Operational Instructions for IPS Lasers/HAMMER Raman System.

Operation of the Innovative Photonics Solutions (IPS)lasers require compliance with the following protocol.


  1. Turn on the temperature control system for the lasers in the Labview software program and ensure that the lasers are powered off.
  1. Flip open the sample change flap of top of the foam-core enclosure. Remove the previous sample if necessary from the sample holder. Place the new sample in the sample holder.
  1. Close the sample change flap.
  1. Take measurements using the Labview software program.
  1. Assure that the energized laser system is never left unattended.

Switching samples

  1. Ensure that the lasers are powered off in the Labview software program.
  1. Flip open the sample change flap of top of the foam-core enclosure. Remove the previous sample if necessary from the sample holder. Place the new sample in the sample holder.
  1. Close the sample change flap.
  1. Take measurements using the Labview software program. Repeat the “Switching samples” section as necessary.


  1. Turn off the laser current and temperature control using the Labview software.
  1. Flip open the sample change flap and remove the sample. Close the sample change flap.
  1. Remove laser protective eyewear.


  1. The persondoing the realignment and all personnel in the vicinity of the laser should wear laser protective eyewear. (Maroon glasses which specify an OD of > 7 at 780-840 nm)
  1. Remove the foam-core box.
  1. If anyone enters the room at this point or before sample cover is replaced, they must wear protective eyewear stated in Step 1.
  1. Place a reference sample in the sample holder.
  1. Power on one of the lasers and the temperature controllers with the Labview software.
  1. Set the Labview software to continuously measure the spectrum.
  1. Adjust the knobs on the mirror mount to maximize the signal strength of the spectrum.
  1. Turn off the laser current with the Labview software.
  1. Remove the reference sample from the sample holder.
  1. Place the foam-core box back in position.
  1. Remove laser protective eyewear.

In Case of Suspected Eye, Skin or Other Injury:

  1. Keep the injured person as calm as possible
  1. If laser burn or other injury has no active bleeding, transport injured person to Duke Occupational Health Services or, after hours, to the Duke Hospital Emergency Department. If bleeding is excessive, call 911.
  1. Shut down the laser system until evaluation and corrective actions are implemented.
  1. Notify the Laser Safety Manager at 668-3157.
  1. Notify the injured person's supervisor.