PRESENT: Mickey Thompson, member, Cheryl Cotner, member and Warren V. Nash, president.

OTHERS PRESENT: Linda Moeller, Alicia Meredith, Chris Gardner, Michael Hall, Jessica Campbell, Police Chief Knight, Major Whitlow, David Hall, Fire Marshal Koehler, Tonya Fischer, Trent Baker, John Rosenbarger, Stan Robison, David Brewer and Vicki Glotzbach


Mr. Nash called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.



Farmer’s Market Bid Award


Item #1 - Steve Triplett, TSI re: Update on Reno Storm Water Project

Mr. Triplett stated that everything is running on schedule and they are currently in the intersection of Market and Silver today so it is closed and could remained closed until Friday or Saturday depending on the weather. He explained that all the traffic control devices are out and the detours are up and it seems to be going very smoothly.

Mr. Nash asked where they will be after that intersection.

Mr. Triplett stated that they will go to Market between Silver and Best and he will be back next week with an update.

Item #2 - David Herring with Alt & Witzig re: Street Cut Permit at 1964 State Street

Mr. Herring stated that they are doing an environmental investigation and they need to put three probes in the left turn lane of State and West. He explained that the borings will be done with a 2” geoprobe and it shouldn’t take more than a day.

Mr. Nash asked how that will affect traffic.

Mr. Hearing stated that they will need to close the left turn lane on State Street going to West.

Mr. Nash asked what day that will be.

Mr. Hearing stated that they don’t know yet but it will be within the next couple of weeks and he will let Mr. Thompson know when they are doing the work.

Mr. Thompson asked if he will handle traffic control.

Mr. Hearing replied yes.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the lane closure within the next couple of weeks, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.

Item #3 - Joyce Marshall with 2nd Baptist Church re: Permission to use Amphitheatre on June 20th, 2015

Ms. Marshall stated that the 2nd Baptist Church would like to use the amphitheater in 2015 to celebrate Juneteenth to commemorate the anniversary of the ending of slavery.

Mr. Nash asked what hours they would like to use it.

Ms. Marshall stated that they would like to use it from about 1:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. but they would like to get in earlier for set up.

Mr. Nash asked Mr. Gardner if the amphitheater is available on that date.

Mr. Gardner replied yes.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.

Item #4 - Vicki Glotzbach for Sherry Brown re: Handicapped parking sign at 341 E. 15th St.

Mrs. Glotzbach explained that Ms. Brown requested a handicap sign now for over six months and she hasn’t heard anything about it.

Mr. Thompson stated that it needs to go to Paul Speights

Mrs. Glotzbach stated that they have given him her contact information and they haven’t heard anything back.

Mr. Thompson stated that he would talk to him about it.

Item #5 - Michael Wimmer with We Studio re: Bus Bench Art Project

Mr. Wimmer stated that he appeared before the board at the end of the year asking for old bus benches that were in storage to use for an art project. He explained that he had one delivered to his studio and will get started on it when the weather warms up. He asked the board who he could go to in order to find out how to move forward once they are all done, namely where they can be installed and if he can get sponsors for them. He stated that Mr. Hall has put together an art committee but it is very hard to get the committee together and he isn’t sure that this project should fall under their purview as it should come from the City as to where they go and how they look.

Mr. Thompson asked that he gets some plans together and bring it back to the board when he wants to move forward.

Mr. Wimmer asked about painting murals on different private property locations around the City and if he would need their permission to do it.

Mr. Nash asked for details of what he wants to do.

Mr. Wimmer stated that it would be mostly brushed murals and he could submit plans to them.

Item #6 - IN-AWC re: Street Cut Permit at 1504 Chartres Street (leak)

Mr. Thompson stated that this has already been done.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.

Item #7- Vectren re: Street Cut Permits at 932 State St-Sidewalk, 802 E 8th St-sidewalk

Rob Philpot stated that the request for 802 E. 8th needs to be disregarded but they do need the permit for 932 State Street (sidewalk).

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.

Item #8 - Tom Galligan with Excel Excavating re: Lane closures on Best and Spring St.

Mr. Galligan passed out a diagram of the closure request on for Best and Spring Street and explained that it will need to go down to one lane so that they can tie over the water main to install the storm sewer for the Reno Avenue Project. He stated that this will be done according to State Highway specs.

Mr. Nash asked when and how long.

Mr. Galligan stated that they will get materials in the next two to three weeks and it will be closed during the day only.

Mr. Nash asked how long it will take.

Mr. Galligan stated that it will probably take one week.

Mr. Nash stated that there is a lot of right turn movement on Woodrow from Spring and asked that they try not to impede that traffic.

Mr. Thompson asked how big the area of the road is that they will dig up.

Mr. Galligan explained that the water main is in the right hand lane and they just have to go out to that to tie into it so it is about 6’-8’.

Mr. Thompson asked if the road restoration will be done as part of the Reno Project.

Mr. Galligan stated that it will be put back the way it is now by them but if they do anymore work on it after that then it would be part of the other project.

Ms. Cotner asked if they would be closing the street after high traffic times.

Mr. Nash asked what hours they are anticipating.

Mr. Galligan stated that they can work within whatever they need to work in.

Mr. Nash stated that 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. would be good.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the closure for approximately one week within the next few weeks, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.

Mr. Galligan stated that he will let them know when they start and they will contact emergency services.

