DETA II Data Analysis Assignment


Using the data set provided, answer the following questions. Save this document as<lastname_data_interp.doc>. Please place your answers in appropriate locations in the table below. You do not need to submit the spreadsheet itself. The table will expand to meet whatever text you type into each cell.


The supplied spreadsheet for this activity describes the results of a ten-question quiz given at the end of an instructional unit, with each question graded either correct (one point) or incorrect (zero points). 75% is the minimum passing score.

Review the supplied data sheet before attempting to answer the questions for this assignment. As you review, identify the strengths and weaknesses of both students and individual test items. Look at overall class performance. Identify any outliers that may exist. After reviewing the data, please answer the following questions in the spaces provided.

  1. What is the overall class average?
/ 6.55
  1. Based on these scores, how would you describe the class’ performance on this unit?
/ Inconsistent and below average because only 25% of the class receive passing scores while 75% failed.
  1. Who are the top performing students?
/ The students who receive 80% and above(5) Ronnette (11)David (17)Margaret (20)Jacob (22) )Wanda because they demonstrated an above average understanding of the content.
  1. Which students failed, or nearly failed, the quiz?
/ Students who average 70% and below.
  1. What quiz items did students master most?
/ Items Q_7 because all student responses were correct: Q_1 because responses were 80% above the minimum required
  1. What quiz items did students master least?
/ Q_2,Q_3,Q_4,Q_6,Q_8 all scores below minimum requirement of 75%.
  1. Is there any item(s) that appears to be suspicious in terms of student scores? Which? WHY?
/ Q_4 because all responses were incorrect and Q_7 because all response were correct.
  1. Based on your answers above, what conclusions can you draw about individual and class performance on this quiz?
/ Students did not master the content being tested or test items need to be revised according to content being assess.
  1. Based on your conclusions, what are the THREE most important recommendations you can make to adjust your instructional practice for this topic?
/ (1)Review test items with students
(2)Reassign the unit as homework or another cleverly disguise assignment.(RETEACH)
(3) Retest the unit again after giving feedback and revising test items