Self-evaluation Checklist
Initial Evaluation and Learning Programme Accreditation
For Vocational and Professional Education and Training
The purpose of accreditation is to demonstrate that you are a quality operator who is committed to improving the quality of your training provision. Meeting the accreditation standards is the best way that you can go about ensuring it. We invite you to embark on the quality journey to become an accredited operator.
Please complete the following self-evaluation checklist before preparing for Initial Evaluation and Learning Programme Accreditation. The checklist helps you to evaluate the extent to which your organisation and your programme meet the HKCAAVQ’s accreditation standards. If you have any questions about the checklist, please call 3658-0183. If you wish to know how to improve your systems and practices, please visit for information on our next workshop for operators.
If youanswer “Yes”to any of the following questions, please give examples of evidence tosupport your evaluation.
(1)Organisational Management / Yes / No
The following questions help you assess how your organisational structure supports the effective operation of learning programmes.
(a)Have you clearly defined the roles and responsibilities of the management staff, teaching/training staff and programme administrative and support staff?
Examples of evidence:
(b)Is the composition of the governing boards/committees, if any, able to effectively support your training operation?
Examples of evidence:
(c)Have you clearly defined the inter-relationship among different boards/ committees?
Examples of evidence:
(d)Do you have records of any decisions made to aid sustainability, development and improvement of the training operation?
Examples of evidence:
The following questions help you assess how your policies and procedures ensure effective management of your organisation.
(e)Do you have policies and/or guidelines on how to handle conflict of interests and role conflict?
Examples of evidence:
(f) Do you provide channels to communicate with your staff on policies and procedures?
Examples of evidence:
(2)Financial and Physical Resources / Yes
/ No
The following questions help you assess how your financial resources, physical resources and budgetary practices meet your training responsibilities.
(a)Do you have evidence to demonstrate your financial sustainability over the past two years?
Examples of evidence:
(b)[For operators who receive financial support] Do you have records of such financial support for the past two years?
Examples of evidence:
(c)[For new start-ups or operators who run in deficit] Do you have evidence to demonstrate your financial sustainability over the coming two years?
Examples of evidence:
(d)Do you have guidelines or procedures for budgeting which help you to meet your training goals?
Examples of evidence:
(e)Are your physical resources, including facilities and equipment, adequate for your training services?
Examples of evidence:
(3)Staffing and Staff Development / Yes
/ No
The following questions help you assess if your staff are suitably qualified to develop and deliver the programme.
(a)Are your staff appointment criteria in line with your level and scope of administrative work and learning programmes?
Examples of evidence:
(b)Do your programme development staff and teaching/training staff have relevant
(i)academic and/or professional qualifications; and
(ii)industry experiences and/or training experiences?
Examples of evidence:
(c)Do you have ways to ensure that programme development staff and teaching/training staff have sufficient knowledge of QF standards?
Examples of evidence:
(d)Do you have mechanisms to appraise staff performance?
Examples of evidence:
(e)Do you keep records of staff appraisals and do you take follow-up actions for improvement?
Examples of evidence:
(f)Do you have measures to ensure consistency in programme delivery between full-time and part-time teaching/training staff?
Examples of evidence:
(g)Do you have policies/practices to ensure the skills and knowledge of the staff are up-to-date?
Examples of evidence:
(4)Quality Assurance (including Programme Development and Management) / Yes
/ No
The following questions help you assess how you put in place an effective mechanism for ensuring the quality of your learningprogrammes at different stages.
Addressing Industry Needs
(a)Do you seek external views to ensure that your programmes address community/industry needs?
Examples of evidence:
(b)Do you implement any internal validation process for reviewing/ validating community/ industry needs?
Examples of evidence:
Programme Development
(c) Have you clearly defined the procedures in programme development?
Examples of evidence:
(d)Do you have method(s)/policy(ies) to ensure that your programmes will meet appropriate QF level(s)?
Examples of evidence:
(e)Do you have method(s)/policy(ies)for assigning QF credits?
Examples of evidence:
Programme Monitoring
(f)Do you monitor programme delivery on a regular basis?
Examples of evidence:
Programme Review
(g)Do you consider the following when reviewing programmes:
- class observation records
- internal review results
- course evaluation results
- drop-out rate
- pass rate for modules
- graduation rate
- attendance rate
- level of learner/graduate satisfaction
- graduate survey results
- comments from external parties
(h)Do you have follow-up mechanisms on programme review results?
Examples of evidence:
(i)Do you keep records of the activities in relation to (a) to (h) above?
Examples of evidence:
(j)Do you have guidelines/procedures for handling complaints?
Examples of evidence:
Roles of Staff
(k)Have you clearly defined the roles and responsibilities of the personnel/committees who are responsible for the following functions:
- programme development
- programme monitoring
- programme review
(l)[For operator engaging third party in programme development/management/review] Have you clearly defined the roles and appointment criteria of the third party?
