Syllabus for 2016-17

Oceanside High School

Course Syllabus

Course Title: Dystopian Literature

  1. Grade Level & Instructor Information:

Grade level(s): elective / Credits: 1/2 / Prerequisite: none
Faculty memberteaching this course: / Randi Lamkins
  1. Course Description:

Dystopian Literature – This half-credit semester long elective course will focus on utopian and dystopian literature and their historical connections. Students will read a variety of works from various cultures and time periods and will explore the components of a functioning society, while examining attempts to create utopian societies. Students will write analytically and creatively.
  1. Required Materials

3 ring binder (1” or more), fully charged MLTI tablet, writing implement, highlighter, text(s) when applicable, handouts
  1. Student Assistance:

Students encountering difficulties with assignments, course content, timelines for completing projects, or who need other assistance should communicate this difficulty and arrange a time to meet with me as soon as possible or request a tag during Targeted Learning time. I am generally available before and after school (when I don’t have meetings) and during period 3 on Blue days and period 4 on White days.
  1. Essential Learning Outcomes

ELA Standard: / Descriptor:
Read and comprehend appropriately complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.
Interpret, analyze, and evaluate appropriately complex literary and informational texts.
Develop and strengthen writing.
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a clear and distinct perspective, such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning, alternative or opposing perspectives are addressed, and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and a range of formal and informal tasks.
  1. Grading Procedures:

Component Description / Details & Basis for Grading / Percent - Weight - Relative Value
Formative assessments: quizzes, writing exercises, homework; self-assessments, etc. / Weekly quizzes, weekly writing exercises, self-assessments, daily homework, and conferences for each writing assignment / Approximately 15% of traditional class grade
Summative assessments: writing assignments, submissions, and exams / Various final drafts and exams / Approximately 85% of traditional class grade
Standards Grades / Standards grades will be based on proficiency of Common Core standards;
Grades will follow the 1-4 scale / Standard grades are entirely based on Summative assessments.

Note: Final exam is worth 10% of final grade

  1. Course Expectations:

Use of Technology / Students will be required to type all formal written work; students will be required to access the internet to read various texts as well as conduct research. They will also use technology to use Google classroom to complete class assignments.
Late or incomplete work/ Make-up work / Students will be able to complete late or incomplete work with consent from the teacher. Students are responsible for contacting the teacher to plan a time to complete make-up work or they may be tagged for Targeted Learning time. All make-up work must be completed in a timely manner in accordance with the OHS-E policy.
Assessment retakes / Arrangements will be made when an assessment must be redone. Students will create a plan with the teacher to ensure all preparatory work has been completed before reassessment is given.
Readiness and Homework / Students are required to bring a pen; functioning, charged iPad; text; and binder to class everyday. Some homework may be assigned to enrich classroom activities.
Participation / It is imperative that students are ready and willing to participate in class discussion and activities. Students will be assessed on their participation throughout the course.
Eating & drinking in class / Eating and drinking are allowing in my class as long as any mess is managed appropriately. This privilege will be revoked if it is abused.
Sharing views/ communicating respectfully / Students must always conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Disparaging behavior is not acceptable.
Grading / Students will be awarded a traditional grade, but I will also be assessing and documenting standards-based grades.
Communication/website / In the past I have maintained a website with information about classes and links to important documents and assignment information, but this year I am transitioning to Google classroom. Please contact me if you would like access to the Google classroom materials.

RSU 13 – Oceanside High School

Student & Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement and Return Form

Course Title / Dystopian Literature
Teacher / Randi Lamkins
Please return by: / Tuesday, February 7th

After reviewing and discussing this syllabus, please complete the form below and return by the date indicated.

Student and Parent Acknowledgements:

I have read and understand the terms of this syllabus.

Printed Student Name Student SignatureDate

Printed Parent/Guardian NameParent/Guardian SignatureDate

PLEASE provide a phone number and/or email address to most easily reach you.

Email AddressPhone numberBest time to call

My email address is . This is the best possible way to contact me with any questions and concerns throughout the year.

Please note any questions or concerns regarding this syllabus, or use this space to provide the teacher with advance notice of important information that may impact student’s participation (health concerns, anticipated absences, academic support needs, etc.).


Permission Form

Mrs. Lamkins' English

I, ______, give my permission for my son or daughter,

(please print your name)

______'s work, photograph, and/or name to be published on the

(please print your child's name)

internet and in paper form in connection with educational activities.

Parent signature:______Date:______

Student signature:______Date:______

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