5th International Conference

Structures in Fire (SiF ‘08)

Abstract Review Form

Reviewer:[T H Tan]

No. / Abstract ID.% / Q1 – Y / N / Q2 / Q3
Abstract fit with the topic of the conf.? / Rating
out of 10 / Comments
(Min. of 3 lines)
1 / C-9 / Y / 7 / Seemingly useful recommendations for better implementation of structural fire-test.
2 / C-11 / Y / 6 / The phenomenon is well known. Not clear on what new concept or technique to be illustrated. Giving it a benefit of the doubt.
3 / C-13 / Y / 8 / Useful experimental data and comparison with analytical prediction. Findings can be useful for future reference and practical application.
4 / C-14 / Y / 3 / Only conduction property is covered. Structural aspect is not included which is desirable.
5 / C-15 / Y / 8 / - Valuable and useful experimental data.
- Quite comprehensive in the no. of parameters
- The numerical analysis provides an added attraction
6 / C-16 / Y / 6.5 / The paper may provide the effect of earthquake damage on the fire resistance. If so, this is useful knowledge.
7 / C-17 / Y / 3.5 / Primary a computer simulation of heat transfer using ABAQUS. No mention on the structural significance of the study which will be desirable.
8 / C-19 / Y / 8 / - Valuable experimental data
- Finding is of relevance and significance
- Fairly rare information on such actual column behaviour
9 / C-23 / Y / 5 / Illustrations on the use of SAFIR in some applications in Romania.

* C: Concrete track; S: Steel track; T: Timber track; N: Numerical modeling track

% Replace with appropriate abstract Number (such as C1, C2,…..etc) in the column