Accepted by consensus at the PASC.

650 Southeast 139th Avenue
August 31, 2013

TheChair calledthemeetingtoorderat2:03 pm.Themeetingopened
TheTwelveTraditionswereread by Esther.
TheTwelveConceptswereread byJeff.
41 answeredrollcall
Angela C GSRRockwood Nooner

Cindy R GSR Monday Night Miracles

David R GSR Step Brothers

Mike A GSRLove & Joy

Secretary’sReport–Jenn M

Consensus to accept July minutes.

Pleaseprovideacopyofyourevent’sflyer,withyournameontheflyer,to includetheeventintheMinuteseachmonth.If you have an event that does not require a flyer, please write it down in the provided notebook. Please check your contact information for your group and affirm it or change it. This is used as a cross reference for meeting attendance, accounting of new GSRs and Alternate GSRs, and to ensure everyone gets the Minutes in time to report to their groups. Please make this a practice at every PASC.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve,

Jenn M

Please see attached reports.
Chair­- Mike R

Nothing to report

Vice Chair-Brandon B

Attended Outreach, H&I, and spoke with PR. Subcommittees have many exciting things going on that you will hear in their reports.




Archivist—Steve S

Archives have been found!

Activities–Shelly (VC)

See attached report

PAAS Treasurer’s Report. (Provided by Nannette)

See Attached Report

HospitalsInstitutions–Stacy (VC).
1520 People Seen

6 missed commitments

7Cancelled Commitments

81 Possible Commitments

15 Orientated

2gave their verbal commitments

Discussion concerning child care not being covered under our PASC insurance policy.

Also See attached secretary report.

Literature–Maya N.
Verbal report. After making an order in the amount of $6279 there are still some backorders. I do not have access to the bank records however I did make a deposit in the amount of $2134. Please be patient as we transition. Also we have elected a new treasurer, Diana.

Outreach–Joe H

See attached report

PublicRelations – Jesse S. for Michael McD

See attached report

Ad-Hocs and Conventions:

PACNA – David P:

See attached report

By-laws Ad-Hoc re:Consensus Based decision Making—Michael McD

Nothing new reported.


New Business


Proposal #5-13

Made by:Stacey B Vice Chair H&I

Proposal:Increase H&I’s literature allotment from $325 to $375 monthly

Intent:To increase our literature budget to reflect our expanding service commitments.

Passed byConsensus after compromise

Proposal #6-13

Made by:David P PACNA chair

Proposal:We are asking for this groups approval to be able to raffle a car purchased and repaired with member donations, selling tickets only to members of NA with a limit of one ticket per member.

Intent:To raise funds for the upcoming Portland Area Convention.

Tabled for further information

Other New Business:


Open Forum



PACNA Fundraiser

Spiritual Breakfast and Speaker Meeting

October 5 @ 9am

Pre-sale $5 or $7 at the door

6161 SE Stark St

Consensus toclose:

Meeting Adjourned at 3:18pm