14th December 2009


Outdoor Education collectively describes a method of delivery used by Youth Connexions, the facilities that we provide and a team of staff. Outdoor Education is delivered through dedicated sites as described below, however it should be emphasised that work also takes place in other venues and is taken out to Youth Connexions projects be they centre based, detached or in parks throughout the County where it will enhance the programme and lead to learning by young people.

Youth Connexions is developing an integrated approach to the provision of outdoor education and activities for children and young people in Hertfordshire. The vision being to provide a cohesive but diverse range of outdoor education that enables a wide range of learning opportunities for both the formal and informal education curriculum, enhancing provision of both the statutory and voluntary sector.

The work of the outdoor centres contributes across the Children and Young People’s Plan, particularly to priorities 9 and 12; young people get a wide range of opportunities to learn and keeping young people on the right track; as well as to the formal learning environment such as the DCSF Manifesto for Learning Outside the Classroom.

Youth Connexions has a high commitment to outdoor education and the benefits it can bring. This commitment is shown by the incorporation, this year, of three existing HCC sites into the Youth Connexions portfolio: Cuffley Camp, HudnallPark and Astonbury Woods joining the existing sites at Herts Young Mariners Base and the Snowdonia Centre.

Furthermore Youth Connexions has invested in a new post of an Outdoor Education Manager with a clear brief to develop the facilities, to increase the numbers of young people and groups using the Centres and to maximise the potential for the sustainability of these centres.

The Centres:

Astonbury Woods in Stevenage has been unused by HCC for a number of years. It was a field studies centre and has no accommodation or activities on site except what the woods offer themselves and a small classroom and toilet facilities.

Cuffley Camp is situated towards the south of the county; it offers mainly tent based accommodation within woodland. Historical use has been between April and October by primary schools. The site is leased and the landlords expect HCC to make significant investment in its upkeep. The site has a number of buildings that are not fit for purpose but does benefit from a new kitchen and dining area. A capital bid has been made this year for purpose built wooden cabins, improved security for the site and renovations to shower facilities.

Herts Young Mariners Base in the south east is an excellent facility. Youth Connexions works in partnership with the HYMB Trust and offers a wide range of water and land based activity all year round although most activity takes place from April to October. The Trust has undertaken significant fund raising activity which has allowed it to develop the facilities. HYMB is used extensively by both primary and secondary schools, Youth Connexions projects and the voluntary sector.

HudnallPark is a residential centre located in large grounds, near Hemel Hempstead. It has been primarily used by schools as a field studies centre. The site can accommodate 34 people but needs renovation and to expand its residential space as what it has is not suitable for all age groups.

The Snowdonia Centre, at the foot of Snowdon in North Wales, offers self catering accommodation to a range of groups from Hertfordshire and is mainly used by schools and the voluntary sector. It is ideally placed for a range of activity in the area. Users either engage local providers of activity or take their own instructors.

Developments and Opportunities

There are risks associated with taking on the additional sites in that both Cuffley Camp and HudnallPark need to generate significant additional income to become sustainable. They need substantial investment to become attractive to a wide range of users and to build up a positive reputation asthat offered by HYMB.

Youth Connexions will work with partners and within HCC to achieve this. Through HCC improvements have been made to Cuffley Camp including the Dining Hall and a new high ropes course opened this autumn. A further capital bid is awaiting a decision. HudnallPark has identified funding to improve its classroom facilities and good potential to develop other buildings on the site into alternative accommodation. Outside funders are being sought to increase the range of activities on both sites to include mountain biking, low ropes and archery. Astonbury Woods is being considered for an adventure area aimed at young people with disabilities.

There are opportunities offered by joining the existing staff teams which will happen in January and will enable a much more cohesive and co-ordinated delivery that aims to utilise all venues throughout the year. A centralised booking system that is both accessible and clear will offer one point of contact with the outdoor education team and its facilities.

Youth Connexions itself is committed to expanded use of the sites, recent examples of this at Cuffley Camp include a residential from Waltham Cross over Halloween night; a weekend camp from Pioneer Youth Centre in St Albans to learn a variety of skills needed for DofE, (Duke of Edinburgh’s Award); and a County Conference for all Hertfordshire DofE groups held last month.

The sites also offer excellent opportunities for work based learning especially in environmental skills. YCH is in discussion with the Groundwork Trust to develop new activities at HudnallPark, undertake conservation work and build a pond dipping platform through the use of external funding. HYMB has established a positive record of offering work experience, volunteering and apprenticeships and this experience will be invaluable in developing similar at other sites.

Andy Manson

Head of Operations (East), Youth Connexions