Eternal Mysteries Simplified

The complete exposition of Revelation and the prophetical parts of Daniel is sane, scriptural and free from sensational and foolish speculation concerning prophetical events. Literally thousands of questions of vital importance concerning near future and eternal events are fully answered with scripture.

Over Six Thousand Scripture References Confirming the Truths Expounded Herein

A Book for the Classroom and the Home

Dake Publishing, Inc.

Written by

Rev. Finis Jennings Dake

Dake Publishing, Inc. , P.O. Box 1050, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046

Enlarged Edition

© Copyright 1950 by Finis Jennings Dake

© Copyright renewed 1977 by Finis Jennings Dake

Twelfth Printing --- May 1999

All rights reserved in the U.S. A. and other countries. This book or parts thereof must not be reproduced in any form.

Printed in the United States of America


The original manuscript of Revelation Expounded was written in 1926 when the author was only twenty-four years of age. At that time and in the years that followed there was much foolish and sensational speculation among prophetical teachers. This book was written to counteract this sensationalism and to set forth the true teachings of the Bible concerning prophetical objects.

Regardless of world changes, the rise and fall of many governments, and the coming and going of men hailed as the Antichrist, the essential truths presented in Revelation Expounded did not have to be altered for the later editions. This in itself verifies the fact that the book is safe, sane, and scriptural in its entire contents.

The author works on the chief fundamental principle of Bible interpretation-THAT OF TAKING THE BIBLE LITERALLY WHEREIN IT IS AT ALL POSSIBLE. When the language of a passage cannot possibly be literal, then it is clear from the passage itself, as well as from other Scriptures, that it is figurative. It must be remembered, however, that all figurative language conveys literal truth.

As a young man the author was taught many things that were contrary to the plain Scriptures themselves when taken literally. He had to make a decision either to believe that God was intelligent enough to express Himself in human language as men do, and that He did do so, or, that God gave His revelation in terms different from those used by men so as to deliberately confuse them regarding the true meaning of His revelation. This latter idea the author could not conceive of God, so he had to settle upon the fact that God meant what He said and said what He meant, and that the Bible is clear in itself when taken in the plain literal sense that the same language would be taken if found in another book.

The author also saw that he could not believe all Bible teachers on every point, for they differed so widely, so he decided to follow a new course: of taking the Bible to be God's own Word and Revelation to men, not interpreting it but letting the Bible be its own interpreter. He found that when all passages on a subject were gathered together and harmonized that the Scripture was clear in itself without any further interpretation. Having decided on his course, he made a covenant with God that he would never teach anything that he could not give two or three plain Scriptures to prove.

In trying to find Scriptures to prove what he had been taught, many times he found just the opposite to be truth. To maintain any degree of honesty with God and His Word, he had to make a derision to teach what the Bible taught in preference to what men were teaching. lie found that much of present-day prophetical teaching was unscriptural as we shall see in the exposition to follow.

The first edition of the book has had a wide circulation and many letters of commendation have been received from prominent ministers of many denominations who have hailed the book as "a scriptural exposition," "a Bible study book of real merit," "a book of more than usual interest ... a wealth of material that is well classified," "an unusual book . . . brings out some very remarkable and helpful interpretations." Some have written, "It bears the marks of most diligent research and real scholarship," "backed by a profusion of Scripture texts," "the best book ever published on prophecy," etc. One review reads, "If one should read it with the idea that his preconceived theories are not to be overturned it would make very uncomfortable reading, for he says many things, and proves them by a startling array of proof. The book gives evidence of an amazing amount of highly intelligent work done."

This second edition of Revelation Expounded is sent out with a prayer that it will be a blessing to all who desire to know the truth of events that are to happen from 1948 into eternity.

The author claims no special revelation concerning the many new truths that he has discovered in over 75,000 hours of diligent study of the whole Word of God. Truths that any common reader can see for himself are written in plain English in his own Bible. To enable the reader to see for himself what the Bible says, over six thousand references are given-at least two or three to prove each point. Let the Scriptures themselves be the final word of authority on any question. If the reader has intelligence enough to understand what is written, he has intelligence enough to believe what is written and that is all that is necessary.

