/ Lesson Plan
1. Lesson Plan Information
Subject/Course: Health & Physical Education / Name:
Grade Level: Grade 7 / Date: Dec. 2, 2015 Time: 3:30-4:10
Topic: Cyberbullying / Length of Period: 40 minutes
2. Expectation(s)
Expectation(s) (Directly from The Ontario Curriculum):
C1.1 describe benefits and dangers, for themselves and others, that are associated with the use of computers and other technologies (e.g., benefits: saving time; increased access to information; improved communication, including global access; dangers: misuse of private information; identity theft; cyberstalking; hearing damage and/or traffic injuries from earphone use; financial losses from online gambling; potential for addiction), and identify protective responses
C2.2 Assess the impact of different types of bullying or harassment, including the harassment and coercion that can occur with behaviors such as sexting, on themselves and others, and identify ways of preventing or resolving such incidents (e.g., communicating feelings; reporting incidents involving themselves or others; encouraging others to understand the social responsibility to report incidents and support others rather than maintaining a code of silence or viewing reporting as “ratting”; seeking help from support services; learning skills for emotional regulation; using strategies for defusing tense or potentially violent situations) [IS, CT]
[IS] Communicate effectively, using verbal or non-verbal means, as appropriate, and interpret information accurately as they participate in physical activities, develop movement competence, and acquire knowledge and skills related to healthy living
[CT] Use a range of critical and creative thinking skills and processes to assist them in making connections, planning and setting goals, analysing and solving problems, making decisions, and evaluating their choices in connection with learning in health and physical education
Learning Skills (Where applicable):
Applicable Learning Skills are those that will allow development of co-operation, positive participation, independent work, and respect of others and the learning environment.
Responsibility / Organisation
Independent Work / Collaboration / P
Initiative / Self-Regulation / P
3. Content
What do I want the learners to know and/or be able to do?
Today learners will
·  Learn about cyberbullying including; its effects, who is vulnerable, how and where it occurs and what can be done if you or someone you know is a victim.
·  Once students understand the fundamentals they should be able to apply the knowledge to a practical situation.
·  Apply safety techniques and knowledge about support systems to a cyberbullying situation.
·  Communicate verbally and non-verbally when describing their solution to the cyberbullying situation to their class mates.
4. Assessment (collect data) / Evaluation (interpret data)
(Recording Devices (where applicable): anecdotal record, checklist, rating scale, rubric)
Based on the application, how will I know students have learned what I intended?
Students will be assessed based on their abilities to creatively and successfully apply the knowledge learned in class to a randomly determined cyberbullying scenario. Students will work in groups and attempt to use this knowledge to discuss how they would deal with the cyberbullying situation they receive. After a short work period, students will present their findings to their classmates. See attached rubric in Appendix IV
** This content will also be tested on the unit test. Sample questions for the cyberbullying portion are attached. **
5. Learning Context
A. The Learners
(i) What prior experiences, knowledge and skills do the learners bring with them to this learning experience?
·  27 learners with various abilities and knowledge of cyberbullying.
·  The idea of bullying has been introduced to students as early as grade one. (As per the Ontario Grade 1 curriculum)
·  2nd day of the unit we discussed additional types of bullying. Cyberbullying was included but not discussed in detail.
·  Personal experience - many students have been exposed to cyberbullying at one time during their life.
(ii) How will I differentiate the instruction (content, process and/or product) to ensure the inclusion of all learners? (Must include where applicable accommodations and/or modifications for learners identified as exceptional.)
·  Students will be instructed using audio/visual components, oral instructions, and also, with written instructions and handouts. (Video, PowerPoint, Group Activity, Question Period)
·  No identified students with accommodations are present in this group of students.
B. Learning Environment
·  Classroom Environment
·  Desks are to be set up in rows
·  Board to be cleared and writing material available.
·  Classroom has Internet connectivity.
·  Classroom has computer and projector
Adjustment to the Learning Environment: (before class)
·  Ensure desks are set up and there is enough chairs for all students
·  Ensure that the internet and projector are operational
·  Set up slideshow presentation to avoid confusion at the start of class
C. Resources/Materials
·  Laptop
·  Memory stick with cyberbullying presentation
·  Cyberbullying “scenario cards” (see copies attached to lesson plan in Appendix I)
6. Teaching/Learning Strategies
How will I engage the learners? (e.g., motivational strategy, hook, activation of learners’ prior knowledge, activities, procedures, compelling problem)
·  Open with the question, “Have you ever been a bully or been bullied?” printed on the board. Tell students to watch the video and keep this question in mind. Video (5 minutes)
·  The video will creatively introduce the topic of cyberbullying by firstly relating cyberbullying to students existing knowledge of a common virus and secondly by relating the students themselves to the topic of cyberbullying. (i.e. Cyberbullying can happen to anyone and teens are especially vulnerable.)
·  Following the video have one of the students hand out the “Meanness Survey” questionnaires. Ask students to complete the questionnaires silently and inform them that their answers are for their own personal knowledge, they will not be shared with the teacher or the class. Tell them to place the questionnaires face down on their desk once they are done.
·  Once all students have completed the questionnaire pose the question on the board to the class; “After watching that video and completing that questionnaire please put your hand up if you think that you have ever been a bully or been bullied at one point in your life”
·  Most students should put up their hand – Explain that almost everyone has a personal experience with bullying in their life time. (5 minutes)
Teaching: How does the lesson develop?
How we teach new concepts, processes (e.g., gradual release of responsibility - modeled, shared, and guided instruction).
PowerPoint Presentation (15 minutes) (See attached PowerPoint slides in Appendix III)
·  Give time for students to settle after watching the video and answering the opening question.
·  Tell students that today we are going to be talking about a specific type of bullying called “CYBERBULLYING”. Ask the class what they think cyberbullying is? After taking 2-3 answers reveal the “What is Cyberbullying” slide and talk to the class about what cyberbullying actually is and how it can occur.
“For many of today’s youth the internet provides a portal for socialization. Although many of these interactions are positive, a growing number of kids are using this means of interaction as a way to harass and intimidate others – This is known as CYBERBULLYING!”
·  Ask students what effects they think cyberbullying can have on the individuals involved. After taking 2-3 answers reveal the “Effects of Cyberbullying” slide and talk to the class about some of the damaging side effects that can result from cyberbullying.
“Victims are likely to experience anxiety, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, and poor sleep. The negative effects of bullying often go unnoticed, because victims are embarrassed or afraid that they will be exposed to further bullying if they tell someone about what is happening. Victims tend to act anxious and appear less confident. They may become quieter in class which can hinder academic success. Bullying is a problem that, if left unattended, can become a significant hurdle in a child’s development. Can lead to suicide.”
·  Remind students of the question you asked at the beginning of class, (Have you ever been a bully or been bullied?). Ask them if their answer to that question has changed now that they know what cyberbullying is? Explain that many teens don’t realize the harmful effects that cyberbullying can have. They think that they are “just joking!” or “just messing around!”
·  Introduce students to the statistics associated with cyberbullying. Make sure that they understand that their age demographic is one of the most vulnerable.
25% of teens claim to be targets of cyberbullying
2/3 of all teens say they have witnessed cruel behavior online
ONLY 10% of parents are aware their teens are targets of cyberbullying
·  Ask the class to list some of the ways that they use technology to communicate with friends. Take 4-5 answers. Use this question to introduce the “Where does cyberbullying happen?” slide. ***Ensure that students understand that the social media sites which they use every day are some of the most common places for cyberbullying to occur! ***
·  Educate students on the ways that they can enjoy social media while at the same time keeping themselves safe.
Putting something online is much easier than taking it down
Avoid giving out any personal information
When using social networks, only let people that you know view your profile
Avoid sending or responding to insulting messages
Avoid posting pictures or videos that could reflect negativity on yourself or others
·  Educate students on what they can do if they are a victim of cyberbullying.
Don’t respond to the bully and tell a trusted adult about what happened
Save the messages – do not alter or delete them
Contact their internet service provider
Depending on the severity contact law enforcement (threats, etc.)
If possible “block” the person who is bullying you
Consolidation and/or Recapitulation Process: How will I bring all the important ideas from the learning experiences together for/with the students? How will I check for understanding? (5 minutes)
Class scenario – Pose the below cyberbullying scenario to the class. As a class work through the scenario and answer the questions.
Scenario: James is frustrated and saddened by the comments his high school peers are making about his sexuality. Furthermore, it appears a group of male students has created an imposter account to impersonate him on an online dating site. Posing as James and using his contact information, they start sending out very provocative and sexually bold messages to other guys on the site. When James starts receiving e-mails from members of this site in his inbox, he is mortified and devastated.”
Questions: If you were a school guidance counselor or administrator within the school, what would you do if James approached you with the problem? What about if you were James’s mom or dad? What can James do to deal with the embarrassment? What would be some incorrect and unacceptable ways that James might try to deal with this problem?
Application: What will learners do to demonstrate their learning? (Moving from guided, scaffolded practice, and gradual release of responsibility.) (10 minutes)
I will tell students that at the front of the class I have a variety of “Cyber Bullying Scenario Cards”. I will tell them that each card has a scenario similar to the one that we just completed together as a class. I will instruct students to get into groups of 5-6 and have one member of their group come up and get a “scenario card” from me. I will tell students that I want them to use their own experiences and what they learned today in class, to discuss the scenarios with their groups and determine how they would deal with the cyberbullying situation that they received. Instruct students that they will have about 5 minutes to come up an effective way to deal with their scenario, then their group will present their findings to the rest of the class. (See attached scenarios 1-5). Students will be graded based on the attached rubric, (See: “Cyberbullying Scenarios Presentation Rubric” in Appendix IV)
CONCLUSION: How will I conclude the lesson?
Ask students if they have any questions about the content they learned today. Remind students to think twice when using social media.

