Skills Tasmania, Department of State Growth

Contact: Deb Doherty

telephone 03 6165 6012
Doc ref: D16/156690

existing worker STREAM
The Skills Fund Grant ST042

mandatory ConditionS

The RTO MUST meet the following conditions prior to making a submission:

  • The RTO MUST be fully endorsed as determined by the Endorsed Registered Training Organisation System (
  • The qualification/skill set or unit of competency listed in the application MUST be on the RTO’s Scope of Registration as the time of application.

In addition it is a condition of responding to this grant, as the Endorsed RTO, you agree to comply with the:

  • Skills Tasmania Agreement,
  • The Skills Fund Grant Guidelines, and
  • This Application Form.
  • Where applicable, funding should not be sought under Skills Fund, where alternative programsexist, eg User Choice, Career Start.

program Duration

This is a 6 month grant. Training must commence within 6 months of the date of commencement of the contract but may take longer to complete.

Amount of funding available

Jointly with the Existing Worker stream the amount of funding allocated for this grant round is up to $4 million.

How to apply:

  • Submissionsshould be emailed to –.
  • The application period is between Saturday, 3 September 2016 and 2pm on Tuesday, 20 September 2016.
  • Skills Tasmania will make an assessment against the form and if necessary contact stakeholders for further information.
  • Outcomes will be advised, on average, within 30 business days of the closing date of the grant round.

BENCHMARKS and Reporting

This program has two benchmarks. Skills Tasmania will require follow up reports.

High take up rates

These benchmarks relate directly to contract management and performance of the RTO.

The take up of contracted places benchmark is 90% or higherof the contracted places. Evidence will be in the form of AVETMISS data relating to learner enrolment and training commencements numbers.

Training satisfaction

This benchmark relates to the quality of the service provided by the Endorsed RTO. The satisfaction benchmark is 80% or higher and will be sourced from the learner and the employer who is providing the work experience. Evidence will be in the form of follow up surveys following the completion of the training.

Any surveys required will be conducted by Skills Tasmania.

Scope of Registration

Proof of Scope provided – either embedded or added as a separate document.

Contribution rates

Whilst training is heavily subsidised, contributions for full qualifications and skill sets will be required based on the size of any organisation named in the application process, as follows:

> 1000 FTEs = 50% contribution

200-999 FTEs = 30% contribution

20-199 FTEs = 20% contribution

1-19 staff FTEs = 10% contribution

  • For Not-for-profit organisations who have an FTE >1000, the contribution rate is 30%.
  • Industry Association applications - where places applied for are “General Industry” a 20% contribution will apply.
  • Jobseeker and Mind the Gap streams do not attract a contribution rate.
  • Licensing skill sets will attract a 50% contribution rate.

Industry coverage

Industry sector* / Existing Worker
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing / CIV+ and s/sets
Aged Care & Home Care / CIV + and s/sets
Child Care / CIV + and s/sets
Disability / CIV + and s/sets
Construction / CIV + and s/sets
Creative Industries
Electrical, Gas and Water Supply / CIV+ and s/sets
Food Manufacture
Health and Community Services / CIV+ and s/sets
Manufacturing / CIV+ and s/sets
Mining / CIV+ and s/sets
Retail Trade / CIV+ and s/sets
Telecommunications (cabling, NBN, etc) / CIII+ and s/sets
Tourism & Hospitality / CIV+ and s/sets
Transport and Logistics / CIV+ and s/sets
Finance and Insurance / CIV+ and s/sets
Cross Industry – sectors
(Includes Project Management and Workforce Planning quals & s/sets; Information Technology quals & s/sets / CIV + and s/sets

*Skills Fund EW Industry relates to the employers/industry associations they are directly associated with.

The Skills Fund Program
Grant Application FormST042


Endorsed RTO Details

Trading Name / RTO ID / Contact Person / Job Title / Telephone / Email


BusinessName / Nature of Business / Address / Number of FTE / Contact Name / Contact Email / Contact Telephone

Note: this information will be used in a spread sheet. Do not add extra cells, rows or lines. Do not format text. Allow text to wrap. Only the Employer applications need to complete the Number of FTEs.

