Church Officers

The Rectory – Tel: 612267

The Churchwardens

Mr Robert Hawthornthwaite – Tel: 612952.

Mr John Clarkson – Tel: 612855; E-mail:

Licensed Lay Reader

Mr Stan Pickles – Tel: 615708; E-mail:

PCC Secretary

Mrs Margaret Clark – Tel: 616990; E-mail:

PCC Treasurer

Mrs Barbara Wood – Tel: 617679: E-mail:

Deanery Synod Representatives

Mr Bill Prescott, Mrs Avril Wright.

Stewardship Recorder/Gift Aid Secretary

Mrs Pearl Read.

Magazine Secretary

Mrs Elsie Kirkham – Tel: 615832.

Flower Secretaries

Mrs Althea Slater – Tel: 614966, and Mrs Marion Clarkson – Tel: 612855

Electoral Roll Secretary

Mrs Julie Tanham – Tel: 612992

Verger: Mrs Val Simpson – Tel: 614458.

Weekly Giving Envelopes: Please contact the Churchwardens.


Sunday School – meets 10.30am in School.

Leader: Mrs Kathleen Leigh – Tel: 612196.

Youth Club for 9-13year olds – currently closed.

Leader: Mrs Mandy Hughes, MBE – Tel 611647.


Hoole Church Ladies Group – meets 7.30pm, 3rd Tuesday, in School.

Leader: Mrs Joan Wilson – Tel 613063; E-mail:

St Michael’s Men’s Fellowship – meets 7.30pm, 2nd Tuesday in School.

Secretary: Mr Ted Hopkins – Tel: 617002.

Hoole StMichaelCEPrimary School

Head Teacher: Mrs Kathryn Melling – Tel: 613219.

1st St. Michael’s Hoole Scout and Guide Groups

Group Scout Leader: Julie Fenton 01772 451467.

Friends of St. Michael’s – Caring for the fabric of our ancient church.

Chairman: Eric Barker – Tel 614385. Secretary:David Turner – Tel 614192.

Church Web Site: and


Calendar for March & April

Sunday March 7th The Third Sunday of Lent

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Ven. J Hawley)

10.45am Holy Communion (CW) (Ven. J Hawley/S Pickles)

3.00pm Evensong (said) (S Pickles)

4.00pm Holy Communion by extension at Old Mill Court.

Sunday 14th The Fourth Sunday of Lent / Mothering Sunday

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Revd. S Hughes)

10.45am Family Worship (Revd. S Hughes)

Thursday 18th 7.00pm Licensing Service

for our new Priest in Charge (Rector), Revd Bill Sloan.

Sunday 21st The Fifth Sunday of Lent (Passiontide)

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Rector)

10.45am Holy Communion (CW) (Rector /S Pickles)

3.00pm Evensong (said) (Rector /S Pickles)

Sunday 28th Palm Sunday

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Rector)

10.45am Morning Praise (Rector /S Pickles)

Meet in School at 10.30am for blessing & distribution of Palm Crosses

Friday April 2nd Good Friday

10.45am Service of Meditation (Rector Revd. K Wood)

Sunday 4th Easter Day

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Rector)

10.45am Holy Communion (CW) (Rector /S Pickles)

3.00pm Evensong (said) (S Pickles)

4.00pm Holy Communion Old Mill Court. (S Pickles)

Sunday 11th The Second Sunday of Easter

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Rector)

10.45am Morning Praise (Rector /S Pickles)

Mid-week services during Lent: All services commence at 7.00pm

Tuesday March 2nd Holy Communion (CW) (Revd. R Plant)

Tuesday March 9th Service of Compline (S. Pickles)

Tuesday March 16th Holy Communion (CW) (Revd. R Plant)

Tuesday March 23rd Holy Communion (CW) (Rector)

Tuesday March 30th Holy Communion (CW) (Rector)

All of the above services will be sung services with the inclusion of four short hymns; in addition during Holy Week, commencing on March 29th, there will be a said service of Holy Communion on the Mon. Wed. and Thurs. evenings.