Homework: N/A
Bring: N/A
7. My Reflections on the Lesson
What do I need to do to become more effective as a teacher in supporting student learning?
To be completed after lesson is taught; do for each section/class you teach


Class Group Activity: Scenarios 1-5

1.  Casey loves playing video games on his computer, especially those that allow you to link up with your friends and compete against them through the Internet. Casey has always been gaming partners with his friend Boris. Together, they are almost unbeatable whenever they compete as a team against other teams online. But one day, Casey tells Boris he has found a better gaming partner and he doesn't want to play as Boris' partner anymore. Boris is outraged that he has been "dumped" as a gaming partner for someone else and he begins to tell other people on the gaming network that Casey "sucks" at all video games and that no one should ever be his partner unless they want to lose really badly. Soon after these statements are posted online, Casey's new gaming partner dumps him and no one on the network wants to be his partner. Casey feels completely hopeless and alone.

2.  For the tenth day in a row, Andrew opens an e-mail that says, “I’m getting closer.” He doesn’t recognize the sender’s address. He wonders if someone at school is trying to scare him. On the other hand, it could be a stranger. Whatever the source, Andrew is scared. The next afternoon, Andrew is home alone. The e-mails come every few minutes. “I’m hiding in your house using a wireless Internet connection. You’ll never find me. But I’ll find you.” Frozen with fear, Andrew can’t think what to do.