Select the partner type:

Each application must relate only to the ONE partner type.

The capped number of places for qualifications and skills sets applies per partner in this grant round.

Tick / Stream / Capped number of places
Qualifications / Capped number of places
Skill Sets
Existing Worker – Employer / 30 / 100
Existing Worker – Industry Association or Regional Groups* / 40 / 250
Existing Worker – Business/Small Business** / 20 / 100

* Industry Association or Regional Group is any independent body that can describe and validate the skill needs of an industry sector or Tasmanian region.

**Business/Small Business is defined as businesses with less than 20 employees including sole traders, contractors and non-employing businesses. The group is defined as having a common training need or could be supporting individual training needs that fit in with the skills needs of a supply chain.

Student fees

Will you becharging student fees for this program? / Yes/No
If so, how much per student will you charge? / $
Are there any other fees or charges in addition to the student fee? / $

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TRAINING REQUESTED – To be completed by the RTO

QUALIFICATIONS DETAILS - The qualifications you apply for must be on your scope at the time of applying. Failure to comply will see your application rejected.

Use this table for qualifications or recognised skill sets that are listed as such in a training package.

(office use) / Contribution%
Type a whole No. eg 10, 20 / Employer Name if known / Number of Places / Qualification/ Skill Set National Code / Qualification / Recognised Skill Set Title / Nominal Hours / Full cost per learner
$ / Total cost excl. Contribution / Office Use Only

SKILL SETS REQUIRED (Please read instructions and explanations prior to completing table)

  • List groups of units in the same row where they are to be delivered as a single Skill Set Program
  • Complete a different row for each Skill Set Program
  • The Qualification National Code must be listed for each unit that will be delivered for the purpose of Scope of Registration validation by Skills Tasmania.
  • If the units of competency come from the one qualification, then list that single qualification only.
  • Laurel Nominal Hours per unit are listed at Total program nominal hours per person should reflect a typical skill set program. This figure is the total of the actual Laurel nominal hours for the requested unit(s). Please note that this figure will dictate the hourly rate.
  • Full cost includes pre-requisites and expected contribution, per learner
  • Total cost excluding Contribution (number of places x cost, less Contribution amount).
  • Skill set places are defined as:1 person doing 1 skill set

(office use) / Program Name (office use only) / Employer name if known / Contribution%
Type a whole No. eg 10, 20 / Number of Places / Qualification Code / Unit Code and Title / Total program hours per person / Full cost per learner
$ / Total cost excl. Contribution / Office Use Only
Total amount applied for in submission $

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To be completed by the Endorsed RTO.

Skills Tasmania will score all submissions. Each criterion has a maximum score of 20. Only submissions that have a total minimum weighted score of 10 will be considered for funding. The maximum score is 20.

Buy Local Criteria – in line with Government policy, this additional criterion will not be considered as part of the assessment of applications received in this grant release. Please complete the Buy Local Declaration.

RTOs prior performance in training outcomes.

Criteria 1
30% / Skills Tasmania will use empirical data from previous contract take up, completions and withdrawals (as evidenced by AVETMISS reporting).
A score of 0 will be applied if the criteria cannot be met.
RTOs may also wish to provide information on reasons for learner withdrawal.
  • A score of up to 20will be given where the contract take-up rates should be more than 90% and the withdrawal/non-completion rates should be less than 10%.
  • A score of up to 15will be given where the contract take-up rates should be between 70-90% and the withdrawal/non-completion rates should be between 10-20%.
  • A score of up to 10will be given where the contract take-up rates should be between 60-70% and the withdrawal/non-completion rates should be between 20-35%.

employer/industry support and PROGRAM OVERVIEW

Criteria 2
40% / The submission must verify that the training requested reflects the need of the employer or industry.
Provide a program overviewwhich has been validated by the industry partner/s. If successful, a complete and detailed training and assessment strategy must be submitted prior to training being undertaken.
The overview should include a description of the learning outcomes of the program, the training and assessment methodology, delivery timetables, duration of training, etc.
The employer submission is submitted as an attachment to this application. Yes / No
The Industry association/regional/small business group submission is submitted as an attachment to this application. Yes / No