Magazine material to Honey Penrose or Stan Picklesby March 18th.


Our prayers have been answered

We reported in the February magazine that the PCC had voted that they would be happy if a part-time, non stipendiary minister were appointed to St Michael’s and that it was in order for us to meet the man whom Bishop John had in mind.

In due course a meeting was arranged between the prospective candidate, the Area Dean, Stan and ourselves. After the meeting we were of the opinion that he would be eminently suitable for St Michael’s and duly reported back to Bishop John. The wheels were set in motion – quite quickly as it turned out and now we almost have a new Rector.

Our new Rector will be The Reverend William Sloan who has been taking services at Bretherton, Croston and Mawdesley. Bill was born just outside of Belfast, was a teacher and later a headmaster in a variety of schools in Lancashire. He took early retirement about ten years ago. Since then he has studied theology and at present is working for his Doctorate. He lives in Eccleston and will continue to do so. Linda, his wife will be assisting him wherever possible. Although living outside of the parish they both fully intend being involved in all Church activities and with the two schools.

As expected, Bill will be coming to us as a part time non stipendiary minister, the equivalent of about three days each week. He will be licensed in our Church on Thursday, 18th March at 7.00pm by The Right Reverend John Goddard, Bishop of Burnley. We sincerely hope that many of you will be able to attend.

Bill will take his first services in St Michael’s on Sunday, 21st March 2010 which will hopefully set the scene for a number of years. We both wish him all the very best in his new post and look forward to working with him and with Linda.

Over the last few months it has often been suggested that we pray that a new minister will be found for St Michael’s. It looks like you made a good job of it. Thank you all.

Robert and John – Church Wardens

Men’s Fellowship

We hold our annual joint meeting with the Ladies’ Group members on Tuesday 9th March – please note we shall be in church due to the building work currently being carried out to the school hall – at 7.45pm after the Lenten service. The talk is entitled “Another Adventure” by Pat Ascroft. This is an open meeting when, as well as welcoming the ladies, we extend a warm invitation to anyone else in the parish who would be interested in coming along.


…And a Little Child Shall Lead Them

We were all, I am sure, greatly shocked to read and see film coverage of the recent earthquake which caused the great devastation in Haiti: the sheer extent of it was to some extent difficult to comprehend. Equally it was reassuring to see the various aid agencies react so quickly to their needs, in order to try to alleviate the suffering and bewilderment experienced by those so severely affected by the disaster, and our own local branch of Christian Aid very quickly responded with a Coffee Morning which raised £825.00.

However, surely one of the greatest responses of all was that of three of our own local primary school girls, who having themselves seen the plight of the victims – especially that of the children, decided to arrange their own fund raising event. Sisters Nell and Violet Wray, together with their friend Hannah Collinson decided to pool their pocket money and hire our local village hall and hold their own ‘Sale of Work’ to raise funds for the appeal. Of course they received help from their parents and other family members, and yes parents of their school friends and our own church members all supported the event, but this does not change the fact that the initiative came from three young girls, who are to be congratulated for their efforts which resulted in £680.00 being raised for the disaster fund.

I have recentlyread articles in The Reader newsletters published by the Diocese, and over consecutive issues a similar message has appeared. One article told of a Reader who had been asked to lead worship at a neighbouring church; it was a Family Worship service and one which he was familiar with, having led this service on several previous occasions. He looked at the lessons appointed for the day and decided that they were not very child friendly and not very appropriate for building a service of Family Worship around. So he decided to look at alternative readings suggested for the day, and formed his ‘Family Service’, sermon and all around them. On arriving at church he was told, “We’ve changed the Family Service a bit, the children now only come in before the last hymn”. It was too late to change his arrangements for the service at this late hour, so the adults got what was originally intended as a children’s service; what’s more, the comments afterwards were of how much they had enjoyed it.