Finis Jennings Dake

Chapter / Table of Contents / Page
1 / Essential Facts on Interpretation
Pertinent questions and importance of the book. Schools of interpreters. Literalness of the book. Symbols of Revelation and their interpretation. The key to the interpretation of Revelation. The Division of the book by classes. The consecutive order of Revelation. How to interpret prophecy. The outline of the book of Revelation. / 11
2 / Introductory Remarks, Rev. 1:1-11
The title, origin, subject, object, transmission, authorship, authenticity, nature, beatitudes, and chief theme of Revelation. The salutation to the seven churches. The exaltation of Jesus Christ. The eternity of the Son of God. The prophet, John. / 21
3 / The Vision of Christ, Rev. 1:12-18, 20
The eight characteristics of Christ. The effects of the vision upon John. The symbols of the vision interpreted. / 29
4 / The Seven Churches, Rev. 2:1-3:22
The threefold application of the letters. Points of similarity in the letters. The church at Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. / 31
5 / Daniel's Seventieth Week and the Tribulation
The vision of the seventy weeks. The time, length, divisions, purpose, and character of the tribulation, and why it will not be world. / 37
6 / The Rapture of the Church
The fact and manner of, purpose of, time of, signs of, and qualifications for partakers in the rapture. Practical lessons in view of the rapture and the second advent. / 41
7 / Reasons for the Rapture of the Church in Rev. 4:1
Twelve scriptural arguments proving the rapture before Daniel’s Seventieth Wee, the future tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist. / 47
8 / Exposition of Matthew 24 and 25
Signs of the second advent. Why Israel and not the Church, is dealt with in Matt. 24 and 25. Why the rapture is not dealt with in Matt. 24 and 25. The end of the age. The last generation. Prophetical date-setting foolish. Why "two in the field, one taken and another left" does not refer to the rapture. Why the fig tree does not represent the Jewish nation. Why the ten virgins do not represent any class of Christians of today. What parables are and how to interpret them. / 53
9 / The Heavenly Tabernacle, Rev. 4:1-5:14
The heavenly door, throne, elders, sea of glass, living creatures, worship, seven-sealed book, and the Lamb. / 61
10 / The First Six Seals, Rev. 6:1-17
The rise of Antichrist, war, famine, death, hell, martyrs, and wrath of God. / 71
11 / The Two Companies of the Redeemed, Rev. 7:1-17
The sealing of 144,000 Jews. Why sealed. What the seal is. When sealed. Why none of the tribe of Dan will be sealed. The great tribulation saints – who they are and when they are saved and martyred. / 77
12 / The Seventh Seal and the First Six Trumpets, Rev. 8:1-9:21
Silence in heaven. The seven trumpet angels and the priestly angel. Why the seven trumpets are not contained in the seventh seal. The literalness of the trumpets. Vegetation destroyed. Sea to blood. Rivers made bitter. Planets darkened. The announcement. The first and second woes upon men. / 81
13 / The Mighty Angel, Rev. 10:1-11
Why the angel is Christ. What the book contains. No formal possession of the earth. What the mystery of God is and when it is fulfilled. / 89
14 / The Temple of God and the Two Witnesses, Rev. 11:1-13
The future Jewish temple. The identity, power, and ministry of the two witnesses. Their present state and future destiny. / 93
15 / The Seventh Trumpet: the Third Woe, Rev. 11:14-13:18
The middle of Daniel’s Seventieth Week. Satan cast out to be among men three and one-half years. / 101
16 / The Sun-Clothed Woman, Rev. 12:1-16
Her identification, travail, persecution, flight, and protection. / 103
17 / The Manchild – Various Interpretations
The manchild as Christ. The manchild as the true Church. The manchild as the bride part of the Church. Are the body of Christ and the Church the Same? Are there two classes of people in the Church? The manchild as the Spirit-baptized people. / 109
