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From: JOHN KELLY, Executive Director

Date: January 10, 2017

C.C: Management Group

Re: Improvement Projects Update


The calendar year 2016 is now ended. As the New Year is breaking the horizon let’s look back on some of what we have accomplished and what is before us in 2017 at Santa Maria.

As we have said over the last few years …. You have accomplished much and you should be proud of those accomplishments.

There is much ahead of us as we continue to towards the ACCREDITATION CANADA SURVEY March 6-10, 2017 and as we operationalize the Provincial Standards and add Best Practices that will continue to make us a Facility of Choice in Regina.

Accreditation Standards and Provincial Guidelines – ongoing
- Continue to work with 6 affiliates on Spring 2016 Accreditation
- All 5 Standards have been reviewed
-  Look for our “Charlie Check It” Memos and Huddle Discussions.


§  Family Complaints

Much improved over the previous year. We have only one on-going issue to be resolved. Keep Communicating.

§  MDS Indicators

Santa Maria now meets or exceeds the Provincial Goals for six (6) of seven (7) of the MDS Indicators.

- Santa Maria utilizes a set of daily indicators that approximate the MDS data.

- This makes accountability a daily occurrence.

§  Roam Alert – Resident Security System

- Up and Running

§  Purposeful Hourly Interactions

- Initiated – Review this January.

§  Ethics Framework

- Updated Ethics Framework passed – Sessions planned for February 2017.


·  Staff Engagement Council and Staff Practice Councils

- Staff Engagement Council to gauge staff reaction to change in the organization will meet again in the New Year.

- Staff Practice Councils (Support, Food Service, CCAs, Licensed Staff) to assist in the implementation of some of the changes at Santa Maria and to listen to “staff concerns” about improvements they would like to see occur will meet again the New Year.

·  Equitable Funding Methodology

-  Santa Maria and the affiliated organizations are working with RQHR to determine an equitable methodology to ensure all facilities are funded equitably so that all residents receive equitable care no matter the location.

-  Discussions continue for the 2017/18 fiscal year.

·  Staff Vacancies and Overtime

- Santa Maria has changed all CCAs rotations increasing FTEs. We continue to recruit however the qualified pool is small.

- At present there are fewer vacant lines that we continue fill with relief / overtime.

- Santa Maria also changed the Licensed staff mix. Recruitment for RN/RPNs continues.

- We expect to spend over $300,000 for overtime for 2016/17. All of that expenditure is unfunded.

·  Scheduling - Processes – Software

- Santa Maria has implemented a scheduling software package.

- We are beginning to see some of the benefits of the system but the new year will bring the majority of the improvement.

- A New Scheduler is now in place.

·  New Nurse Manager

-  Whitney Hall is now in place as our Interim Nurse Manager.


·  Building Renewal - Floor Transformation Project

- Santa Maria will begin fund raising for a this project to transform our floor environment from an old hospital to a new Apartment Building.

- It will include new best practice nursing stations.

- The $400,000 Fund Raising effort will begin in 2017.

·  Roof Replacement

- The Roof on the newer (28 years old) side of the facility is in need of replacement.

- As a result of some great work by maintenance our roof replacement is now not urgent (just important).

- Planning continues.

·  Conference Rooms on each Floor

- Santa Maria has converted the linen rooms to Conference Rooms to be used for confidential conversations with families/residents/staff, as well as shift change report.


·  Standardized Cleaning Techniques

- A professional trainer from Vancouver has provided education to all Housekeeping staff on best practice cleaning and infection control techniques.


·  Streamlining Laundry Service

- Clean Laundry delivery is now 2 hours earlier which is more accommodating for residents and their care staff.

Food Services

·  NEW Job Routines

- All of the Food Services Job Routines have been revised and updated. The revisions have made Food Service delivery more efficient to meet the needs of our residents.

- A new Meal Ticket valued at $25 has been implemented for the convenience of all staff.

W:\Admwpdat\JOHN\Memos\M Improvements Update 10-Jan-17.doc