhea.
  • If your child’s eye is pink or red, itchy and/or drainage from the eye is present.

Great time of the year to think about the things you would like to work onsuch as:

  • Eating healthier
  • Getting more exercise
  • Reading to your children or having them read to you
  • Switching off the TV (and all the other electronics) for the evening

The American Academy of Pediatrics (web site listed below) has some wonderful resolutions for school age kids such as:

  • I will start my day with breakfast before school.
  • I will drink milk and water and limit soda and fruit drinks.
  • I will apply sunscreen before I go outdoors.I will try to stay in the shade and wear a hat and sunglasses especially when I am playing sports.
  • I will try to find a sport or an activity that I like and do it at least 3 times a week.
  • I will always wear protective gear—especially a helmet.
  • I will wear my seat belt every time I get in a car.I’ll sit in the back seat and use a booster seat until I am tall enough to use a lap/shoulder seat belt.
  • I’ll be nice to other kids.I’ll be friendly to kids who need friends. I’ll never give out personal information such as my name, home address, or school.

South Middle School WEB SITE: The South Middle schools web site is available to all parents. On the web site find Health Services. Click on Health Services to find the health brochure, the physical exam form, medication forms – both parents and physicians, acetaminophen and ibuprofen permission forms, Triple EEE fact sheet, and forms regarding the flu shot. You can now download these forms at any time from your home from the web site.

  • If your child becomes ill while at school, every attempt will be made to contact a parent to make arrangements to take the child home.
  • Injuries at school, if severe, will be handled as an emergency situation and local EMS will be called to take your child to the most appropriate receiving hospital. Parents will be notified immediately if an ambulanceis called.
  • If your child needs to be excused from physical education class, notification in writing is mandatory from both parent and physician. Written documentation is required for return to physical education class as well.
  • Parents are expected to keep emergency contact numbers up to date. If the information for yourself or other emergency contacts change, please notify the school nurse immediately.

Approved by School Committee



SEPTEMBER 19 days (19)FEBRUARY15 days(110)

M T W Th FM T W Th F

2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7

9 10 11 12 1310 11 12 13 14

16 17 18 19 2017 18 19 20 21

232425 2627 2425262728


OCTOBER22 days (41)MARCH21 days (131)

1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 7

7 8 9 10 11 1011121314

14 15 16 17 18 17 18192021

21 2223 24 25 24 25 26 27 28

282930 31 31

NOVEMBER18 days (59)APRIL16 days (147)

1 1 2 3 4

4 5 6 7 8 7 8 91011

1112131415 1415161718


25 26272829 282930

DECEMBER15 days(74)MAY21 days (168)

2 3 4 5 6 1 2

910 111213 5 6 7 8 9

161718 19201213141516



JANUARY21 days (95)JUNE12days (180)

1 2 3 2 3 4 5 6

6 7 8 910 9 10 11 12 13

1314151617161717days (185)

2021222324 18 19 20

272829303123 24

9/02 Labor Day

9/03 First Day for teachers4/18Good Friday

9/04 First Day for students (1-9) 4/21-25Spring Break

9/05 First Day for students (10-12) 5/26 Memorial Day

9/10 First Day for Kindergarten students 6/17Last day for students, K-9, Half Day,

10/2 ½ Day – Professional Development unless necessary to go beyond this date

10/14 Columbus Day to meet the 180 day requirement.

11/5 ½ Day – Professional Development 6/18Last day for students, grades 10 & 11,

11/11 Veteran’s Day Half Dayandall teachers, unless necessary

11/27 Half-Day togo beyond this date to meet the

11/28, 29 Thanksgiving requirements of the negotiated agreement.

12/23-1/1 Winter Break

1/20 M.L.King, Jr. Day

1/30 ½ Day – Professional Development

2/17-21 February Break

3/5 ½ Day – Professional Development