18 / The Manchild – The True Interpretation, Rev. 12:5 / 115
19 / The Dragon, War in Heaven, and the Remnant of the Woman, Rev. 12:3-17
Dragon is Satan, not pagan Rome. Final conflict in the heavenlies. Remnant protected. / 121
20 / The Beast Out of the Sea (the Antichrist), Rev. 13:1-6
Who is he? From where does he come. When is he to be revealed? How long is he to reign? Where is he to reign? His power, titles, and personality. The "little horn" of Daniel and "the beast" of Revelation compared. Why Antichrist is called "the Assyrian" and "the king of Babylon." Why he will never come from Russia, Germany, Italy, the Vatican, or any country now prominent. Why he will never be Judas or a reincarnation of some historic man, or the Devil incarnate, or an immortal or supernatural man. Why he will never be a man from the abyss. / 125
21 / The Extent of Antichrist’s Reign, Rev. 13:7-10
Twelve scriptural reasons why Antichrist will not reign over America or be a world-wide dictator as taught by some modern prophetical students. / 135
22 / The Beast out of the Earth, Rev. 13:11-18
Who is he? When does he come? Why he will not be Judas or some historical man reincarnated. What he will do. How long he will continue. The mark of the beast – why it cannot be given today and why it is not 666. / 143
23 / The Seven Parenthetical Statements, Rev. 14:1-20
The 144,000 Jews in heaven. The everlasting gospel. The fall of Babylon. The doom of the beast worshiper. The blessed dead. The Battle of Armageddon. / 147
24 / The Seven Angels, Sea of Glass, and Heavenly Tabernacle, Rev. 15:1-16:1 / 151
25 / The Seven Vials and the Three Unclean Spirits, Rev. 16:2-21
Boils. The sea and rivers to blood. Great heat. Darkness. Euphrates dried up and not the drying up of the Turkish Empire/ Mobilization of the nations to Armageddon. The great earthquake destroying many cities of the nations. / 155
26 / Mystical Babylon, Rev. 17:1-18
The time of the fulfillment. Points of contrast and similarity between the Babylons of Rev. 17 and 18. / 161
27 / The Identity of Mystical Babylon
History of the Roman Catholic Church identifies her as the great whore. / 165
28 / Identity of Mystical Babylon, Continued
The names of the great whore identify her as Romanism and the successor of the ancient Babylonian cult. History of the ancient Babylonian cult, how it spread, and how it and Roman Christendom were united in one religious system. The effects of this union upon organized Christianity. / 169
29 / The Identity of Mystical Babylon, Continued
How Romanism is the mother of harlots. The exit of the Devil. International church unions. How Romanism is the mother of abominations of the earth. List of heresies adopted and perpetuated by Romanism. The whore identified by her other names and by her attire, drunkenness, and destiny. / 175
30 / The Beast that Carrieth Her, Rev. 17:1-17
Sixty historical and prophetical facts that identify the beast to be a symbol of three things – the personal Antichrist, his kingdom, and a supernatural spirit or angel out of the abyss. / 187
31 / The Beast out of the Abyss
Not a man, but an angel. Antichrist to be an ordinary mortal man and will die for the first and last time at the second advent. No reincarnations of any historical man taught in Scripture. The abyss not the place of departed human beings. Antichrist not to be assassinated as the head wounded to death being healed. / 193
32 / Identification of the Beast out of the Abyss
The satanic prince of Grecia who is now bound in the abyss and will come out to revive the Grecian Empire and exalt Antichrist as its earthly head. History of supernatural powers and their operation in past empires. Proofs that the beast of the abyss is the prince of Grecia and not the personal human Antichrist. / 195
33 / The Seven Heads upon the Beast, Rev. 17:9-11
Proof that the seven heads are the seven empires of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and Revised Rome made up of the ten kingdoms inside the old Roman Empire in the latter days. / 199