University of Florida, Department of Geography

GEA 1000, Section 1F80

Fall 2017, 3 Credits

Online Class

Professor:Heidi Lannon, Ph. D.


Office: Turlington 3203

Phone: (352) 392-0494


Office Hours:Thursday - 10:45 to 12:45, Additional office hours by appointment.

Graduate Teaching

Assistant:Akhil Kshirsager, M. D., MPH,

Assistant Office Hours:TBD, Turlington3126B

E-mail will be responded to within 24 hours on week days only

Department of Geography’s Main Office Location: TUR 3141

For questions or to inquire about majoring in Geography, please contact the Undergraduate Coordinator: Dr. Liang Mao, Ph.D., Associate Professor Email: Telephone: (352) 294-7502. Web site information:

Geographic Coordinates: 82.34312 West Longitude, 29.64990 North Latitude


Thisclasswillintroduceyoutothegeographyofthemajorworldregions, dividedapproximatelyintothewesternandeasternhemispheres. Thephysicalcharacteristics, culturalcontext,andcurrentissueswillbetheframeworkwithinwhichtheregionisinvestigated. Theorderinwhicheachworldregionwillbeconsideredisshownbelow, butsubjecttochange. PowerPointandvideomaterialswillbeusedtosupplementthetextbook. ThisisanONLINEclass. Lectures, assignmentsandgradeswillbepostedontheLearningManagementSystem (alsoknownasCanvas). Itisrequiredthatyouacquaintyourselfwithaccesstothissystem.

Class Objectives

The course gives students a geographic perspective on issues pertaining to important urban, economic, environmental, and climatic issues in the world. Geography, as a discipline, contains frameworks and tools to help in exploring, understanding, and finding potential solutions to complex issues. Nearly everything that happens, happens in space – becoming aware of these spatial interactions, whether absolute (specific location) or relative (near/far from other events), can help with inferences and conclusions about real world phenomena.

This course meets the general education requirements for the social and behavioral sciences (S) and international (N) credits.

ThisclasswillNOTbeaboutmapsandcapitalcities. Mygoalistoinstillanabilitytothinkgeographically, ratherthantherequirementtomemorizeinformation. Whilethiscourseisbyitsnature factbased, the assignmentsare designed to develop the following importantskills: (1) critical thinking; (2) communication; (3) evaluation and criticism; and (4) applicationofknowledge. Eachassignmentandexaminationwillprovideanopportunityforastudenttodemonstratecreativityinappliedgeography.


ThisinanOnlineClass. IfyouarereadingthisyouhavealreadymasteredtheessentialsoftheLearningManagementSystem (Canvas). IexpectyoutochecktheLearningManagementSystemformessagesandcontentatleast 3 timesaweek. Isuggestyouconductyourselfonlineasyouwouldinperson. Tothatend, itmayhelpifyouassignyourselfregulartimeseachweektoreviewthelectures, takequizzesandpostdiscussionitems. Thisisa3-creditclass. Youshouldanticipateittoberigorousandspendconsiderabletimeperweekreviewinglectures, takingnotes, readingthetextandtakingquizzes. Inaddition,youshouldanticipatetimeneededtobespentonhomework, includingthegeographicissuespresentationandpresentation, discussionpoststotheclass, quizreview, andpreparationfortheexamsandthefinal.

Oneoftheadvantagesoftakinganonlineclassisthatyoudonotneedtoarriveontimeorworryaboutturningoffyourphone. HOWEVER, Isuggestthatwhenyouarereviewingthelecturesyouremoveallotherdistractions, suchasphones, socialmedia, thetelevision, etc. IencouragetalkinginclassesthatIteachinperson, andyoushouldusethediscussionformatto “talk” toyouclasspeers. YoumaycontactmethroughtheLearningManagementSystem(preferred) orbye-mail. Telephonemessagesmaynotbereceivedpromptly.Bysigningupforthisclassyoumakethedecisiontocompletethelevelofself-directedworkandparticipationoutlinedabove. Pleasebeawarethatrespectforyourpeersonline, asitwouldbeinperson, isrequired. StudentsmustfollowUF’spolicyregardingcheatingandtheuseofcopyrightedmaterials. Studentsareresponsibleforreadingandabidingbythestudentcodeofconduct (below)


  • Goodattitudeandwillingnesstoworkindependently
  • ThetextisavailableattheBookstoreandmanyotherlocations. TherewillbecopiesonreserveintheMarsden ScienceLibrary. Pulsipher, L. M., Pulsipher, A., (2012) “WorldRegionalGeography, GlobalPatterns, LocalLives,” FifthorSixthEdition, W. H. FreemanandCompany, 615 pp.
  • RequirementtochecktheLearningManagementSystemregularlyandtakenotesontheclasslecturesposted.


