DAFM WeatherRelated Crop Loss Support Measure

Application Form and Terms and Conditions


The 2017 Weather Related Crop Loss Support Measure is being implemented in response to the period of protracted wet weather in September 2016. The measure aims to provide financial assistance to farmers in approved cases as a contribution towards the direct losses arising from damage to spring barley, spring wheat, spring oats and spring oilseed rape.

Support is only payable in cases where the loss in crop yield to the applicant, as determined by off-farm sales has been caused solely by the wet weather in September 2016.

Applicant Details (to be completed by applicant)

Herd number or official registration number ......



Phone Number: …………………...……… Mobile...... ……………………………....

Measure Terms and Conditions

  1. Financial aid will only be paid in instances where genuine crop loss has been incurred by an applicant on foot of wet weatherin September 2016.
  2. Financial aid will only be paid in cases where losses relating to off-farm saleshave occurred. (Losses relating to on-farm use are not included for the purpose of calculation of eligibility for aid). Incidental on-farm use of up to 20% of the harvested crop will not affect eligibility for payment.Growers with on-farm use of greater than 20% of the harvested crop will not be eligible under the measure.
  3. Financial aid will only be payable in respect of croploss relating to spring wheat, barley oatsand oilseed rape (the ‘eligible crops’). Aid can only be paid in cases where there is a 30% or greater reduction in commercial sales by tonnageper hectare of eligible crops at standard moisture content in 2016 compared to the preceding 3 years (2013, 2014 and 2015) arising from the impact of harvest weather conditions in September 2016, subject to a ceiling of national reference yields for the reference period.
  4. All applicants must outline the details of the loss incurred and provide the requested supporting documentation as outlined in Appendix A of the application form attached. All such details must be certified as accurate by the applicant’s accountant or financial advisor.
  5. The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine will determine the relevant area of eligible crops with reference to the declared area on the applicant’s 2016 BPS application.
  6. Only losses not covered by an applicant’s insurance are eligible.
  7. All such losses must clearly and demonstrably have arisen as a direct consequence of the weather damage in September 2016.
  8. Upon fully documented verification of eligibility, a payment rate of up to €200 per hectare of eligible crops in 2016 as determined under point 5, up to a maximum of 35 ha will be applied.
  9. Where verified losses in 2016 exceed 50% of eligible crops compared to the reference period, an additional hardship payment of €100/ha will apply to the eligible area determined under paragraph 8.
  10. Submission of incorrect or false information will render an application ineligible.
  11. In the event of eligible applications in excess of the total budget available for the Measure being received, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine will implement reduced payments on a linear basis as appropriate.
  12. Applications must be submitted byFriday 25th August.
  13. Applicants may be required to supply any additional information or documentation that the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine may request. Such documentation may be required in order to underpin the verification of any eligible loss.
  14. All applications may be subject to on-farm verification by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine or an agent working on behalf of the Department. This verification will include an assessment of the details of losses outlined on this application form.
  15. The details provided on this form may also be subject to verification via administrative checks by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Such administrative checks may include examination of all supporting documentation provided in support of the claim as well as the standard pre and post payment checks on all elements of the application.
  16. All payments will be subject to the EU rules regarding de minimis aid (please note in particular the regulations relating to de minimis aid below).
  17. No aid will be payable in respect of applications where the total area of eligible crops declared on the applicant’s 2016 BPS application is less than 3 hectares of eligible crops.
  18. There is a maximum amount of aid payable. The maximum amount payable will be in respect of 35 hectares.
  19. All claims for support must be accompanied by verifiable detail in relation to the loss suffered. In this regard, applicants must fill out all the details required in the application form attached and provide all the relevant supporting documentation required.
  20. Application of the Terms and Conditions are at the discretion of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Valid applications must meet the objectives of the scheme to qualify for payment.
  21. All applications must include the signed declaration of the applicant that the details provided are complete and true and that an eligible loss has been incurred on foot of the wet weather in September 2016.