Are we guilty sometimes of over-complicating a situation, should we sometimes, maybe look at things as through the eyes of a child? The three young girls mentioned earlier saw a need and reacted in a simple yet positive way, they certainly showed us adults the way on this occasion, and I say “Well done”. And what a wonderful example of the ‘Parable of the Talents’, turning £14.50(the cost of hiring the hall) into £680.00, but that’s another story.

Stan Pickles.


Windows Protection Appeal

The Parochial Church Council and The Friends of St. Michael’s are pleased to tell you that the target amount of £10,000 for the Windows Appeal has now been exceeded. Donations however continue to arrive and at the time of going to press the total stands in the region of £12,000.A final amount will be given in the April magazine.

You may be forgiven for not noticing that the poly-carbonate protection has now been installed because it is so unobtrusive and does not detract from aesthetic considerations. Your generous donations have enabled the account to be settled with the Pendle Glass Company.

Members of the parish and beyond were shocked and disturbed when the church windows suffered extensive damage following a vandal attack.The extent to which parishioners and many others living both inside and outside the parish rallied to the cause was an amazing and positive demonstration of the power of good in the community.

Individuals donated according to their circumstances. Sorrowing mourners at funerals donated in memoriam. Joyful parents at christenings contributed. All church organisations had a critical look at their funds and corporately found a substantial amount of money that they handed to the appeal.

We intend to hold a Celebratory Parish Dinner at the SanMarcoRestaurant on Wed. 14th. April 2010 - price £12.50. Everybody is welcome if a ticket is purchased. A two-course meal will be provided with entertainment by Mr. David Ashley, an extremely talented Frank Sinatra tribute singer, supported by his daughter Miss Laura Ashley. We are not intending this to be a fundraiser, just to mark closure of the appeal; however there will be a raffle.

You can book individually, or why not book a table (10) for Family and/or Friends? Further details on the church notice board and elsewhere or ring 614385(Eric), Clive (601495) or contact the Churchwardens.

The Parochial Church Council and The Friend’s of St. Michael are very grateful and thank all contributors to the appeal for your immediate response and overwhelming generosity. The Quinquenniel Report from the Diocese requires us to undertake further structural work both inside and outside the church. Security has to be enhanced and the footpaths in the churchyard upgraded. We can undertake this work with confidence knowing that our Development Funds have not been depleted by a serious expensive and entirely unforeseen incident of wanton destruction.

Your response has not only protected the windows but contributed to

securing the future of St. Michael’s Church.

Chairman of The Friends of St. Michael’s



Holy Baptism “We welcome into the Lord’s Family”

31st January JUSTIN ALEX RAYNOR son ofAndrew Jackson

and Emma Louise Foster-Raynor of Much Hoole.


Paul Anthony Dance and Laura Anne Raynor of Much Hoole.

21st February ZARA JANE HARRISON daughter of

Steven Malcolm and Jane Elizabeth Harrison of Penwortham.

Holy Matrimony “Those whom God hath joined together”

The Departed “Rest eternal grant unto them”

4th January GORDON WILKINSaged 79 years of WalmerBridge.

Interment followed at St Andrew’s, Leyland.


Attendance Communicants Collections

January 24th (Epiphany 3) 37 34 £ 284.50

January 31st (Epiphany 4) 85 27 £ 482.10

February 7th (2 Before Lent) 116 97 £ 607.60

February 14th (1 Before Lent) 76 27 £ 401.90

February 21st (Lent 1) 119 81 £ 569.10

Please note: On January 24th there was no mid morning service held at St Michael’s, as a United Service to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity was held at HooleMethodistChurch. The attendance figures for February 21st also include those for Ash Wednesday.

Ladies’ Group

At last month’s meeting we were given sobering information by Pauline Geraghty of the Preston arm of the Children’s Society about the desperate needs of some of our young people. However, the organisation receives funding to run its Children’s Rights & Advocacy Service; they help children with problems by matching them to volunteers; and they have also set up a runaways project.

This month, the Men’s Fellowship have invited us to their meeting on Tuesday 9th March (please note it’s the 2nd Tuesday), which will take place in church at 7.45pmwhen the speaker, Pat Ascroft, will be talking about “Another Adventure”.