Item #9 - John Rosenbarger re: 3 INDOT-LPA Agreements (State Street Signals Project and two for the Signage Project), and to announce the Groundbreaking for the East Main St. Improvements Project

Mr. Rosenbarger stated that these are agreements with INDOT to provide the federal funding for the State Street Signal Projects and the 2 Signage Project. He explained that he has recommended the numbers and they have allowed increases to occur if KIPDA approves it without them reviewing a new agreement. He recommended approval of both sets of agreements.

Mr. Nash asked him to explain the signage project.

Mr. Rosenbarger explained that it is to update reflectivity for warning city wide.

Mr. Nash asked what time period it would be.

Mr. Rosenbarger replied about one year.

Mr. Nash asked if there is anything that can be done about the constant lane changes on State.

Mr. Rosenbarger stated that generally there isn’t. He explained that alternating one-ways that make you shift back and forth allow for the alternating one-way streets.

Mr. Thompson asked if the match has been worked out on these projects.

Mr. Rosenbarger replied that State Street is and 80/20 project and the signage projects is 90/10.

Mr. Nash asked if this is three projects or two.

Mr. Rosenbarger stated that there are two projects and three agreements.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.

Mr. Rosenbarger announced that Monday, March 3rd at 11:00 a.m. will be the groundbreaking for the Main Street Project.

Mr. Nash asked how long the project will last.

Mr. Rosenbarger stated that it should be completed by September.

Item #10 - Irv Stumler re: Public Safety Issues on Silver Hills

Mr. Stumler stated that there were some incidents on Silver Hills Saturday morning in broad daylight and they are going to take some action and hope they can get some help doing that. He explained that one home and two cars broken into at about 7:15 a.m. which is of great concern to them. He explained that Silver Hills Neighborhood Association already had a meeting scheduled for March 9th at 5:30 p.m. and asked Police Chief Knight or the Assistant Chief if they could attend to address the group.

Mr. Nash stated that the signs look like they say neighborhood watch.

Mr. Stumler stated that the signs are so faded that they aren’t a deterrent.

Mr. Nash asked if the residents are up to speed on their roles and responsibilities of the neighborhood watch.

Mr. Stumler stated that he doesn’t know of any training that they would need but would love to hear about it.

Police Chief Knight stated that there is a training program that they provide for individuals starting a neighborhood watch and if they would like to do that the department would be happy to assist.

Mr. Stumler stated that they do want the training if they can schedule it.

Mr. Nash stated that they will get back with him on a date and time.

Police Chief Knight stated that she will get him the information on ordering the neighborhood watch signs.

Mr. Stumler presented pictures of trees that have fallen in the roadway and dead trees that could fall on Cherry Street Hill at any time. He requested that the Tree Board or Storm Water look into this.

Mr. Stumler requested four benches out of the ones at the Street Department to take to Mike to decorate them.

Mr. Nash stated that they are not going to pace these on private property.

Mr. Stumler stated that they don’t have to and asked if they could go on public property.

Mr. Nash stated that it could be possible and asked that he get the board a list of locations and it would be considered with the ones requested earlier.

Mr. Stumler asked the board to consider 42 additional planters in the downtown area and passed out a list of locations.

Mr. Nash stated that he has received a lot of comments on the appearance of the planters.

Mr. Stumler stated that the pansies and winter cabbage usually go through the winter but we have had such severe weather that they didn’t all survive.

Item #11- Laura Buckingham re: Outdoor seating at Bread and Breakfast and bike rack

Ms. Buckingham presented the board with a diagram for the proposal of outdoor seating and a bike rack. She explained that her business is very small and they are getting very busy and with the weather getting warmer it would be nice to have that extra seating outside.

Mr. Nash stated that they want to help her out but they have to make sure they are in compliance with ADA.

Mr. Thompson asked if she wants to put it on the Main Street side.

Ms. Buckingham stated that is correct.

Mr. Nash asked Mr. Thompson to meet with Ms. Buckingham and report back to the board.

Item #12 - Jim Book re: Permission for Bike Race in downtown

Mr. Book stated that they did the NAC last year and he is requesting that the city allow them to have another race on July 27th of this year. He presented a map of the race and explained that they had about 100 participants last year and from the biking standpoint it was a great success. He stated that there is an organization that does the High Wheels that wants to come in and do a demonstration.

Mr. Nash asked what time they would need the streets closed.

Mr. Book replied 7:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. He explained that they left one lane open on Spring Street last year and it seemed to go pretty well but there are always other options to improve safety.

Mr. Thompson stated that keeping the lane open is essential and one of the reasons it went well.

Mr. Book stated that this is something that they would like to have every year and he would invest in permanent detour signs for the event.

Mr. Thompson stated that the board would have to take it under advisement so they can make sure that all the details from last year are the same this year.

Mr. Thompson moved to take this item under advisement, Ms. Cotner second, motion carries.



Item #1 - Speed bumps in Muirfield Subdivision

Major Whitlow stated that they weren’t able to get out there because of the weather.

Item #2 - Deena Burks, NAFC Schools re: Reserve Amphitheater for August 2nd for 5K Run

Mr. Gardner stated that he has spoken with Ms. Burks and the date is open and recommended approval.

Ms. Cotner moved to approve, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.



Mr. Thompson stated that he spoke with Mr. Hamm about the project on Grant Line and they are on schedule to reopen this coming Thursday.