UCU Helps Ukraine

National CYMK Project 2018


Following the Revolution of Dignity 2013/14, the fierce battle for Ukrainian Independence and Statehood continues, as the 4th year comes to a close where Ukraine’s armed forces continue to hold the line against Russia and its proxies who have invaded Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region. Ukraine’s favourite sons and daughters continue to be shot at, wounded and killed by Russian artillery and heavy weapons, standing firm against the Muscovite aggressors. Ukraine’s bravest continue to return from the battlefield maimed or worse, while the west waffles in providing Ukraine with much needed lethal defensive weapons.

Beginning in January 2015, staff and members of Ukrainian Credit Union Limited, along with conscientious patriots in the Ukrainian community, have been raising funds to help Ukraine’s wounded soldiers who suffered serious injury withstanding the Russian aggressor on the front lines of Ukraine’s battle for independence. “UCU Helps Ukraine” was spearheaded by Kateryna Litvinjuk, with Roman Mlynko and MykhailoZienchuk playing supporting roles on the committee.

What is the UCU Helps Ukraine Project?

This is an initiative that works with Ukrainian Injured soldiers who are in need of medical assistance and rehabilitation after being injured in the Euromaiden, Crimean revolution, and other combat happening in Eastern Ukraine. National CYMK President Tanya Buciora has personally visited some of these rehabilitation centres in Ukraine during this summer, and the Toronto Local have spent some immediate time with some soldiers from the Broken Blossoms campaigntwo summers ago. Former National CYMK President, Liza Zienchuk’s father is also on the committee for initiated and assisting with the emergence of this project.

Purpose of why CYMK is becoming involved

It has come to the National CYMK Executive’s awareness that the Ukrainian military soliders who are fighting for Ukraine’s freedom, and those in rehabilitation healing from their wounds, could really benefit from our financial and spiritual assistance. As a Ukrainian organization, assisting with raising funds for those who continuously risk their lives fighting for our countries freedom is just a small asset CYMKivtsi can undertake. We are reminded of this during our every recital of the CYMK Klych: Ми є чеснімолодчі, бyдемшуропращуювaти, добриділoпродoвжaти!

We are appealing to the generous nature of our Ukrainian community to help with any amount of donations. If you wish to help out, please contact the Presidents of your local CYMK groups.

For more information about this Project, here is a video link: