
Missouri cancer registry Audit protocol

data collection & submission instructions


This document is a guide to help you understand an Audit.

The Audit is an evaluation of previous submissions to MCR. The audit goal of MCR is each facility will be audited once every 5 years.

The audit is conducted to determine the validity, reliability, and completeness of the case submissions. The end result of the audit will be further education in submitting cancer cases.

Because we are auditing previous case submissions the audit takes place here at MCR and not at your facility.

Your cancer registrar is key to the audit. The cancer registrar will be the contact person for the audit. During the audit the cancer registrar will be contacted for further information, we call this “Resolution”. At completion of the audit the cancer registrar will be contacted with audit results, we call this “Reconciliation and Finalization”.

The cancer registrar will benefit from education based on the audit results. This audit is in no way punitive but will be beneficial to your cancer registry efforts.

Page 2 and 3 of this document is the data collection and data submission instructions.

You have two weeks to collect and submit data to MCR.



The materials we already have at MCR are your MRDI and transmittal form.

What we will need from you to proceed with the audit are:

Hospital Admission Type/Service code key.

Hospital patient control log.

All path reports for the time period audited.

Item #1 Hospital Admission Type/Service code key

A key to your admission types and service codes. This is an explanation of your admission types and services codes, i.e. “OPS” stands for outpatient surgery.

Item #2 Hospital patient control log

A listing of cases submitted and those not submitted for audited time period.

Item #3 Path Reports

All path reports for the time period we are auditing. This will be large in volume but is necessary to complete the audit.



To protect your facility’s confiential patient information we require Federal Express, UPS, Airborne Express.

UPS, Federal Express, Airborne Express shipments must be sent to the following address:

Attention Denise Lenk/LVF

Missouri Cancer Registry

401 Clark Hall

Columbia, MO 65211

After data submission you will be contacted at a later date by Missouri Cancer Registry Staff with further instructions.