This Privacy Policy/Notice sets out the data processing practices of the Gloucestershire Branch of NARPO for personal data/information in electronic and manual form. If you have any requests concerning your personal information or any queries regarding these practice’s in the first instance, please contact the Branch Secretary at . It may be necessary to forward your query onto the NARPO Data Compliance Manager based at NARPO HQ’s if it concerns national policy, procedure or process.

Please note that you do not have to provide personal information to use this website. However, if you wish to use certain services such as the ability to send us your questions and comments, you will need to provide certain personal information.

Your acceptance of this policy, and our right to change it

By using the NARPO websites or providing your information you consent to our collection and use of the information you provide in the way(s) set out in this policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our sites or services.

We may make changes to this policy from time to time. If we do so, we will post the changes & version control on this page and they will apply from the time we post them. This policy was last updated on 8th March 2018.

What is personal data?

Personal data is information that can be used to help identify an individual, such as name, address, phone number or email address, though can include other data.

The policy in brief

It’s important that you read the full NARPO HQ’s Data Protection Policy at to understand what information we hold, how we may use it, and what your rights are – but if you don’t have time to read it all now, here’s a quick summary:

  • The National Web site at may collect information that is either personal data (as outlined above) or non-personal data (such as IP addresses, pages accessed etc.) Such data or information is not collected when just visiting this Branch site but note that links to third party web sites accessed via our website may.
  • We collect information to provide information, for administration, research, analysis, and for the prevention/detection of crime
  • We only collect the information that we need or that would be useful to us in our quest to provide the best possible service
  • We do our very best to keep personal information secure, including SSL technology (secure server software) wherever we collect personal data online
  • We never sell your data and we will never share it with another company or charity for marketing purposes
  • We only share data where we are required/permitted by law
  • Our Branch web site does not use cookies but the HQ website may. For more information check the NARPO National Our Cookies Policy
  • We will only retain your data for as long as it is required.

These are the basics, but you can read the full NARPO HQ’s Data Protection Act policy at the below link

The Full Policy

This policy applies to how the Gloucestershire NARPO website operates, our use of emails, and any other methods we use for collecting information. It covers what we collect and why, what we do with the information, what we won’t do with the information, and what rights you have.

What information we collect and why?

We will only ever collect the information we need – including data that will be useful to help improve our services. We collect two kinds of information:

  • non-personal information. This helps us to determine how many people use our sites. This information doesn't tell us anything about who you are or where you live. It simply allows us to monitor and improve our service.
  • personal information such as name, postal address, phone number, email address.

We collect this information for specific activities, such as newsletter requests, registration or membership requests, feedback, etc. The information is either needed to fulfil your request or to enable us to provide you with a more personalised service. You don't have to disclose any of this information to browse the sites. However, if you do choose to withhold requested information, we may not be able to provide you with certain services.

What do we do with the information?

We will use the information you provide to:

  • fulfil your requests – such as applications for membership and provision of information
  • process membership payments and verify financial transactions
    identify visitors and contributors
  • record any contact we have with you
  • prevent or detect fraud or abuses of our websites and enable third parties to carry out technical, logistical or other functions on our behalf
  • if you have agreed to it, provide you with information that we think may be of interest to you.

Using your information for marketing

Gloucestershire NARPO will NOT use your information for marketing however NARPO HQ’s may. We do not sell or share personal details to third parties for the purposes of marketing.

When you join we will seek your consent on behalf of NARPO HQ’s to be contacted by 3rd party organisation’s they deem appropriate. Locally we have NO control of which organisations you may be contacted by if you agree.

If you do NOT want contact from 3rd Party organisations Gloucester Branch can register this on your behalf on the national membership data base SuperSlueth for which the “Data Controller” is NARPO HQ’s.

