Chapter 10 – Agriculture AGRICULTURE AND CLIMATE
Use the maps on pages 340-341 to complete the following assignment
1. What is meant by a climate zone?
2. In what simplified climate region does Colorado fall into?
3. Hypothesize what this means for agriculture in Colorado.
4. Choose TWO MDC regions in the world to complete the table below.
MDC Region #1: / MDC Region #2:Main type of
Simplified climate
Specific types of Agriculture
5. Choose TWO LDC regions in the world to complete the table below.
LDC Region #1: / LDC Region #2:Main type of
Simplified climate
Specific types of Agriculture
Use key issue #2 to answer the following?
6. What is shifting cultivation?
7. Where is shifting cultivation popular and WHY (in relation to climate)?
8. What is pastoral nomadism?
9. Where is pastoral nomadism popular and WHY (in relation to climate)?
10. What is plantation farming?
11. Where is plantation farming popular and WHY (in relation to climate)?
12. Look at where dairy farming is clustered in MDCs. Is this related to climate or something else?
13. IN YOUR OWN WORDS: What does climate have to do with agriculture?
PRACTICE CRQ Name ______
Current agricultural practices vary greatly between MDCs and LDCs.
1. Identify the types of agriculture that are predominate in both MDCs and LDCs.
2. With reference to an LDC, discuss the historical and climatic factors that have resulted in
the current agricultural practices within the country.
3. With reference to an MDC, discuss the historical and climatic factors that have resulted in
the current agricultural practices within the country.
SCORE: ______/ 10