Pleaseconsultthecoursescheduleattheendofthissyllabus, theCanvascalendarandannouncementsfordeadlinesforeachassignment

Assignment / Grade / Due Date (by 5pm)
Assignment 1a – Syllabus Review / 2% / 9/1/17
Assignment 1b - Introduction / 3% / 9/1/17
Assignment 2 – Geographic Issues Paper and Presentation. (Assignments (Regions) will be posted at the end of 2nd week of classes) / 20% (10% each) / Varies with region assigned
Assignment 3, Mapping Analysis Assignments / 10% / 11/10/17
Examinations (2) / 20% (10% each) / 10/13/17, 11/17/16
5 Quizzes / 25% (5% each) / 9/15/17, 9/29/17, 10/20/17, 11/3/17, 12/1/17
Class Participation in the form of Regular Discussion posts, at least 5 / 10% / 9/1/17, 9/22/17, 10/6/17, 10/27/17, 11/10/17
Final Examination / 10% / See Calendar


Assignment Details

  • Assignment 1,Introduction (5% ofyourgrade).Thisisin 2 parts.1a - Thisassignmentisyourintroductionofyourself, yourexpectationsandyourexperiences, tome (In addition to the discussion posting).ThedetailedformatforthisAssignmentwillbepostedontheLearningManagementSystem.Assignment 1b is an evaluation of the syllabus.TheseAssignmentsaredueby 5 pmFridayofthesecondweekofclass. AllassignmentsshouldbeturnedinthroughtheLearningManagementSystem.
  • Assignment 2,Classpresentationandwrittenreport (20% ofyourgrade). Youwilldevelopapresentationto be delivered online andprepareawrittenreport, atleast3 pages, singlespaced, thatmaybesharedwiththeclassthroughtheLearningManagementSystem.Yourregionwillberandomlyassigned (PleasedoNOTaskifyoucandoaspecificworldregion). Thepresentationandbackgroundmaterialsareworth 10%, thewrittenassignmentisworth 10% ofyourgrade.

Thisassignmentwillbeintheformofapresentationofwhatyouidentifyas 2 or 3 vitalGeographicIssuesinoneormorecountriesintheWorldRegionyouhavebeenassigned.Creativityisencouraged. Youshouldcheckthecoursecalendartoconfirmtheduedateforyourwork. Eachpresentationandwrittenreportwillbedueat5pmontheFridayoftheweekthattheworldregionisconsidered. Lateassignmentswillincurthepenaltyoutlinedbelow. PleasesubmityourpresentationandreportthroughtheLearningManagementSystem (Canvas), underAssignment 2. Do NOT just write about your world region. You should emphasizeGeographic Issues, not descriptive geographic details.