Trainer experience and qualification

Criteria 3
20% / The endorsed RTO must demonstrate that it has strategies in place for ensuring and maintaining industry currency for all trainers and assessors delivering training in this submission.
Provide a list of the trainer/s and assessor/s who will be delivering this program. The list must include an outline of how they maintain currency oftheir industry and VET skills.
Note: references to receiving industry papers and newsletters will not be sufficient.
Do you intend to use sub-contractors in the delivery of this program?
If you intend to use sub-contractors in the delivery of the program, please list their details and what their role would be in the delivery of the program. Evidence of how they maintain their industry currency will need to be included in the criteria above.
Subcontractor Name and Contact Details / Role in the delivery of the program

Value for money

Criteria 4
10% / Value for money
Skills Tasmania will assess the submission holistically using the following scoring mechanism:
  • A score of 20 will be given where the combined weighted scores of Criteria 1 -3 is 16 or higher.
  • A score of 15 will be given where the combined weighted scores of Criteria 1 -3 is between 13 and 15.
  • A score of 10 will be given where the combined weighted scores of Criteria 1 -3 is between 10 and 12.

Risk Management plan

Consider the following risks to the viability and completion of this training program and complete the rest of the plan. / Contingency/mitigation action(s) / Person responsible / Risk score (using matrix below)

Partner risks

  • Partnership dissolution

  • Partner barriers in place, eg access to employees, access to worksites, etc

Learner risks

  • Learner is not progressing as expected/poor engagement

  • Learnerwithdrawals/non-completions

  • Learnernon-attendance

  • LLN and/or employability skills

Training Delivery risks

  • Trainer leaves

  • Trainer not available

  • Venue and resource not available

  • The sub-contractor arrangement fails

RTO Contract risks

  • RTO status compromised

  • Cannot fill contracted places

  • Failure to meet reporting requirements

  • Submission not successful

Other risks (please add other risks as appropriate)

Risk Management Key

Risk Assessment Matrix
/ Likelihood (Refer to Definitions right)
A. Rare / B. Unlikely / C. Possible / D. Likely / E. Almost Certain
(Refer to Definitions Overleaf) / 5 - Catastrophic / M / H / H / VH / VH
4 – Major / M / M / H / H / VH
3 – Moderate / L / M / M / H / H
2 – Minor / L / L / M / M / H
1 - Notable / L / L / L / M / M
Rating / Required Action
L- Low / Acceptable
  • Unlikely to require specific submission of resources.
  • Manage by routine procedures.
  • Monitor and review.

M - Moderate / Acceptable
  • Unlikely to cause much damage or threaten the effectiveness of the activity.
  • Treatment plans to be developed and implemented.
  • Manage by specific monitoring or response procedures.

H - High / Generally not acceptable
  • Likely to cause some damage, disruption or breach of controls.
  • Senior management attention needed and management responsibility specified.
  • Treatment plans to be developed and reported to the appropriate manager.

E - Extreme / Not acceptable
  • Likely to threaten the continued functioning of the program.
  • Immediate action required.
  • Must be managed by senior management with a detailed treatment plan.

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PLEASE COMPLETE DECLARATION FOR SUBMISSION – an Agreement to abide by Skills Tasmania Agreement.


Submissions will not be accepted unless the form below is completed and the Conditions of Contract are agreed to by the Endorsed RTO’s delegated authority, and is returned to Skills Tasmania with this submission.

Name of the Registered Training Organisation
Name of Authorised Person
Authorised Person Telephone Number
Name of Daily Contact Person
Email Address of Daily Contact Person

The Respondent

You acknowledge that:

  • this application is lodged subject to the terms and conditions in the Guidelines and this application form; and, if successful, that the approved training and assessment services will be delivered in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the 2015-2017 Skills Tasmania Agreement, available at subject to any amendment recommended by the Crown Solicitor and its execution by the Endorsed RTO.
  • Skills Tasmania may require you, your learners and industry partners to participate in a program outcome survey and post-program evaluation.

Yes, I agree

Signed for and on behalf of RTOby the person named below, being a duly authorised officer: / Witness
Print Name: / Print Name:
Position Held
Date: / Date:

Skills Tasmania, Department of State GrowthPage 1