Do you have farm insurance cover? Yes No

Are the losses outlined covered by the policy? Yes No

Verification of sales losses by tonnage in respect of eligible crops

Please fill out the relevant details outlining the extent of the lossesincurred relating to commercial sales of eligible crops on your holding. These details should be filled out in the Verification Form attached as Appendix A and certified as being accurate by the applicant’s accountant or financial advisor.

State Aid - De minimis Regulations

Financial assistance under the Weather Related Crop Loss Support Measure 2017 is paid in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 1408/2013 (de minimis aid in the agricultural production sector)

Eligibility to receive funding under the Scheme is dependent on the applicant remaining within the €15,000 individual aid limit in the three year fiscal period 2017, 2016 and 2015 as set out in Commission Regulation (EU) 1408/2013.Where any aid awarded under the Tillage Weather Damage Scheme causes the beneficiary to exceed the €15,000 threshold amount, no payment will issue.

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine reserves the right to carry out the relevant administrative checks required to ensure compliance in this regard.


Please set out the detail of the loss incurred on foot of the impact of the weather conditions in September 2016 in the relevant category below

Please outline the details of the loss incurred in respect of a 30% or greater reduction in the volume of commercial sales of eligible crops in 2016 compared to the preceding 3 years (2013, 2014 and 2015), as evidenced by weighbridge receipts etc.

In order to make a claim for support, please provide evidence of tonnage of sales of the eligible crops in each of the following years; for example weighbridge receipts, dockets, invoices and any other relevant supporting documentation

  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014
  • 2013

These documents will be assessed by DAFM in order to ascertain and verify eligibility for support under this measure.

Please also provide the statement of accounts outlining the level of sales of eligible crops for all of the years from 2013-2016.

In addition to the submission of the above documentation, please also fill out the relevant details in the Losses Verification Table below. The details in the Losses Verification Table will be cross checked with the Department’s records in relation to eligible crops.

Weather Related Crop Loss Support Measure 2017 –Losses Verification Table

Please fill out this table in respect of any Spring Barley on your holding

Hectares / Tonnage Harvested / Tonnage sold off farm

Please fill out this table in respect of any Spring Oats on your holding

Hectares / Tonnage Harvested / Tonnage sold off farm

Please fill out this table in respect of any Spring Wheat on your holding

Hectares / Tonnage Harvested / Tonnage sold off farm

Please fill out this table in respect of any Spring Oilseed Rape on your holding

Hectares / Tonnage Harvested / Tonnage sold off farm

Calculation of losses in off farm sales across all eligible crops (to be used in establishing whether total off farm sales of eligible crops meet the 30% threshold set out in this document)

Drawing on the data set out in the above tables, please set out in the relevant boxes below

  • The average of the total tonnage of all eligible crops sold off farm in the 2013-2015 period
  • The total tonnage sold of all eligible crops in 2016

Certification of details provided in support of claim for support

  1. Certification by applicant’s accountant / financial advisors

I certify that the details submitted in support of this application form and a true and accurate reflection of the eligible crops on the holding in question



Name and address of accountant / financial advisor




  1. Applicant’s Declaration

I agree to fully comply with the terms and conditions of the Measure. I certify that to the best of my knowledge the details provided by me on this form are true and complete, and that I have incurred a yield loss as outlined above as a direct consequence of the wet weather in the September 2016 time period.

Certification and Signature: Please note that application for the Tillage Weather Related Crop Loss SupportMeasure 2017 will not be accepted unless submitted with this sheet completed and appropriately signed. Where more than oneperson is the registered herdowner all parties must sign the application. Where this application is made on behalf of a company or other legal entity, please enter the official status of the signatory, e.g. company secretary.

Completed applications must be received by Friday 25th August at the address below:

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Direct Payments Unit (DAFM Weather Related Crop Loss Support Measure),

Government Offices,

Old Abbeyleix Road,

Portlaoise, Co, LaoisPhone :076 1064420