Advance notice: our April meeting is to be a “Bring a Friend” eveningwhen we hope members will bring a friend or relation along to the Blackpool Town Crier’s talk. We’re hoping for a bumper attendance! (ctd on page 8)


Sidespersons’ Rota(March/April)

7th 9.00am. Val Van Holsbeke

10.45am. Eric Barker John Aughton & Janet Tugman

3.00pm. Clifford Orritt

14th 9.00am. Rob McMurray

10.45am. Bill Prescott Elizabeth Hedley & Philip Wilson

(Assisted by confirmation class & recently confirmed)

21st 9.00am. Brian Taylor

10.45am. Paul Johnson Richard McIlwaine & Jean Aughton

3.00pm. Sylvia Douglas

28th 9.00am. Jeremy Leigh

10.45am. Bill Carr David Turner & Olivia Graham

4th 9.00am. Henry Redshaw

10.45am. Eric Barker John Aughton & Janet Tugman

3.00pm. Peter Smallwood

11th 9.00am. Val Van Holsbeke

10.45am. Gill Slinger Norman Skellorn & Tom Wignall

Readers’ Rota (March/April)

7th D TurnerIsaiah Ch 55 vv 1-9.

C Bamber 1 Corinthians Ch 10 vv 1-13.

14th Confirmation class & recently Confirmed members.

21st E Gilkes Isaiah Ch 43 vv 16-21.

H Redshaw Philippians Ch 3 vv 4b-14.

28th W Prescott Isaiah Ch 50 vv 4-9a.

J Elphick St Luke Ch 19 vv 28-40.

4th J Clarkson Acts Ch 10 vv 34-43.

G Slinger 1 Corinthians Ch 15 vv 19-26.

11th J Dewhurst Acts Ch 5 vv 27-32.

E Hopkins St John Ch 20 vv 19-end.

Church Flowers (March/April)

Arrangers Donor

4th All arrangersEaster flowers

11thEaster Octave

Christian Aid

The excellent Christian Aid "Count Your Blessings" cards with thoughts and ideas for use during Lent are now available.Please take one of these and, if you wish, a Christian Aid box to use with it.


Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2009

I have taken over from Barbara Wood the distribution and collection of the Poppy Appeal collection boxes for the areas of Bretherton, WalmerBridge and Much Hoole. Barbara has done an excellent job over the last eight years and thanks go to her for the work done in that time; also the well ordered instructions and information she handed to me has made my first year so much easier. Here are the results for 2009, overall a £6,000.00 increase in the District:

Total District collection £48,035.35

Total Bretherton, MuchHoole & WalmerBridge£ 1,390.93

Total St Michael’s Church £ 52.32

Total St Michael’s School £ 45.02

On behalf of the Royal British Legion, thank you to those who helped on the Poppy stall at Booths in Longton and thank you all for your generous donationsat what is a time of great demand on the resources of the British Legion.

Christine Barker

Ladies’ Group continued:

At our April meeting, or the trip in May, please bring along your raffle and tombola prizes ready for the Garden Party on 12th June. There will also be a box in church for this purpose. Many thanks.

Please also note that menu choices and your £10 for our 35thanniversary meal should be given in by our June meeting. Sheila Taylor has some menu choice forms if you haven’t yet completed one.

Diary Dates for March and early April

Mon Mar 8th PCC Meeting in school at 7.45pm.

TuesMar 9thJoint Men’s Fellowship and Ladies’ Group in church at 7.45pm after the Lenten service – Pat Ascroft – “Another Adventure”

Thurs Mar 18thLicensing of the Revd Bill Sloan in church at 7.00pm – refreshments follow at Dobson’s Farm.

Mon Mar 22ndLadies’ Group committee meeting at Low Barn at 7.15pm.

Mon Mar 22nd Friends and Development committee meeting in Church at 7.45pm.

Tue April 13thMen’s Fellowship – Local History of Fylde Villages with Revd Bob Worswick.

Wed April 14thCelebratory Parish dinner at the San Marco (see p.4).