If interested in adopting from us,we ask that this questionnaire be completed and returned (copy and paste) to us ator download file at the bottom of the page.

Please do not leave any section blank.

If unsure, please let us know if you need any recommendations for vets, food, litter or cages.

If you are under 18 a parent must fill out the form for you.

Once it has been reviewed, we will call you to schedule a time to meet our adoptable ratties!

RattieTattie Rescue Adoption Questionnaire
Date: Phone Number(s):
Age: Cell:
Home Address: Work:
Do you own or rent your home?
If renting, do you have permission from your landlord to keep rats as pets?
Property owner's name and contact information:
What brought you to decide to adopt from a rescue?
What qualities are you looking for in rats?
Are there any qualities that you would NOT tolerate in your rats?
What rat(s) are you wanting to potentially adopt?
Are you familiar with caring for rats and their needs?
Where did your past and/or current rats come from?
Have you ever had to give up your rats or any other animal?

If yes, where did you rehome them?
Do you currently own rats?
How many?
What gender(s)?
If both, do you have either your males or females neutered/spayed?
Do you house them together?
What size and type of cage do you have for your rats?
(Please give specific dimensions, cage name, and bar spacing)
Where will the cage be kept?
What bedding do you/will you use?
What food do you/will you use?
How much out of cage time do you give/plan to give your rats?
Do you own any other animals?
If yes, what are they?
Have you ever had to re-home or give up an animal?
If so, why?
What precautions do you take to keep your rats safe from the other animals?
Are you adopting for yourself, or someone else? If someone else please provide more details.
Are all members of your household aware and in agreement of this adoption?
Is there anyone in your household younger than 18? What are their ages?
If so, have they ever handled small pets before?
Rats can have various health issues, are you prepared to take them to a vet when needed, as often as needed?
Do you have a vet fund set aside?
Do you have a vet already who will see rats?
If so, may we contact them?
Vet Contact Information:
Have you ever bred rats in the past or do you have any intentions of breeding rats now, or in the future?
Did you ever have an "oops" litter?
Are you prepared for up to 3 ½ year commitment?
If you are unable to keep your rats and/or continue to care for them, any adopted rats must be returned to RattieTattie Rescue.
[ ] Agree [ ] Disagree