Examples of evidence:
(5)Programme Objectives and Learning Outcomes / Yes
/ No
The following questions help you assess the alignment of the programme objectives, programme intended learning outcomes, module intended learning outcomes and QF level.
(a)Does/Do the programme objective(s) cater for the market demand/corporate objective(s)?
Examples of evidence:
(b)Does/Do the programme(s) have clearly defined articulation/employment pathway for learners?
Examples of evidence:
(c)[For programmes recognized by professional bodies]Are the detailsconcerning the recognition/approval from professional bodies properly documented?
Examples of evidence:
(d)Are the learning outcomes of the programme and individual modules in line with the programme objectives?
Examples of evidence:
(e)Is the programme set at the right QF level according to the Generic Level Descriptors?
Examples of evidence:
(6)Programme Content and Structure / Yes
/ No
The following questions help you assess the programme’s coherence, appropriacy and relevance.
(a)When you developed the programme, did you do the following:
- strike a reasonable balance between knowledge and practice
- arrange the modules/teaching topics in proper sequence
- allocate sufficient contact hours for the programme
- identify appropriate learning activities for self-study hours (if applicable)
- assign appropriate QF credits to the programme
- identify whether a module/topic is an elective
- assign work placement, if applicable, with appropriate QF credits and QF level
- ensure that the design of the modules are consistent with the “Qualifications Guidelines for SCS-based/SGC-based Courses” (
- check the programme contents against the standards listed in the relevant UoCs
- assign QF credits and QF level to non-SCS/SGC-based modules
(b)Is the programme content up-to-date and relevant to the programme objectives?
Examples of evidence:
(c)Are the contact and self-study hours appropriately set?
Examples of evidence:
(d)Do you have standard procedures for developing, reviewing and revising learning materials?
Examples of evidence:
(7)Admission Requirements and Student/Learner Selection / Yes
/ No
The following questions help you assess how admission requirements and selection criteria ensure that learners have the knowledge and skills to achieve the intended learning outcomes.
(a)Are admission requirements appropriately set?
Examples of evidence:
(b)[For SCS/SGC-based programmes] Are specific requirements of relevant Units of Competencies (UoCs) stated clearly?
Examples of evidence:
(c)Are the methods for selecting suitable learners appropriate for the programme?
Examples of evidence:
(d)Are the special admission policy (e.g. exemption, advanced standing, credit accumulation and transfer)appropriately set? (if applicable)
Examples of evidence:
(8)Teaching and Learning / Yes
/ No
The following questions help you assess how the training methodology is compatible with the programme objectives and appropriate to the learners’ capabilities and learning needs.
(a)Do the training content, methods, and learning activities help learners achieve the intended learning outcomes?
Examples of evidence:
(b)Is the trainer to learner ratio reasonable?
Examples of evidence:
(9)Student Assessment / Yes
/ No
The following questions help you assess the validity and reliability of learner assessments.
(a)Are the graduation requirements appropriately set?
Examples of evidence:
(b)Are the assessments able to test whether learners have attained competencies at the claimed QF level(s)?
Examples of evidence:
(c)Are there sufficient assessment tasks?
Examples of evidence:
(d)Do you have assessment criteria to ensure consistency in marking/grading?
Examples of evidence:
(e)Besides the above, do you have other mechanisms to ensure consistency in marking/grading among different markers?
Examples of evidence:
(f)Do you have mechanisms to review the assessment and assessment criteria?
Examples of evidence:
(g)Do you set internal guidelines for plagiarism?
Examples of evidence:
(10)Workplace Attachment and Student/Learner Support Services / Yes
/ No
(a)Do you provide support services to learners and do learners know their rights?
Examples of evidence:
(b)Do learners have channels to express their needs and provide comments?
Examples of evidence:
The following questions help you assess how workplace attachments are structured and managed to meet the programme objectives.
(b) Do you have a training plan for workplace attachments including, for example, objectives, learning outcomes and assessment methods?
Examples of evidence:
(c)Are workplace attachment employers involved in monitoring learners’ progress and evaluating their performance?
Examples of evidence:
(d)Have you reached an agreement with the workplace attachment employers in providing enough placement for learners?
Examples of evidence:
(e)Is there any insurance coverage for learners during workplace attachment?
Examples of evidence:
(11)Student Records and Information Management / Yes
/ No
The following questions help you assess how you manage learner information.
(a)Do you have proper way to keep learner records?
Examples of evidence:
(b) Do you have any guidelines on access rights to learner records and data privacy?
Examples of evidence:
Questions/Areas of concern:
Name of Operator (English)Name of Operator (Chinese)
© HKCAAVQ April 2016
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