Edinburgh Airport

Noise Management Board

Heads of Terms

Date: 30/11/2016

Prepared by: Gordon Robertson

1 Purpose

The Noise Management Board (NMB) is a forum involving the airport, its neighbours and partners to ensure communities are involved, engaged and informed through open dialogue and clear data.

It will seek to work collaboratively to develop improvements to noise and track keeping performance, setting and monitoring noise targets.

This will aid mutual understanding of noise issues and facilitate shared solutions. The Board will also be a forum to discuss proposed changes, deal with general issues such as noise complaints and monitor performance.

It will form part of the airport’s wider stakeholder engagement.

The Chair of the NMB would also sit on the Airport’s Consultative Committee.

2 Meeting Frequency and Format

The NMB shall meet quarterly. It shall have standing agenda items which would be determined by the group but could include:

·  Current activity

·  Reporting against agreed parameters

·  Complaints

·  Policy review

·  Future changes

From time to time it may also receive updates on specific topics from lead experts in the area in order that the Board is fully briefed to carry out its tasks.

3 Membership

The NMB will comprise:

·  Representatives from those Community Councils representing communities under Edinburgh Airport’s flight paths to a height of 7000 feet.

·  West Lothian Council

·  Fife Council

·  City of Edinburgh Council

·  Civil Aviation Authority

·  Edinburgh Airport

·  NATs

·  Independent noise/tracking advisers

Local politicians would have an open invite to attend.

The Chair of the group will be elected from the Community Council representatives.

4 Inputs and Outputs

Clearly, this would be proscribed by the NMB on formation but suggested inputs and outputs would be:



Edinburgh Airport Noise and Tracking report

Edinburgh Airport Noise Complaints report


Minutes of meeting (to be published on EDI website and presented to Consultative Committee and EDI Board)


5 Support

Edinburgh Airport would provide the NMB with a sum to enable the Board to hire its own independent noise and tracking advisers.

Edinburgh Airport would also provide administrative support should that be deemed appropriate.