Diamond R-IV School


Regular Administrative Building July 8, 2015

6:00 p.m.

Kind of Meeting Place Time & Date



Jill Renfro, President Beth Nickolaisen

Barb Badley-Vice President

Jon Henson

Johnny Russow Partial- Johnny Russow

Tracy Danner

Chris Macy

Mike Mabe, Supt.

Julie Prewitt, Sec


Call to Order President, Jill Renfro called the meeting to order @ 6:00 p.m.

Bid Opening Mr. Mabe opened bids for District telephone system. Three bids were received and opened as


ISG Technology- $73,820.28

Greg DeJarnette- 71,824.00

Buthco- 55,180.88

Mr. Mabe made the Board aware that on Monday the District will be going through a

technology assessment. Several employees of the District will be involved in the process.

**Motion by Tracy Danner and second by Barb Badley to approve bill list as presented. Approved


**Motion by Chris Macy and second by Jon Henson to approve board minutes from June 10 and

June 24 meeting

Johnny joined the meeting at 6:10 p.m.

**Motion by Tracy Danner and second by Chris Macy to approve 4th payment request from DeWitt

and Associates. Approved 6-0 Mr. Mabe updated the Board on the FEMA project.

Resignation **Motion Jon Henson and second by Chris Macy to accept resignation letter as submitted by Brian Brimicombe, ISS Teacher. Approved 6-0

**Motion by Barb Badley and second by Chris Macy to accept resignation letter as submitted

by Cassi Bishop, Elementary Teacher. Approved 6-0

**Motion by Jon Henson and second by Barb Badley to approve resignation letter submitted by

Kimmie Carmen, custodian. Approved 6-0

Mr. Duffie presented requested revisions to the Elementary Handbook for the 2015-16

School year. **Motion by Barb Badley and second by Tracy Danner to approve handbook

revision as requested. Approved 6-0

Mr. Mabe updated the Board on Summer School enrollment figures. As of current we are at ADA of 47.87 and this number is not including credit recovery students.

Closed **Motion by Barb Badley and second by Chris Macy to go into closed session for

7:15 p.m. discussion on RSMo ss 610.021 Personnel (3) Student (4) Approved 6-0 by roll call vote


Julie Prewitt, Board Secretary