If we contact you by email as a circulation, every message we send will include a link to opt out of receiving future messages if you change your mind and no longer wish to receive such circulations. If we contact you by other means and you want to change how, or if, you receive our communications, please contact the Branch Secretary at

Sharing your information

We will share your information with NARPO HQ’s so as to allow the national organisation to fulfil its roles and functions as described in its registration on the Information Commissioners’ Register of Data Controllers :-

We, Gloucestershire Branch, will only share your information if:

We are legally required to do so, e.g. by a law enforcement agency legitimately exercising a power or if compelled by an order of the Court. We believe it is necessary to protect or defend our rights, property or the personal safety of our people or visitors to our premises or websites

We will only pass personal data to external “data processers” if they have signed a contract that requires them to:

  • abide by the requirements of the Data Protection Act
  • treat your information as carefully as we would
  • only use the information for the purposes it was supplied (and not for their own purposes orthe purposes of any other organisation)
  • allow us to carry out checks to ensure they are doing all these things.
  • Indemnify the Data Controller against a data breach, whether by deliberate act, mistake or omission on the part of one of its staff

Storing your information

Information is stored by NARPO locally & nationally on computers located in the UK, though they transfer the information to other offices and NARPO HQ’s may share with third party organisations as outlined previously – your information will not be passed outside of the European Economic Area. However, if a “data processer” complies with the EU-US Privacy Shield Agreement (previously known as the Safe Harbour Agreement) your information can be safely passed/processed if required by NARPO locally or nationally.

Locally we currently store personal data/information in paper files, i.e. the original membership application forms and consent forms. New members forms will be held digitally and the originals securely destroyed. Back Record Conversion, BRC, will take place over the coming months to convert historical records to digital format. Once converted the originals will be securely destroyed.

Retention Period – membership applications and consent forms both hard and soft copies will be destroyed once the member leaves NARPO for whatever reason, be it upon resigning or death, etc.

We place a great importance on the security of all personally identifiable information associated with our members, spouses, Branch officials, etc. We have security measures in place to attempt to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of personal data under our control. For example, only authorised personnel are authorised to access user information. While we cannot ensure or guarantee that loss, misuse or alteration of data will not occur while it is under our control, we use our best efforts to try to prevent this.

Unfortunately, the transmission of data across the internet is not completely secure and whilst we do our best to try to protect the security of your information we cannot ensure or guarantee that loss, misuse or alteration of data will not occur whilst data is being transferred.

Where you or we have provided a password enabling you to access parts of our websites or use our services, it is your responsibility to keep this password confidential. Please don't share your password with anyone.

We will keep your information only for as long as we need it to provide you with the services or information you have required, to administer your relationship with us, to inform our research or the preferences of our supporters, to comply with the law, or to ensure we do not communicate with people that have asked us not to. When we no longer need information we will always dispose of it securely, using specialist companies if necessary to do this work for us.

What we don’t do with your information

Gloucestershire NARPO will never sell or share your information to other organisations to use for their own purposes.

Your rights

The Data Protection Act gives you certain rights over your data and how we use it. These include:

  • the right in certain circumstances to have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed
  • the right to prevent your data being used for direct marketing
  • the right of access to a copy of the information We hold about you (known as a subject access request)

If you wish to exercise any of these rights please contact the NARPO Data Compliance Manager in writing at NARPO, 38 Bond Street, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF1 2QP or by emailing . Please note it is NARPO policy to charge the statutory maximum fee of £10 for a subject access request.

NARPO is not a ‘public authority’ as defined under the Freedom of Information Act and we will not therefore respond to requests for information made under this Act.

For more information about your rights under the Data Protection Act go to the website of the Information Commissioner’s Office at


NARPO HQ at may use cookies.

Other important information

Gloucestershire NARPO Branch Welfare Support and Confidentiality

A dedicated Branch Committee member is our lead for any welfare issues referred to the Branch and these will be handled in accordance our Welfare Policy

Links to third party websites

Our websites contain links to third party websites that we believe may be of interest to our website visitors. This privacy policy only governs our websites and we are not responsible for the privacy policies that govern third party websites even where we have provided links to them. If you use any link on our website we recommend you read the privacy policy of that website before sharing any personal or financial data.

Social media sites

Gloucestershire Branch of NARPO does NOT operate any social media pages, (including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram) and as such has NO control over any such social media.


If you have any questions about the Gloucestershire Policy or how we use data locally please contact the Branch Secretary at

For any questions relating to NARPO Nationally please contact the Data Compliance Manager at the postal or e-mail addresses previously mentioned.

Privacy Notice/Policy Owner – Gloucestershire NARPO Branch SecretaryNational Association of Retired Police Officers