√ / No
√ / NA
√ / Comments/
Follow-up Action
Is there an orientation program? / √
Does the front office manager identify training needs for the department? / √ / Training to improve
Is there an employee training program in place? / √ / *Monthly and yearly
Are training manuals available for each employee function? / √
Are personnel cross-trained when not in conflict with union regulations? / √ / Not done efficiently
Are performance appraisals conducted on a timely basis? / √ / *Yearly – not enough to give objectives
Are all guest comments concerning employees shared with the individual employee
Involved as well as supervisory personnel? / √ / Translated and put on staff board
Personnel Audit
Are required posters and logs on hand? / √ / Not in place yet
Are job descriptions maintained and updated on a regular basis? / √
Are employee disciplinary procedures and house rules in compliance with
Company policies and procedures? / √ / Policies and procedures fromMovenpick are applied
Do employee awards/incentives programs occur on a regular basis? / √ / Not in place
Are summaries of employee turnover analyzed? / √ / *monthly
Are drivers of property vehicles properly screened and licensed? / √ / Some staff including management are driving club cars without having their names in the HR list
√ / No
√ / NA
√ / Comments/
Follow-up Action
PERSONNEL continued
Are written staffing guidelines for proper scheduling developed and followed? / √
Are staffing levels adjusted and evaluated as needed? / √ / *
Is use of overtime analyzed? / √ / Fingerprint machine but not monthly checked or report by HR
Is overtime scheduled? / √ / The Dpt head informesHR on the spot
Are overtime scheduling decisions reviewed by management? / √ / No system for scheduling overtime. Review according to individuals only
Organization Development
If organization goals and mission statements exist, are they available to all employees? / √ / No mission statement
Are company policies communicated to departments and employees? / √ / Only Movenpick policies
Are staff meetings conducted on a timely basis? / √
Are minutes of meetings communicated to employees when appropriate? / √ / *
√ / No
√ / NA
√ / Comments/
Follow-up Action
Is there a formal orientation program? / √
Do you document the employees’ attendance? / √
Are training manuals available for each employee function? / √ / Not for each function
Do you have a language barrier program? / √ / *Contract with English teacher from governmentbut still lot of staff don’t speak English even guest service staff
Do you have policies/procedures regarding the following issues:
Employee meetings? / √ / No follow up
Vacations? / √ / Vacation plan done by every Dpt head
Paydays? / √
Unauthorized absence from work? / √
Personal telephone usage? / √ / Policy but you can cross every day staff talking or playing with their mobile
Off-duty employees? / √
Employee visitors? / √ / Not allowed only emergency
Tardiness? / √ / *
Smoking? / √ / Housekeeping staff smoking while cleaning terrace see below photo
Bulletin board? / √
Personal packages? / √
Lunch/break periods? / √ / *
Clock/check-in? / √
Beginning/ending shift duties? / √
Personal conduct? / √
Guest service skills? / √ / Too minimalist. We can hear too much the world “Ok”.
Some staff have discussions with guest they shouldn’t have
Uniforms? / √ / Uniforms dirty and bad shape. Grooming not respected
Does orientation cover or emphasize customer service quality? / √ / Customer service quality really need to be improved
√ / No
√ / NA
√ / Comments/
Follow-up Action
Hiring Procedures
Do you have:
A pre-employment skills test? / √ / Only for administration – test on computer
Specific job description/requirements? / √
A team recruitment program? / √
Legally accepted cross-training requirements? / √ / Upon employee request. No real cross training plan or procedure in place
Do you utilize drug/substance abuse tests? / √ / Inspections only
Are personality tests used? / √
Do you have standards that are followed for: / To increase communication for grooming. Too light
Uniform? / √ / No inspection on uniforms Grooming not respected
Nametags? / √ / Everyday you see staff without name tag or upside down nametags
Jewelry? / √ / Everybody wears the jewel he/she wants
Do you have standards for personal hygiene/grooming:
Deodorant usage? / √ / Bad experience with F&B waiter
Teeth brushing? / √
Daily bathing? / √
Fingernails? / √ / The blue nail polish not maintained seems to be “a la mode”
Hair? / √ / Ladies with hair tied, men not shaved
Tattoos? / √
Regular hand washing? / √
Do you have standards for cosmetic makeup usage? / √ / some individuals with too much make up
Employee Relations
Do you have:
A stated employee relations philosophy? / √ / Usage only
An incentive program? / √ / No incentive
Stated job performance expectations? / √ / Should have quarterly appraisal with objectives and training program to follow to reach aim
Stated disciplinary actions? / √
Do you conduct performance evaluations? / √ / Yearly only
Do you have a means to collect input from employees? / √
Do you have a procedure to act on input collected from employees? / √
Do you have a plan for motivating employees? / √ / No motivation or objective plan
√ / No
√ / NA
√ / Comments/
Follow-up Action
Do you have a hotel organization chart? / √
Do you have a department organization chart that delineates job functions? / √ / Org. Chart not displayed in all Dpt. Job functions not stipulated
Do you have procedures in place and are they followed for:
Employee meeting agendas? / √ / Any
Employee-to-employee relations and conduct? / √ / Any
Job safety? / √

Developing the support by:

-No follow up after the training

-Train the trainer not developed and not well structured: incentive? Objectives? Follow up?

-No staff motivation and objective plan: should settle CIT (continuous improvement team) for staff motivation, involvement and quality process

-Only one yearly appraisal with NO objectives. Quarterly appraisal should take place with objectives and competency grading evaluations

-Institute service delivery competition as part of departmental welfare activities

-Institute Buddy system for new comers 3 months

-Cross training are no applied as it should be. The individual who asks for a cross-training has no follow up and a little knowledge because it is too short. A life guard is cross-trained in the kitchen for 3 months. He knows how to cook rice and potatoes. He is not able to talk about the hygiene or to name the position he was cross-trained for (commis). His department head has accepted the cross training only upon a “I like kitchen” and didn’t make any follow up. No report of the cross training has been done.

-The HR inside offices communication is good. The HR communication, involvement and follow up with the other departmentsisalmost zero.

Staff smoking during shift