  • Assignment3–Map Exercise (10% ofyourgrade). We will be using QGIS online to analyze Global topics. While the class is taught by region, this Assignment will consider a single topic in either Physical or Human Geography, on a global scale. For example, you may be interested in tectonic activity and prepare a map illustrating global volcanic and earthquake activity in the last 20 years. You may be interested in illustrating which counties contain large proportions of young people and prepare a map analysis of the countries with over 30% of the population under 15 years of age. You should anticipate preparing a map assignment using the tools and instructions provided. Instructions are comprehensive and data sources are provided. The objective is to demonstrate spatial analysis techniques.
  • ClassParticipation (10% ofyourgrade). Classparticipationwillbeevaluatedbasedonyourdiscussionpostings. Youshouldmakeatleast 5 postingstothediscussionboards. Yourfirstpostingshouldbeabriefintroductionofyourselftoyourpeers. (This is in additional to Assignment 1).Itshouldbeinsomethinglikethis: “MynameisHeidiLannon. Iamafacultymemberatthe University of Floridaandhavebeenenrolledforthelast 3 semesters. Iammajoringingeographyandplantobeaveterinarian, orprofessionalbeachvolleyballplayer. Iamtakingthisclassbecauseitisrequired, Ireallylikegeographybetterthanhistoryandmyroommatetoldmethatitwasafunclass.” Subsequentpostingsshouldbeaboutthematerialthatyourpeerspost,thecontentofthelecturesoradiscussionprompt. Youcouldrespondtoanotherstudent’squestion, orpostone. Forexample, youcouldaskme, andyoupeers, “IsRaceorEthnicityisaskedfirstinthedecennialCensus?” (TheanswerisEthnicity, andeveryonecountedisrecordedaseitherHispanic, orNon-Hispanic.) Iexpectyourpostingstobesubstantialincontent - notjust “Yeah, Iagree.” Please avoid just asking short questions to the class. I want you to demonstrate that you are participating in the class. Iwouldlikeyoutoplantorespondtoquestionsandcomments, andthiswillcountasaposting. Youshouldmakediscussionpostingsatleastonceontheweeksthereisnotaquiz. ThesewillbepartofyourassignedworkinCanvas. Pleasedonotexpectmetorespondtoallposts. Ifyouhaveaquestionforme, donotpostitontheDiscussionBoard.
  • Quizzes (5quizzes, worth 5percenteach, foratotalof 25%). InanattempttoensurethateachWorldRegionhasbeencoveredadequatelyaquizwillbeafter 2 or 3 regionshavebeencompleted. Thequizwillopenat8 amonWednesday, andcloseat 5 pmonFridayofthatweek. Itwillconsistof 10multiplechoicequestionsandyouwillhave 30 minutestocompleteit. EachquizwillbegiventhroughtheLearningManagementSystemonthedatesshownbelow. Reminderswillalsobeposted.
  • 2 Examinations (20% ofyourgrade,10% each). Theexaminationwillbeshortanswer, andmapdescriptionandinterpretation. IwillprovideanExaminationreviewthatwillbepostedontheLearningManagementSystem. TheExamwillbeopenbetweenWednesdayat 8amandisdueFridayat 5 pmonthedatesshownontheschedulebelow.
  • FinalExamination (10% ofyourgrade). Thefinalexaminationwillbecomprehensive. Itwillcontainmaterialfromallregionsoftheworld. Oncethefinalexaminationhasbeengiven, therewillbenofurtherdiscussionofgrades. Thequantitativeformatofthefinalexamination (multiplechoice) doesnotlenditselftogradeadjustment. ThefinalexaminationwillbegivenontheLearningManagementSystemonthedateshownontheschedule.

Meetingdeadlinesmatters! Allassignmentsaredueatthebeginningofclassontheduedateorasindicatedontheassignmentsheet. Lateassignmentswillbemarkeddownagradeforeachdaytheyarelate (i.e., fromanAtoaBforbeingadaylate). Adayisdefinedas 24 hoursandbeginsimmediatelyafterthedayandtimethatthepaperorpresentationisdue.


TherewillbeNOmake-upexamsgivenexceptunderspecialdocumentedcircumstances. However, ifanunavoidableeventarisesandcausesyoutomisstheexamyoushouldprovideformaldocumentation. Youmusthavesomewrittenformvalidatingyourinabilitytotaketheexam. (Ineedtogohomeearlyfortheholidays, etc., isNOTavalidabsence). YoushouldNOTtrytotakeanyquizofexamatthelastminute. Allassignmentsareopenforseveraldays, andthelackofaccesstotheInternetisnotavalidexcuseforanonlineclass. Atthattimeitwillbeuptothefacultymember’sdiscretiontodecideifanycreditcanbegainedforthemissedexam. Anymake-upworkwillbeintheformofa 6 page, singlespacedwritingassignment.


A / 92-100
A- / 90-91.99
B+ / 88-89.99
B / 82-87.99
B- / 80-81.99
C+ / 78-79.99
C / 72-77.99
C- / 70-71.99
D+ / 68-69.99
D / 62-67.99
D- / 60-61.99
F / <59.99

NotetheGradingscaleisto 2 decimalplaces. AttheendofthesemesterdoNOTaskforextracredittomakeyourgradehigher. Thereareplentyofopportunitiesthroughoutthesemester.

