Mayor’s Minute – July

The city council met on June 27 at the community center starting with a 5:30 workshop.

We discussed in detail some issues regarding drainage on Reagan Street between Pine and Spruce. Some months ago the council gave their approval to have Walker Partners look into afeasible solutions to help this area drain more efficiently. There are no less than four areas that will need to be addressed and with the total cost around $700,000.00 it looks like this will have to be done in stages. The council tabled this item until next month so they could obtain additional cost estimates.Due to the City’s General Fund repair account being close to its max this project will be placed on the 2018 budget so work won’t start until October at the earliest.

We discussed take home vehicles for supervisors and key employees and it was decided that Councilman Muska and Vanek along withthree supervisors will form a committee and set a policy or guideline on this subject.

We heard an update from the EDC (Economic Development Committee);they have had their first meeting and selected officers. This now makes the committee an official corporation and their charge now is to come up with bylaws. It is important to note that great care and thought being put into the foundation aspects of this corporation, since it will serve the city for many years to come.

Each councilperson selected a person to sit on the Board of Adjustments and they areBrian Renegar, Colter Snipes, Brian Sykora, Jeff Finn and Laura Pavlecik. This board will hear citizens’ complaints regarding various ordinance matters, one being the city’s decision to demolish a home that is in disrepair. There are now seven homes marked for demolition in the city all of which are a public safety hazard. This is another one of my pet peeves and I would likefor some of these older dilapidated homes to be removed so thatsomeone may purchase the lot and build a nice new home.

Shelly and I presented the council with one section of the 2018 budget and this is just the start of a number of workshops planned for the 2017-2018 budget. I have requested the council to meet each Tuesday and Thursday starting July 11.

The council also did not have a copy of the panhandling ordinance Officer Keathley has selected for our city. It has been sent to our city attorney for review and this item will be brought up in our August meeting.

With summer here there are more kids walking and biking on the streets so let’s take care to keep an eye out for pedestrians. I hope you all had a great 4th of July this past week and a safe and happy summer. God Bless America and God Bless West!!!!