T2 SCOPES: Week 1 (October 24-28)
1-1 (4B-R)
The diagram to the right shows changes in the concentrations of sodium and potassium ions inside and outside a nerve cell. These changes prepare the nerve cell to conduct an electrical impulse. Which of the following processes is directly responsible for these changes in the concentrations of sodium and potassium ions inside and outside the nerve cell?
A active transport
B enzyme activity
C osmosis
D transcription
1-2 (12E-S)
This diagram shows the flow of carbon in a terrestrial ecosystem.
Which will most likely happen if the decomposers are removed from the carbon cycle?
A / The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will increase.
B / The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will decrease.
C / The amount of carbon dioxide used by producers will increase.
D / The amount of carbon dioxide needed by consumers will decrease.
1-3 (9C-S)
Which of the following roles does an enzyme play when the body processes sucrose (table sugar) into glucose and fructose?
A An enzyme decreases the body’s need for sucrose.
B An enzyme increases the amount of sucrose available.
C An enzyme increase the rate at which the sucrose breaks down.
D An enzyme decreases the amount of fructose and glucose product available.
1-4 (9B-S)
The illustration to the right shows an organelle from a cell.
Which of the following organisms in a pond ecosystem uses this organelle to produce food?
F frog
G mayfly
H fish
J willow tree
1-5 (4B-R)
Cells can generate as many as 36 to 38 molecules of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from the metabolism of one molecule of glucose. Which cellular process results in the amount of ATP production?
A / Anaerobic cellular respiration / C / Aerobic cellular respiration
B / Protein synthesis / D / Photosynthesis
1-6 (9A-R)
An iodine solution can be used as an indicator that will change from yellow to dark purple in the presence of a starch. Which of the following types of molecules would turn dark purple if a laboratory test is performed using an iodine solution as an indicator?
A / Lipids / C / Polysaccharides
B / Monosaccharides / D / Proteins
T2 SCOPES: Week 2 (October 31-November 4)
2-1 (9B-S)
The following equation represents the process of photosynthesis in green plants.

What happens to most of the light energy during photosynthesis?
A It is transformed into heat energy.
B It is transformed into chemical energy.
C It is changed into carbon dioxide.
D It is changed into oxygen.
2-2 (4B-R)
A laboratory technician places red blood cells into three different solutions. Observations are recorded each minute for five minutes.

Which of the following best explains what is causing the red blood cells in solution 1 to change size of the five-minute period?
F Water is entering the cells faster than it is leaving the cells.
G Water is leaving the cells faster than it is entering the cells.
H The cells are making new proteins.
J The cell’s membranes are dissolving.
2-3 (12A-R)
Birds can exhibit symbiotic relationships between the different species. For instance, a cuckoo bird may lay its eggs in the nest of a nearby warbler bird. The cuckoo’s young will then be raised by the warbler, as the warbler will not have its own offspring in order to raise the cuckoo’s young. The symbiotic interaction this describes is –
A / Commensalism / C / Parasitism
B / Competition / D / Predation
2-4 (4A-S)
A single prokaryotic cell can divide several times in an hour. Few eukaryotic cells can divide as quickly. Which of the following statements best explains this difference?
F Eukaryotic cells are smaller than prokaryotic cells.
G Eukaryotic cells have less DNA than prokaryotic cells
H Eukaryotic cells have more cell walls than prokaryotic cells.
J Eukaryotic cells are more structurally complex than prokaryotic cells.
2-5 (4B-R)
The diagram shows a plant cell before and after it is placed in a solution. After the cell is placed in the solution, it changes shape.
Which table shows the initial concentration of solute in the cell and in the solution that would cause the cell to change shape as shown in the diagram?

2-6 (4B-R)
Which of the following organisms in the pond ecosystem pictured has the greatest biomass?
A / A bullfrog / C / The pond grass
B / A fly / D / The water
T2 SCOPES: Week 3 (November 7-11)
3-1 (5A-R)
The diagrams shown represent stages of a cellular process. Which is the correct sequence of these stages?

A / A  B  C  D / C / C  B  D  A
B / B  D  C  A / D / D  B  A  C
3-2 (4B-R)
A cross section of part of a Golgi complex is shown below.
Part of the membrane of the Golgi complex pinches off and moves away. Which of the following is a function of this process?
F to release energy from ATP
G to deliver proteins to other locations in the cell
H to collect amino acids for use in protein synthesis
J to send messages about cell requirements to the nucleus
3-3 (5A-R)
The cell in the diagram below illustrates a stage of mitotic cell division. Letter B indicates the –
A paired chromosomes
B centrioles
C cell plate
D endoplasmic reticulum
3-4 (5A-R)
Which of the following statements best describes each new molecule of DNA produced when DNA replicates?
F Each new molecule is half the length of the original molecules.
G Each new molecule has only the coding portions of the original molecule in its sequence.
H Each new molecule contains one strand from the original and one newly synthesized strand.
J Each new molecules retains the A, C, an G bases in the DNA sequence, but replaces the T base with U.
3-5 (5A-R)
At which point would hydrogen bonding between two nitrogenous bases normally occur?
3-6 (5A-R)
The phrases below describe several events that occur during the process of mitosis.
  • V attachment of double-stranded chromosomes to the spindle apparatus
  • W formation of single-stranded chromosomes, which are moved to opposite ends of the cell
  • X disintegration of the nuclear membrane
  • Y nuclear membrane formation around each set of chromosomes, forming two nuclei
  • Z synthesis of a spindle apparatus
Which sequence represents the correct order of these events?
F V  W  X  Y  Z
G W  Y V  X  Z
H V  Y  Z  W  X
J X  Z  V  W  Y
T2 SCOPES: Week 4 (November 14-18)
4-1 (9A-R)
An iodine solution can be used as an indicator that will change from yellow to dark purple in the presence of a starch. Which of the following types of molecules would turn dark purple if a laboratory test is performed using an iodine solution as an indicator?
A lipids
B monosaccharides
C polysaccharides
D proteins
4-2 (6F-R)
In pigeons, the allele for normal feathers (F) is dominant to the allele for frizzy feathers (f). If a homozygous normal-feathered bird (FF) is crossed with a homozygous frizzy-feathered bird (ff), how many different feather phenotypes are possible in the offspring?
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
4-3 (4B-R)
Which group of organelles is directly responsible for the production of new molecules within a cell?
A Ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatuses
B Golgi apparatuses, lysosomes, and the plasma membrane
C The endoplasmic reticulum, plastids, and vacuoles
D The nucleolus, vacuoles, and ribosomes
4-4 (6E-R)
The chart shows four alleles at the same locus that affect rabbits’ coat color. Each allele is dominant to the ones below it. Rabbits with an albino or Himalayan coat are more susceptible to predators. Which of the following genotypes will produce a rabbit that is least likely to survive?
A cchc
B Cc
C chc
D Cch
4-5 (12E-S)
The carbon cycle includes processes that release carbon in to the atmosphere and places that act as carbon reservoirs. The diagram below shows both major processes that release carbon and major carbon reservoirs.

Which of these disruptions would cause an excess output in the carbon cycle?
AThe destruction of terrestrial biota
BIncreases in marine biota
CA reduction in the use of fossil fuels
DA thickening of ocean sediments
4-6 (6D-S)
Which cross provides conclusive evidence that short fingers are recessive to long fingers?
A the cross between individuals 1 and 2
B the cross between individuals 3 and 4
C the cross between individuals 5 and 6
D the cross between individuals 7 and 8