Gradesareusedasatooltomeasureperformance. Toperformwellinthisclassthefollowingwillhelpyou: (1) reviewclassregularly (2) takelecturenotesandreadthepertinentpartsofeachchapteraddressedinlecture (3) setasidetimeforreadingandreviewinordertodowellonyourfirstexam


ContainedwithincertainlecturesIwillbeprovidingextracreditforthefinalexam. Youshouldlookforthelimegreenboxes. IwillprovidecluestoaspecifictermorconceptonsuccessivePowerPointslides. Eachstudentwillhavetheopportunitytoidentifythetermandadd 5 points (outof 100) extracredittothefinal. Youmayonlygetcreditonce. OnceyouhavesuccessfullyidentifiedatermorconceptfromthecluesinthelecturepleasesendmeyouranswerinamessageontheLearningManagementSystem(Notthediscussionposts). Iwillkeeptrackofthosethatparticipateandtheextracredit.

Canvas e-Learning System

This class will be conducted using the e-Learning System, Canvas. The syllabus, course calendar, reading materials and resources will be available through Canvas. All assignments must be posted through Canvas unless otherwise instructed. Grades will be posted in Canvas. The best method of contact for Dr. Lannon is through Canvas email. Please consult If you experience problems with the e-Learning system, such as log-in issues, please contact the UF Computing Help Desk at the Hub, 392-HELP for assistance. Do NOT wait until the last minute to take anything on the Internet. This is an online class. Access to the Internet is required. Start any assignment well in advance. If the deadline is 5 pm, the quiz or exam will be automatically submitted at 5 pm, regardless of when you started or how far you have made it through the assignment.

Reading, Writing and Literature Citation

Lectures and class information will be taken from the text book and other sources. You are expected to keep up with your review of the book. Diagramsforthelecturesaretakenfromthetext, Pulsipher, L. M., Pulsipher, A., (2008) “World Regional Geography, Global Patterns, Local Lives,” FourthorFifthEdition, W. H. FreemanandCompany, 615 pp. Other sources will be referenced as they are used.

In your work, I expect you to cite any sources that you use. It is sufficient under an image or after work attributed to an author, to use Last Name and Date (Lannon, 2008). After a direct quotation you should use Name, Date, Page Number (Lannon, 2008, page 23). At the end of your Journal Article Review please include a slide with the complete references. Any written work should contain your sources at the end. You should use APA standards. If you are consistent, and include all the relevant information (Author Name, Publication Date, Article or Book Title, Publisher and Location, Number of Pages, if applicable), I will be satisfied.

If you have problems with grammar and writing style, or I suggest you may need help, I encourage you to take your drafts to the Writing Studio and work with the consultants to get help in improving your work. All students are eligible to utilize the services, which are FREE of charge. Even students who earn A and B grades are welcome make an appointment at the Writing Studio. One-on-one assistance and consultation is available. Contact Information: The Writing Studio (within the University Writing Program) 302 Tigert Hall (352) 846-1138

Academic Honesty, Regulations and the Honor Code

The very nature of higher education requires that students adhere to accepted standards of academic integrity. Details on student responsibilities and regulations can be viewed at

Academic dishonesty (cheating) is not accepted in any class at the University of Florida. The practice of any type of academic dishonesty will result in a failing grade for the entire class. You will find me to be a flexible faculty member is all aspects except academic honesty.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

In compliance with University of Florida policy and equal access laws, I am available to discuss appropriate academic accommodations that you may require as a student with a disability. You must be registered with Disabilities Resource Center (DRC) in Reid Hall for disability verification and determination of reasonable academic accommodations. Requests for academic accommodations need to be made during the first week of the semester (except for unusual circumstances) so arrangements can be made. For more information,

Other Services for Students

In some special circumstances (when documentation is not available, for instance), we may ask you to contact the Dean of Students Office: The Dean of Students Office: 202 Peabody Hall, PO Box 114075, Phone: (352) 392-1261. The Dean of Students is a resource, available to all students, when special circumstances arise that disrupts students’ abilities to maintain their academic standing.

