GREAT IDEAS!!! / Midway ISD Education Foundation
Educator Initiative Program
Student Performance Grants
Grant Application Cover Page
(To be completed by Grant Applicant)Grant applications should be submitted to Suzi Pagel at the Midway ISD Administration Building. Due Date: 4:30 p.m. on October 23, 2017. No applications will be accepted after this time.
Telephone: 254-761-5614. E-mail:
1. Grant Application No. ______
(Office Use Only)
2. Project Title:
3. Name(s) and signature(S) of all applicants associated with this grant application: (See explanation p.6 for difference between primary grant coordinators and other staff participants.)
(Print Name) (Signature)
(add more lines above if necessary to include all PRIMARY grant writers)
(Not Primary)
4. School(s)
5. Principal's Signature* Date
*Signatures for each campus involved are required. Please add additional lines if needed.
/ Midway ISD Education FoundationEducator Initiative Program
Student Performance Grants
Grant Application
(To be completed by Grant Applicant)Grant applications should be submitted to Suzi Pagel at the Midway ISD Administration Building. Due Date: 4:30 p.m. on October 23, 2017.(Applications including technology items MUST be submitted to technology department no later than October 19th for review prior to submission to the Education Foundation) No late applications will be accepted.
Telephone: 254-761-5614 E-mail:
The Grants for Great Ideas Program is a request for creative and innovative approaches to meeting students’ educational needs. Refer to the Instructions and Check List for a complete explanation of each item. Use as much space as needed to respond completely and effectively.
6.Grant Application No. ______
(Office Use Only)
7. Project Title
8. Grade(s) ______
9. Subject(s) a.______b. Serves primarily Special Education? ____
10. Number of target population to be served:
a. Students b. Parents c. Teachers
11a. Implementation date: 11b. Completion Date:
11c. Did you receive a grant during the previous semester? ___ Yes ___No
If yes, what is the status of that grant?
___Implemented and evaluated
___Implemented, not yet evaluated
___Items purchased, not implemented
___Items not yet purchased
Application Narrative:
12. Abstract (no more than 100 words)13. Need: What educational need(s) of students will be met by this grant?
14. Purpose: What is the project’s intended outcome?
15. Rationale for the implementation of the project: Include how the project relates to your campus plan and any research that supports the need for this project.
16. Objectives: Objectives must be measurable in terms of student behavior or performance. (Remember “SMART” – see pg. 7 of instruction packet)
17. Creative and innovative instructional procedures, methods and activities that will be used to implement this project:
18. Explain the number of students to be served and the extent (every day, once a week) to which students will be served. Will students be served in the future? Is this a one time use item or will it have recurring use?
19. Project Evaluation: What methods will you use to measure the success of your project?
20. Identify any school, community, or business partners involved in the project and their respective role(s).
21. Is this request for a ¨ new item ¨ replacement item?
If a replacement, please explain why the replacement is creative and/or innovative:
22. What else would you like for us to know about your proposed grant program? Limit 100 words.
22. Application Budget: Project Title
DIRECTIONS: Note the budget distribution for each category. Be specific. (See “Instructions for Typing on This Form on the Computer” for help with computer entries.) Any funds listed on this form must be explained in the narrative of your application. NOTE: if the number of applicants differs from the number of items requested, be sure to explain. (Example: 6 applicants, but 4 TVs requested)
Note: All purchases must be made through current Midway ISD vendors when available.
Budget Items
/Cost per Unit
/Total Cost
Supplies (please list)Substitutes (@ appx. $65.00/day for credentialed substitutes. ; See principal for your rate (credentialed v. noncredentialed)
Contracted Services (list consultants)
Remember to add shipping if needed.
Grant Applications should be submitted to the Education Foundation by the deadline.
22. Signature of Technology/Media Coordinator* Date _____
* Required when funds will be used to purchase technology and/or media equipment. Applications requiring technology signatures must be submitted to that department no later than 4:30 P.M. Oct. 18, 2017. Early submission of a rough draft to the Technology Dept. is encouraged so they can make alternate equipment suggestions when applicable. TECHNOLOGY FAX # 761-5777
Midway ISD Education Foundation
2017 - 2018 Application and Funding Schedule
First Semester Grant Schedule
· September 5 (Tue.) Call for Round Thirty-two grants
· Mid - Sept. Grant workshop MISD Admin. 4:00 p.m. Tips on writing successful grants (attend one only)
· October 17 (Tue.) All grants requesting technology items must be submitted to Technology Dept. for approval
· October 23 (Mon.) Round Thirty-four applications due in Ed. Foundation office (Admin. Building) by 4:30 p.m.
· November date TBA Grants Review Committee Meeting, 8:30 - Noon, Board Room
· November 7 Winning grants presented to Executive Committee for approval
· November Winning grants presented to Foundation Board for approval (via evote?)
· Date TBD Prize Posse
· Dec. 19 (Tue.) Grant funding amount presented to the Board of Trustees 7:00 p.m., Board Room
· Jan. 5 (Fri.) Requisitions due in the business office by 4:30 p.m.
· Jan. 16 (Tue.) Grant Winners presented to the Board of Trustees, 7:00 p.m., Board Room
· May 25 (Fri.) Evaluation report due in Education Foundation office by 4:30 p.m.
Checklist (Please check carefully; failure to complete any one of these items will result in your grant being disqualified):
____Application must signed by ALL teachers included in the project, primary and secondary.
____Application must be signed by all principals affected by the grant.
____All applications with technology requests must be submitted to the Technology Department prior to Oct. 18 (rough drafts are acceptable). Susan Fletcher or Seth Hansen must sign the budget page outlining technology expenditures. This page is to be included in your application.
____Copy of training certificate for at least one applicant on your grant team must be attached.
____A copy of each primary applicant’s daily schedule (including room number) should be included.
____Email a copy of the completed portion of the application to prior to the deadline (don’t include instructions, etc).
____Do not use names of campuses or staff members in your application. Doing so will render your application ineligible for funding.
Midway ISD Education Foundation 4 9/6/17