Useful Links:

Student Resources and Counseling:

Student Right and Responsibilities:

Academic, Personal or Social Issues - University Counseling & Wellness Center: (352) 392-1575 (

Student Health Care Center - (352) 392-1161

University Police Department - (352) 392-1111 or dial 911 for emergencies.

Your well-being is important to the University of Florida. The U Matter, We Care initiative is committed to creating a culture of care on our campus by encouraging members of our community to look out for one another and to reach out for help. If you or a friend is in distress, please contact The U Matter, We Care Team can help connect students to the many other resources available including, but not limited to, Victim Advocates, Housing staff, and the Counseling and Wellness center. Please remember that asking for help is a sign of strength. In case of emergency, call 9-1-1.

Course Evaluation

Your Teaching Assistant and I would be grateful to receive feedback on this class. The University of Florida provides you with 10 criteria with which to evaluate the quality of instruction. Feedback can be provided online at and evaluations are usually open the last 2 weeks of the semester. I am sincerely committed to improving the class experience for you and always learn something from student feedback.


GEA 2000

WeekbeginningAugust 21 / ReviewIntroduction, ClassExpectations. WhatisGeography? UseofMaps, Latitude, Longitude, Projections.
WeekbeginningAugust 28 / ReviewLibraryMaterialsonLearningManagementSystem.
IntroductionDiscussionposting #1, due by 5 pmFridayTurninAssignment 1a and 1b (dueby 5pmFriday)
WeekbeginningSeptember 4 / LABORDAYHOLIDAY
NorthAmerica (Canada, UnitedStates) -Chapter 2
WeekbeginningSeptember 11 / CentralandSouthAmerica, Caribbean – Chapter 3.
QUIZ 1, Chapters 1, 2, 3 (OpensWednesday 8am, due 5pmFriday)
WeekbeginningSeptember 18 / Europe (excludingRussia)– Chapter 4
Discussionposting #2, dueby 5 pmFriday
WeekbeginningSeptember 25 / Africa (Sub-SaharanandNorthernAfrica, includingEgypt)
QUIZ 2, Chapters 4, 6, 7. (OpensWednesday 8 am, due 5 pmFriday)
WeekbeginningOctober 2 / MiddleEast (SouthwestAsia) - Chapter 6
Discussionposting #3, dueby 5 pmFriday
WeekbeginningOctober 9 / ReviewforExam 1
EXAMINATION 1, Chapters 1–4, 6, 7 (OpensWednesday 8 am, due 5 pmFriday)
WeekbeginningOctober 16 / RussiaandIndependentStates
QUIZ 3, Chapters 5, 6 (OpensWednesday 8 am, due 5 pmFriday)
WeekbeginningOctober 23 / EastAsia (China, Taiwan, Japan, NorthKorea, SouthKorea, Mongolia) – Chapter 9
Discussionposting #4, due 5 pmFriday
WeekbeginningOctober 30 / SouthAsia (India, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh) – Chapter 8
QUIZ 4, Chapters 8 9 (OpensWednesday 8 am, due 5 pmFriday)
WeekbeginningNovember 6 / SouthEastAsia (Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Timor-Leste, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia) - Chapter 10
Discussionposting #5, due 5 pmFriday
ASSIGNMENT 3, MAP EXERCISE (by 5 pm on Friday)
WeekbeginningNovember 13 / ReviewforExam 2
EXAMINATION 2, Chapters 5, 8-10.(OpensWednesday 8 am, due 5 pmFriday)
WeekbeginningNovember 20 / THANKSGIVINGHOLIDAYOceania (Australia, NewZealand, Micronesia, Micronesia, Hawai’i) - Chapter 11.
WeekbeginningNovember 27 / Oceania (Australia, NewZealand, Micronesia, Micronesia, Hawai’i) - Chapter 11.FinalReview.
QUIZ 5, Chapters 10 11 ONCanvas (OpensWednesday 8 am, due 5 pmFriday)
WeekbeginningDecember 6 / FINALEXAMINATION.AllmaterialMultipleChoice(OnCanvas) dueat the UF assigned final time